Senator Cory Booker is testifying against Jeff Sessions.
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so interesting, SAGE
Who? He looks some some corporate mocha mistake baby you'd see in an allergy med commerical. What fucking race is he? Just looking at him make me feel gross, like he just reeks of his parents' degenerate race mixing/rape
ive heard this crypto niggers name, anybody from his state have a redpill?
Cory Booker is making shit up = testifying
Breaking news
>nigger nigs, trying to get other niggas to join in on nig actions.
is he the next king nigger of the anti-white nigger party?
>wahhh I hate having laws n order n shiet
Didn't Sessions prosecute KKK members? Why wouldn't Booker like him, he's also essentially calling him a racist.
this is literally an appeal to emotion
More like Cory Pooper amirite?
ID laws are worse than Hitler
Is this the meme warfare guy? I knew I saw his face before
What is this faggot cuck shit? Sessions was literally in the fucking civil rights marches in Alabama. Holy shit wtf is wrong with these fucking cucks. Jesus
Oy vey muslim nigger testimony
Yeah its not in his record that he basically ended the KKK in Alabama
I guarantee that this guy is going to run for president next election
holy shit this faggot sounds like he's crying
ahahahha BTFOOOO
>Sessions was literally in the fucking civil rights marches in Alabama
Why did Trump pick this dickhead
Nah that's Ellison
Saved someone out of a burning building when he was mayor of Newark, NJ
Later became a senator after one of our senators died.
Because he's still A FUCKING WHITE MALE from bama (ROLL TIDE)
he looks like a high yellow version of that >tfw too intelligent to have a gender thing
He did. Everyone, even democrats think he's a great guy, it's just the typical nog faggots niggering out for political power and all that gay shit
yeah ok I'm not finishing this
he's literally giving a political speech in the senate
but Trump made bigger news today anyway
>Jeff "KuKluxKilled" Sessions is a racist and against law and order
Because he looks at us As Americans. One of his tenants is a new deal for African Americans
Cory 2020? A retarded seal could easily defeat the illegitimate, unpopular Drumpf and I for one am already afraid of what not having a black leader will do to this nation.
When will someone say that the reason black people get incarcerated more often is because they commit more crime?
>While we burn down a whole fucking city because of one criminals lawful death
>whiny nigger hour
No thanks
>testifies about civil rights
>Sessions didn't do anything
>Sessions handled civil rights and desegregation cases
Can someone bring me up to speed?
Wutz all dis bout
i've met cory booker
he's a lefty from new jersey. He's in charge of such beautiful cities as Camden, New Jersey. (nigger filled hellhole)
He was gonna cry lol
let's strike back
Sorta like when you get a sore throat and your friends say you have Strepaniggacockus
Unfortunately, I can definitely see the DNC putting him up in 2020 or later and we'll have obongo v2. Don't think he could beat Trump in 2020 tbqh.
How in the hell can they even stop Sessions' appointment?
Is this attorney testifying for or against sessions?
Not sure, even Graham gave his word to vote him in.
Sounds like for
Trump will be a one timer, quote me on this. His Presidency will be riddled with scandals and coi.
WHy is lex luther in congress
Just because you came out of the chute a little behind the curve in the looks dept doesn't mean you need to hate on everyone else.
Here's one for your noodle: he probably gets laid more often and with better-looking women than you do or ever will.
Marinate on that when you lay your head to sleep tonight.
"hope and healing from the obama administration"
obama doesnt condemn niggers killing cops. Obama supported the riots and a racist BLM movement.
I just graduated with A criminal justice degree. Let me tell you about how Obongo tries to fix policing.
I took
>Multicultural law enforcement
Consisted of hours of white guilt videos, even the niggers thought it was too over the top and almost all the white men in class were pissed the whole class and a couple of the white women.
>Diversity issues in criminal justice
An entire class designed to guilt you and make you feel bad for the failures of black people and minorities. Hardley any mention of asians or poo in loos because they dont suck as much as muslims and niggers
>Diversity Ethics
more white guilt
Not to mention (((implicit bias training)))
basically original sin for white people with a computer program designed specifically to tell white people they are racist because wait for it...
a simple association test where it prompts you to choose answers as fast as you can as a word pops up.
This is the great science that the criminal justice field is attempting under obongo
Definitely for. BTFOing the booker narrative that he's [sessions] is racist, anti poor, etc.
ya fake news scandals
People arn't bying that shit
Just like Obamas legacy
His campaign was riddled with """scandals""".
Yet, he won.
I really wish John Lewis would step down. This demcuck needs to go home and be with his family and stop fucking with government life
I think it's hilarious when I libshit steps in and defends MUH CONSTITUTION.
What about Cummings?
I just can't believe how many people on team snowflake really think sessions is some secret 1488 klansman when the guy went out of his way to fuck the klan up in Alabama.
It's almost eradicated at this point. It's so rare that if they were to meet publicly and protest or march it would be huge news. They are at best a pizza and Xbox club for old racists at this point.
I've lived in Alabama for nearly 30 years and have only seen one klan related thing happen at all. It's a meme.
And that's not erring to how disrespectful these assholes are to the real heroes of the civil rights movement. For fucks sake biased were getting bombed or boarded and beaten for having mixed race company in board. For fucks sake comparing Alabama in 1950 to now is just childish and they know it.
Cummings looks like he's about to keel over
this guy's wet lisp
Alright that's what I thought, but CNN made it sound like every black person in DC was about to testify against him.
The community policing aspect is the only angle that actually makes sense with reforms.
Cant have community policing though in a low trust society that guns down cops like niggers do though.
Give up on your bull fantasies they are disturbing, also kys.
He was actually mayor of Newark, which, to be fair, did improve somewhat under his mayorship
Say what you want John Lewis is comfy.
Ironic given that they want to change everything in it even the 1st Amendment which they love.
So why can't we do the same for BLM? They are no fucking different than the KKK was
Just keep bringing up the past like it happened yesterday.
seriously, fuck this guy.
>The unholy price we had to pay for dignity and respect
Are niggers fel orcs or something?
>Follow up crook Booker with a based Black Lawyer who said Sessions is a friend to all Americans
It will undoubtedly be ignored by the Fake News media at large, but damn seeing the full story instead of snippets really is amazing.
>tune in
>dont know who that half chocolate is
>see fucking Cummings
Why do they call him "booker" because niggers are on the run?
>Now let me recount to you a verbal history of the Civil Rights movement in Alabama.
POINT? The FUCK does this have to do with Sessions other than the typical liberal "grandstanding grandstanding grandstanding IS RACISM BAD, SENATOR SESSIONS?"
You mean Corey "I just happen to come upon people who need their lives saved by me" Booker?
booker is the biggest piece of shit, a typical career politician who doesn't do shit. he was a terrible newark mayor
>millions triggered by Trump
they aren't embarrassed by this yet we need to ramp up the mockery
Cummings never says anything with a point
For all you Eurofags watching, we call this the Martin Luther Kang accent here in the states.
glowingly ignorant white detected
>t. shitskin
I ain't even mad
I haven't been paying attention to this whole thing at all. So is it just a bunch of black people testifying against Jeff calling him a racist?
What would happen if a bunch of white people did this to Obama's last two AG failures? Would democrats have allowed it?
Here's the live feed if you guys want. I'm getting really triggered at the lack of diversity on the dais.
At least whites built a fucking nation, niggers just try and destroy it
Get on the back of the bus then and don't sit in my section.
Clapper or Jeh Johnson. Im 100% certain the MB loves Americans.
>everyone in the left is getting triggered by Sessions because even blacks love him
yeah but it was so moving
especially the part about concussions
I thought that was John Lewis that just spoke?
this is literally the same shit that our nigs do when they are in the government and are getting charged with corruption
literal nonstop chimpouts about past oppression and how its somehow happening right now during their hearing until nothing can get done because the crowd has now chimped out too
Are mulattos allowed to testify under your constitution??
Everyone knows but we aren't supposed to talk about it.
See my above posts. I have spent so much time reading crime stats and seen how my textbooks outright lie about things after I do research papers and look at government and supplementary stats, or actually confront the issue and just parade excuses after it.
i dont know man, all these frog-looking niggas look and sound the same.
This guy is pretty based.
This guy is pretty based.
You are correct