Breitbart News, what are you doing?!
Breitbart News, what are you doing?!
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It's a joke, making fun of shit like this that was rampant during Trump's campaign.
How dumb are you?
They are browsing here right now
Just watched the Trump Press Conference. He called CNN "fake news", refused any CNN questions, and would NOT categorically deny that neither he nor any member of his campaign staff met with Russian Federation personnel in the run-up to the election. He was extremely angry at the release, which lends weight to its legitimacy (as I expected, had the report not been genuine, he would not have been angry). He said Russia will "have greater respect for" his leadership than any other American Executorship in history. My conclusion: the report is real.
>He was extremely angry at the release, which lends weight to its legitimacy (as I expected, had the report not been genuine, he would not have been angry)
As if getting accused of something that ridiculous having done nothing of it would render one calm, with no reason to be indignant at all
that is a false notion that the common folk swallows so easily because they've never been plotted against
but if you ever need evidence that the intelligence of people is being poisoned, just look at this example
How will drug testers ever recover?
Usually when an accusation is false (and ridiculous), it's laughed at. If I said you killed and ate people, you'd go "lol wut?"
It'd be alarming if you got super fucking angry about that accusation.
>the joke
>your head
tundra rated
They're beginning to turn on him
>concern trolling
Fuck off idiot we're all veterans to shilling here.
This man is legitimately retarded. Be nice to him and agree with what he says so he does not kill himself.
>If I said you killed and ate people, you'd go "lol wut?"
What about our friend Alefant?
So what is Trump supposed to do, giggle non-stop for the next eight years? Or tell people to fuck off and let him get back to his job of running the country?
not when your election has been so rife with bullshit that the retard liberals will jump at anything. i'd be pissed too knowing that a bunch of faggot hippies would be telling their friends how i like to get pissed on
What no ones has noticed in that report-- it claims that hotel is known to be bugged by the FSB. If that were true, why would they let Obongo stay there?
I had to look it up, never heard that urine is sterile before. Where do people get this from? I keep seeing people restating it...
>Breitbart news
Urine is technically only sterile to the person whose body is making it (because viruses survive in urine but you'd already have them in your own body) and that's only if you're healthy. If you have a bladder infection, a UTI, etc. then no, it's full of bacteria as well as viruses and you can spread a bacterial infection to other parts of your body from your own piss.
>Usually when an accusation is false (and ridiculous), it's laughed at. If I said you killed and ate people, you'd go "lol wut?"
>It'd be alarming if you got super fucking angry about that accusation.
No, that's not the case. Specially when things are magnified to the degree that they were.
Anybody that thinks that this is the case is either 1. ignorant of what such experience is, 2. incapable of imagining how that experience is, 3. conditioned to think the way you described.
Such offense to one's image is NEVER taken lightly, specially when magnified, specially when it's magnified and aggravated by the stamp of an agency that the public opinion would usually trust.
>He was extremely angry at the release, which lends weight to its legitimacy (as I expected, had the report not been genuine, he would not have been angry)
Psychology 101 right there, really fired up my pink thing in m'head, please tell me more
Some people unironically think that urinetherapy is a thing.
Also, if you get a born, you can pee on burnt part to ease the pain
Not when every press outlet in the country starts running with it and demands legal repercussions for you.
They get it from
>fake news
Damn I am hungry. I could go for a pasta now.
Bleach is a base not an acid
>Also, if you get a born, you can pee on burnt part to ease the pain
russian pees on newborns for sexual pleasure, news at 11
>he was angry that people were telling horrible lies about him.
>therefore the lies are true.
So if I told everyone in your family that you were a pedophile, it wouldn't bother you if it wasn't true right?
They're having fun. That's a good title to attract non-Breitbart readers as well.
>mfw people are saying this unironically
Obviously never met a germaphobe in their lives.
i ment Bern
Urine is sterile in your bladder. When you pee it out it contains all the bacteria residing in your genitals.
Breitbart: 0
Trump: 1
don't bother, friend. it's like 8PM in russia, his blood alcohol level is probably sitting at a .60
He's a germo, that's why he is not moving into the WH.
Not amount of bleach would make him fell comfortable
the guy that runs their twitter account is a memester
I think he's just trying to be ironic
Actually bacteria has been found in womens urine.
This. He's secretly winking to us.
when did they add the Sup Forums logo to users with the pass?
its called humor, and its pretty funny imho
>Trying to play 4D chess with Trump when he's actually 27D speedcubing
>Not recognizing 15 dimensional horizontal uno