Rush limbaugh just said "politically incorrect, a forum on Sup Forums".
Rush limbaugh just said "politically incorrect, a forum on Sup Forums"
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Were fucked.
We post funny news and satire.
He doesn't know about our dank memes.
i don't know how to feel about this
the people who listen to Rush are basically good, hard working people
they shouldn't be here
He keeps calling it 4 channel
About half are liberals looking for outrage.
That's something I believe we can deliver on.
this man is a fucking OG.
Just heard it too and thought I'd see if there was a thread about it.
>Tfw the core of the GOP comes here, gets redpilled
Fourth Reich when?
You're right, I used to listen to limbaugh everyday before I started coming here years ago.
4/pol/ NOT KIKE/pol/
Normies have no internet culture.
the good news, is that it's an opportunity to redpill a FUCK LOAD of people. By listening to rush they've already swallowed entry level redpills like the media being liars.
tfw rush limbaugh is more authentic than all the faggot post-scientology retards infesting this site
somebody needs to think of the children
Uncle Rush is the man.
This is ultimately a good thing krautbro. Normies will come for the dank memes and stay for the redpills while accepting kek and raising the community's collective power level.
The worst leftist normies will be offended and run for their safe space.
Some sjw's will stay to draw the true believers off the path and will provide endless keks at their own expense. At the same time being slowly converted and flipped to double agents against the kike.
Übermensch Sup Forums >>>>> Cuck Sup Forums
Sup Forums was called out on my local 9-12 talker.
take back what you said about Jerry Garcia you fucking fat shithead.
best img name
hello from florida, 4channel
normies have trouble navigating this place; or just have them click on gore then they leave
Turn on a fucking radio, mang. OR better yet, you're on the fucking internet, stream a channel.
BASED RAMZPAUL laughs at the way Sup Forums showed its dominance and brilliance yet again. The libtard media is shitting all over themselves and the God Emperor is stomping their asses in the best press conference any President ever gave.
It is a great time to be alive, anons!
Time to red pill some baby boomers
I thought we were the good guys.
Was rush the one caught with OC's? He knows whats up.
Kek approved digits confirm to a certain point. Too many leftards fuck everything up though
Rush is textbook controlled-op. My boss listens to him religiously and all he does is shill for the GOP and help push down any real revolutionary change.
>muh praise kek!!!!
>muh redpills!!!
You're one of the cancerous redditors who have ruined Sup Forums
rush sent me here, can you help a newguy out?
do we do hacking here?
Our lens permits us to peer directly into the abyss. It destroys souls.
Correct. Fucking everything up is a part of the leftist mantra. However, Sup Forums is where we make our stand and it's working.
Thank christ there is at least one redpilled person here
This cunt should hang
There exists neither good nor evil in this place.
Only digits.
I'm guessing that you don't subscribe to the "humor is the spice of life" meme.
hi, I am new too, what do we do hre, lol? :)
i wouldn't go this far. He's got some very good content and has been edging closer to true redpills this past year.
that said he'll never go full on-- which is fine by me. It's our burden to deal with the hard truths but real people don't need this garbage in their lives.
>Sup Forums Sup Forums will become something conservatives read like drudge
Tbh rush Listener here.
I'm a degenerate and support the cause but Rush is surprisingly based when it comes to influencing normies
Probably never with all the shilling and shitposting that goes on here.
What was the context of naming the je.. 4 channel?
I used to always listen to rush at my previous job. The one thing I didn't like about him was his hypocrisy on drugs. Demonizing drugs saying we need to ship all.drug users to an island meanwhile he was taking dozens of pain pills(oxys)a day.
Where can I download his podcasts?
I've been here 7 years but just started listening to him last year. He's woke af
You jerk off to anime then shit post
Good, we need more senior citizens around here.
Kek. The face of urine abuse
Listen to Rush everyday in my car. Can confirm he is based
I like that drug dealing idea.
lol. Rush just said, "by electing a Black"
when did you last see a good redpill thread? all I see on Sup Forums is underage humor and other shitty slide threads done 122893 times
don't you like real girls? much better than cartoons, huh, how pathetic, what a NEEERD!
Pro Tip: Liberal women are very convertible to the right wing if you show real strength in their presence.
Mind capture all the blue eyed cuties and breed like rabbits is the real barbarian strategy to win them over.
so pol is getting another psy-op i guess...
oh god, he named us
Sup Forums changes people. Many such cases!
Let them come and see for themselves
the glory of KEK, such a eye opener
the containment field is failing
banality and indifference can be interpreted as evil.
Digits are just a the method of worship.
He's just that old back when forums were the thing.
infity pole, aka doxx chan, aka kike chan, aka cuck chan, aka crippe chan, aka commie chan, aka antifa chan
>hurr durr
You should suck his stumpy dick, just like you perpetually guzzle on Putin's jizz.
What did he completely say?
Kek confirms.
Praise him!
its my fault anons.. sorry
i use to come here just for the leaked celeb nudes and rekt gore on /b
during the election i got caught up in the memes... its not my fault the dank memes where so spicy when i shared them with normies the fire would eventually rise
have you seen hilloli and some of these traps.. my god man.. of course rush limbaugh named the /pol
Bring them to us.
The deadliest mind weapon you can drop on the mainstream media types is "You get more white children if you breed them white."
That one is like a mind tornado that shreds eons of white self hatred. Because they secretly want a whiter world. But they dare not say that out loud.
you gotta give it to the man, his research team is pretty good. probably better than the CIAs
Having this many ads should be outlawed
damn, my mastertrole ruse was seen through
you pesky kids
welcome to american medier.
not anymore.
we're the baddies now.
Rush Limbaugh is fucking trash
You're right but things will return to normal.
30 threads are created each time the electonic jew mentions Sup Forums.
Normies flood in to see what's going on.
Some like minded ones stay, the rest eventually leave.
The difficult part is maintaining the core while growing and educating the base.
It's true. If only we could save them. I listened to Rush for years before I started shitposting on Sup Forums.
When Rush speaks, America wins!!! You're listening to The EIB Network (((DIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG)))
better (simple page for mobile):
Great, now we will be flooded by normie winterfags again..
satirical board!
Hello r ddit