Former Mexican president Vincente Fox has been chimping out on Twitter for weeks.
Why is this Mexican intellectual so upset?
Former Mexican president Vincente Fox has been chimping out on Twitter for weeks.
Why is this Mexican intellectual so upset?
Trump chimps out on Twitter as well.
stupid beaner thinks anyone cares what he has to say
I didn't even know or care who the president of Mexico was until Trump went there to meet him
He seems a little mad
Because Trump is destroying him and his country.
Praise KEK, the wall shall be built. Mexico will pay for it.
Funny that this fucking puppet of drug dealers dares to talk
>restore Hillary's honor
wow what a fucking whiteknight
why is he saying "i' not paying for the wall" ? you're not the president anymore you dumb spic
>orale meester tromp i am nat paying for chur chalupas and burritos
Someone's upset
He went from based to JUST in a matter of a year lol.
>He's not a democratic leader.
What did this intellectual mean by this?
>president quesadilla
I think the wall gives him nightmares
>nor never
fucking mexican intellectuals
Toothless chihuahua.
t. corrupt spic that was owned by cartels
Top kek
That's one booty blasted bean nigger.
lol that guy is so paying for the wall.
I'm sick of this retard.
Vicente Fox likes to drink pee pee
Believe or not that was his nickname
Damn I miss the early 2000's
kek - that's the way I read his name every time.
How many of those 44 countries have citizens who can actually afford a new car?
Answer: 1 and thats the US, Mexican Intellectuals BTFO!
Because he is irrelevant
Did he reference Nazi Germany at all?
He knows it's going to be built and there's nothing he can do to stop it
Your argument in this case makes no sense and is invalid
The mehikó president is just shitting on trump for being a clown
"Dammit that wall is going to Really hurt my smuggling money"
>Mexico has agreements with 40 countries
So? US alone is ~22% of the entire Earth's economy. US, EU and China and 75 to 80% of the entire global economy. I don't think Mexico realizes how irrelevant economically it is.
Cant take a guy who's last name is quesadilla seriously.
If mexico has bad economy why are they considered intellectual?
IF you are so smart why aint ya rich? -grandpa
>mexican intellectual
How retarded are mexicans to vote for this clown
If he is so confident in Trumps failure why is he so worried?
He's not the current president, (left in 2006), and he is a meme in Mexico. His job is to basically shitpost for the conservative party while the socailist party is in power. That's the straightdope.
Lol "intellectual"
The other candidates were a full blown socialist and a literally nobody from the party that had been in power for decades.
He is a retard, just ignore him
Did he even do anything of worth for Mexico?
>Mexico teaching other countries about economy
Dis faggot boasting about how Mexicans get cucked by the government and corporations?