lifetime 9:1 k/d ratio
Lifetime 9:1 k/d ratio
So close to a Killing Frenzy
What's the 1 for? He's not dead and probably not for another 30 years of appeals on deathrow. Guess what we'll all die someday. Until he's killed, it won't count.
I thought only Texas could legally execute retards..?
Too bad he didn't use any of his killstreaks
Can't wait until he gets his asshole reamed out by a well-endowed black man.
he has an infinite K/D ratio you retard
lim as d-> 0 9/d = infinity
Can someone explain to me why he's pleading for lifetime instead of death penalty?
Am I the only one crazy enough to prefer ending it rather than rotting away?
You're an idiot if you think he's gonna get put in gen pop
Daily reminder he did nothing wrong.
Honestly he deserves death.
He could've been a hero, but he chose to gun down a bunch of niggers in church. Why not go down to the unemployment services/welfare office and take a few leech niggers off of our hands? Yeah a nigger is a nigger, but at least the niggers he killed were actually going to Church and not just saying they were.
Death row inmates are essentially kept in isolation for their entire stay. He probably won't leave his cell again unless it's for official business
Its about removing them.
It would be mor effective if he did in in a Kindergarten though
Because when the monkeys attack us, they target good people so he returned the favor. When nigs chimp out on whites they don't go to the welfare office and cap a few meth heads do they? So why would he?
So essentially you're admitting to the fact that Roof is just a white nigger. Gotcha.
Literally killed nine people. You don't just kill niggers because you hate them.
Because he knows what is coming. And he wants a chance to be a part of it.
he deserves death.
as another user said, he chose church blacks instead of street niggers to kill.
>I am too dumb to understand demographical race war
its okay user, just kys tonight
Because blacks kill good people not street wiggers.
>durr killing is niggur don't be niggur
They were civil rights dinosaurs that have inevitably contributed to the further destruction of white society. Honestly, you whites that feel the need to constantly signal against Roof, particularly on a fucking anonymous image board, really need to shut the fuck up.
back to the donald goyim
There is no race war you collectivist shithead.
We're individuals. Not every black person is a criminal nigger, just like not every white person is an autistic mass-murderer with a bowl cut.
If shit were ever to hit the fan, I'd sooner gun down white trash losers like yourself than law-abiding blacks. You're no different than niggers as far as my weapon sights are concerned.
t. Cucky McCuckerson
he could kill himself to get up to 10:1
Haven't you heard? We're supposed to be equal.