Why didn't we help them?
You can still try helping us
publicity or something. My dad's boss is from Rhodesia. He even fought in the bush war. He doesn't even visit the country anymore because it fucks him up emotionally.
keep fighting
Because das raysis
I want to but white liberals wont let us.
t. tyrone
The Rhodesians were screwed over by the eternal anglo who put Mugabe into power after a year of interim government. Mugabe then massacred 15-30K Matabele, partly because they were the tribe of his rival Joshua Nkomo, and he's been fucking shit up ever since.
The Brits are paying the price now. I don't know if Rhodesians would ever want to reclaim their country, but it's a tragedy what was done to them.
If I am ever able to run for Prime Minister and win I will invade South Africa, repel the niggers and their stupid nigger politicians and take control of it, I'll do the same to Zimbabwe, Kenya, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, and the Congo. We will make Africa White again and, by extension, great again.
Most Rhodesians were Anglos though, including their leader
>checked hitlerdubs
after the UDI they were Rhodesians
stop splitting hairs, maplefag
They no longer saw themselves as Anglo after the Brits choose niggers over them.
Son of woman who fled Rhodesia
Press F you wankers
Because white men do not belong in Africa
Come home white man.
Pls no Rhodesia feels thread
Says the american
My family lived in Rhodesia
Jamaal,you are a kaffer and will always be a kaffer
What happened in Rhodesia someone redpill me I dont know shit
We had our own nigger problem.
In america its bling bling but in afreeka its bling bang huh?
The Eternal Anglos
White colony, they create an apartheid-like regime, commie black nationalists fight them, West sanctions them, then they finally give up and Mugabe comes to power while Zimbabwe turns to total shit.
>by the way, Israel supported both SA and Rhodesia
didnt wanna piss off the uk
Rhodesia will rise again, look on Sup Forums the 23 January.
How?All the whites were murdered or moved away
(((White liberals)))
It was very different to Apartheid. Rhodesia and Ian Smith's visions and policies were actually pretty "progressive" and could technically be viewed as cucked by many on Sup Forums. Smith actually thought that in a few generations time all people of all colour would actually be living side by side as one. That's the actual sad part, a man with good intentions get brought down.
Commence dump? I have close to 200.
we did everything we could
Because USA hated them and hated us.
Israel funded the ANC while pretending to be friends with SA. Where do you think Israel got their nukes from? They wanted to destroy SA, and did, to get nukes. Who do you think were behind all the anti-apartheid propagana? I'll give you a hint, the same people behind civil rights in the US.
Well I don't think all blacks were against them were they?
>hard mode: no "muh gibs" argument
That doesn't make any sense. They also helped SA get nuclear weapons.
>Ending your declaration of independence with "God Save The Queen"
It doesn't get anymore British than that, burger.
I read bitter harvest and he genuinely seemed like a nice person who was trying to do his best in the face of Westminster who had its head up its own arse.
Not all, and we are moving into an area with no government and few niggers.
You know it was actually the British political elite which pressured the South African government to remove their police force and support from Rhodesia?
They fell for the Anglo trick and thought they would be left alone if they did what they wanted.
They were wrong.
35 000 still live there believe it or not.
Against the Rhodesians? Not at the start - they got free education, cheap healthcare, rights (especially if they did schooling) and access to everything whites did, but after years of brainwashing by the communists (they were promised that they'd all get homes, cars, better jobs etc) they turned on the whites. And that's when it got messy and violent. If they had just stuck it out and trusted Smith they'd be a very prosperous nation by now. Things were going really well at the start and the country was developing at rapid speeds.
dump your folder user
I lost a bunch of my rhodesia pics
Yeah in retrospect I bet some feel like idiots.
They do but wont admit it because niggers cant admit that they need whitey to survive
bump for Rhodesia
>You know it was actually the British political elite which pressured the South African government to remove their police force and support from Rhodesia?
Color me surprised
the eternal anglo strikes again
They were bad goyim
Do it user
>Unilateral Declaration of Independence
>Declaration of Independence
You're a kraut so clearly you've forgotten the meaning of the word
Great man we're all counting on you. Everyone calm down down this faggot has the situation under control.
>seeing this post
>not recognizing how low the average age on Sup Forums actually is
Its glaring
Thatcher did many great things but her record on foreign policy was atrocious really. Shafted the Hong Kongers, didn't protect white interests in Zimbabwe then refused to back Rhodesia, was one of the people responsible for the fall of South Africa.
Worst of all of course is she hated the EU but refused to take us out meaning we had to put up with mass migration for 13 years under Labour
commence please
Same story here m8
I remember being ashamed to be British when this shit went down.
Jmmy Carter. All you need to know.
My favorite unit is the 1st battalion light infantry. mainly composed of Rhodesians, but supplemented with American Vietnam veterans, british imperialists and global anticommunists.
were an incredible fighting force aswell. nicknamed the incredibles
Feels time
Why don't you guys just give your country back to niggers and return to England with the agreement the UK gets to send all its niggers and Arabs back to Africa? Seems like a fair deal.
I dont hate u
because asshats in our government took this to mean all european colonies not just the americas
>being this old and posting on a Malaysian clothstamping imageboard
Loyal to Brit gov ≠ British at heart
Because "oil".
how is life there around blacks
Ever heard of Google you stupid fuck?