I thought it's time to introduce to you some of the prominent figures in Israel's politics...

I thought it's time to introduce to you some of the prominent figures in Israel's politics, let's start with the least significant ones:
>Name: Hertzog
>Role: the front
He's the leader of the opposition, he's basically a spineless strawman nobody knows how he got his position, but peopole in the know tell he was only chosen so as to not show any signs of any really challenge to the Religious-Nationalist government while giving a semblance of a democracy.

>Name: Hazan
>Role: drawing attention
He's a pm who used to be a pimp and a casino owner in Bulgaria, he's a nobody, but Bibi appointed him to draw attention from the real deals by filling the news with tabloid tier irrelevancies.

>Name: Amsalem
>Role: shouting
Bibi appointed him basically to shout like an Arab street merchant against Arabs and make the Mizrachim voters feel at home in Bibi's party.

>Name: Bitan
>Role: Bibi's personal Bulldog.
He's the chief of the parliament and his main job is to bark at anyone attacking Bibi.

>Name: Kachlon
>Role: a dignified populist
He's the minister of treasury, and sees himself as a potential replacement to Bibi, but he lacks Bibi's cunning shrewedness and doesn't play the political game as well as the master.

>Name: Regev
>Role: the disprivileged minority
She's quite a show to watch, the minister of culture, but don't let that fool you, she's a philistine who takes pride in never reading books. Despite reaching among the highest positions in the IDF and in the government while having an iq befitting a clerk at the grocery and being immensely rich she cries day and night she's discriminated against because of her race. Most likely Bibi appointed her to keep the press bus with sensations to the sheeple and make the Mizrachi feel they can be cultured without actually be educated.

>Name: Lieberman
>Role: Bibi's human bulletproof shield
He's one of Bibi's most hated rivals, who Bibi amazed everyone last year by making him the prestigious minister of defense. Retrospectively it all makes perfect sense now, Lieberman has been long been suspect for bribery offenses, and since Bibi's people notified him about the serious investigation undergoing on him, he nominated him to draw away all the fire when shit hits the fan (he diluted the general criminality of the ministers that way).

>Name: Lapid
>Role: contender for the throne
He's an uneducated son of a famous author whose only talent used to be being good looking when he was younger. Now it looks like he'll get the most votes in the next elections, but it doesn't matter since he won't have a coalition without the currenct government anyway.

>Name: Shaked
>Role: intelectual front
She's the minister of law. Her main importance is by giving a glimpse of what the future of Israel looks like. She's a secular nationalist-religious right who uses pseudo-intelectual western speech to establish a Jewish-messiahnic version of Iran.

>Name: Lietzman
>Role: the man behind the scenes
He's the minister of health. He's noteworthy because he exemplifies the Ashkenazi ultra orthodox job in the parliament, which is maximizing profits for their ethno-religious tribe.

>Name: Derei
>Role: $$$$$$$$$$$
He isn't the most corrupt politician in Israel, but he serves as a minister in one of the most powerful positions in Israel, in exactly the same role which he filled when he was convicted for bribery in years ago, and served jail sentence for it. He's a criminal who was let to return to the scene of his crime like nothing happaned. His role is to get out as much taxpayer money as possible for his ethno-religious sect.
In the pic he's shown with the former chief Mizrachi Rabi, whose made hundreds of million of dollars for himself by exploiting the ignorant faithful masses.

>Name: Bennet
>Role: future PM, crypto-fascist
He's representing the zionist-religious settler group, who's gaining popularity fast. He's learning fast from Bibi how to appeal to the masses using nationalistic anti Arab rethoric, but in reality he's just like the ultra orthodox and cares only for getting money for his ethno-religious tribe and nothing more.

>Name: Bibi
>Role: dictator de facto
He's known for uncanny survival skills, artful manipulations, and navigating politics which can be nothing short of genius and which can be likened to a chess master analyzing every position instantly. He discovered populism and how to appeal to the masses decades before Trump. He's been countless of times under investigations as well as many of his staff (many were convicted) but no brain can outmaenuvere his well thought ahead escape routes. He's likely embezzled in the hundreds of million of dollars but he controls the media the police and everything pretty much.

Keep em coming, plenty room left...

>nothing short of genius and which can be likened to a chess master analyzing every position instantly

My fucking sides.

pic related,

Now post Litzman and Der'i



I posted 'em, or are you blind?

Yes I am. Now post Shitreet.

He retired years ago, after he allegedly stole $50M.

This was funny to read. Does Bibi face any real potential opposition from the left in near future?

Excellent and informative thread, OP. OPs that put in effort are rare.