Trump calls MSM FAKE NEWS!

Holy shit can you be more based!?

b-b-but Mr. President Elect, I wanna question boo-hoo

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I wonder what Trump considers to be real news.

2016 is the gift that keeps on giving

Everything that is not CNN or Buzzfeed because if you watched the stream he praised the NY Times for being impartial and professional in this issue even if he hates them

Get out Burger Shill.

>Proceed with your thread Mohammed.

What about Washington Times?
New York Times?
Wall Street Journal?
Huffington post?
Fox News?

Sup Forums obviously

All clapped when he called CNN fake news, except HuffPo

What have I missed in the last 2 hours? Had to go out to class and can't watch the hearing anymore.

Any article that praises him is real news.

Any article that criticizes him is fake news.

Ahh okay I get it. Anything that doesnt agree with his views is fake.

>first presidential news conference
>...Buzzfeed, which is a failing pile of garbage"
2017 is starting out well kek

>Mr President, thank you for explaining your views on Mexican immigration, but may I put it to you, as a counter-argument, that you got prostitutes to piss on Obama's bed?

>Hurr Durr Ahh okay I get it. Anything that doesnt agree with his views is fake.

>2017 starts out with Sup Forums literally breaking the news cycle

This is definitley a sign of things to come.
2017 is KEKs Year.

>people clapping after he called CNN fake news

>compares the FBI to Nazi Germany
Does this mean we're on the FBI's side?

>he isnt even president yet
>mfw the password is password


>wahh wahh why didn't Trump spend 10 minutes listing off every single news organization he thinks handled the recent fake report properly wahh wahh

Really nigger?

literally putin
West has been saying that Russia has no free speech, putin kills journalists and other bullshit propaganda
and what do we see, Trump doesn't allow a journalist to ask a question in the land of freedom

trump is allied with Israel because Israel broke its alliance with the Neo-cons, and Nazi Germany is their historical enemy

Sup Forums isn't on anyone's side, the hivemind is disorganized

But I bet you kept refreshing the CNN home page during the Clinton email dump.

>wahhh Trump is actually a fucking cuck that can't be true it's fake news and created by /pol!!!!

Fuck off and die fagot.

You are stretching the definition of journalist, mouthpiece is more correct


No, actually.
Most of us were going straight to the source, as we don't have to rely on propaganda machines to create a narrative

I'm sorry you were lied to. I truly am
But Trump is President now, and the fake news bullshit you liberals have been doing in previous years isn't going to work anymore

>Killing journalists is the same as refusing to answer their questions

im watching the press conference right now and he's answering the first question. youre telling me trump sat there and read Sup Forums fan-fiction with intelligence officials?

Trump himself is fake news

You'd be wrong, retard

Fake News!

Wow I'm good at being a trump supporter

Im sure you read thousands and thousands of emails instead of reading the summaries from CNN right

Everything thay doesnt agree with my narrative is Fake News

Ya, that's what we do here.

Sounds like it, some fucking lame fake news story about a m6 brit James Bond hacked Russia and stole some documents right out of putins safe.

And they wonder why trump didn't believe it


>turns out it literally was a fraud

So its not fake?


Lol, where the fuck do you think you are?
I read through about 1000, maybe more personally and my contribution was pretty minimal

But yes, some of us scoured through all of those emails. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat

I'd like to point out that he fielded a question from Breitbart right after that exchange. So it seems like he's not cutting out fake news organizations completely.

Did that big ol' meanie Breitbart ask a fake question?
Do you wanna cry about it a bit, lad?




2017 will hopefully see the end of Buzzfeed, Occupy Democrats, NowThis Politics (or any of the NowThis pages), etc.

Sup Forums went through them in countless general threads, posting their own links and picture as they found what they thought were important details

Why don't you know this?

Fuck off, FSB.

The CNN reporter wasn't even asking anything crazy, Trump just flipped the fuck out because he knows his piss history is blown.

fuck off kike

Any normal human being would have told him to shut the fuck up and close his shit eating mouth. Trump acted with far more restraint than most would have.

Fake News

>actual news

>fake news
>aww cry some more cuck

Breitbart do bring fake news stories though. Obviously not always, but sometimes they do.

glad to see pol still cheerleading the most status quo nominee in decades.

His entire cabinet is either neocons or straight from wall-street....

Because he's not from Sup Forums.

The man knows how to defend and stand up for himself unlike you sissy fuccbois

>mfw normies were relieved 2016 is finally over

There's another one.

UK behavior is among the worst and rudest in the world though so your opinion is pretty irrelevant on the issue.

Have you seen any political interview? That's the fucking norm for them

btfo MSM

I wonder when we'll be getting a MLG version

>Buzzfeed reports on some unsubstantiated 50 Shades of Gray fanfiction involving Trump
>He calls them and CNN out on propagating unsourced, libel-ridden claims
"Hurr, that's real news guys"

>Breitbart reporter asks Trump a reasonable question
"Hurr, y u answer faek news question, Dolan?"

This is great. The retarded asshurt liberals in this thread are great. It's also great to see the "fake news" Boogeyman that the left created to try to delegitimize Trump's win is also blowing up in their face.

Because all I saw were Wikileaks summaries.

>Donald Trump cucks Sup Forums


Why is rëddit here?

You eat your mothers asshole out. I will tell everyone, even if its not true. If you conplain about it your a faggot.

See what I did there. Trump had every right to bitch slap him.

I wasn't expecting a rational argument from you and somehow I'm still disappointed

Though I suppose when you get to that level of delusion, a story about Trump hiring prostitutes to pee on a bed Obama once slept in out of spite seems pretty reasonable

You didn't see shit reddit


I wouldn't say fake news, I'd say that they interview some people with crazy opinions and give them a platform

We're always here, and Sup Forums is always in reddit

>making up a random thing
>thinks that's anything similar to substantiated info about Trump

Trump is a piss-drinking autistic manchild who sold us to the Russians. Get the fuck out of my country, FSB scum.

Is it true? I don't know! We're just asking questions!! Loaded questions!!!

>mfw you just cut out the text that said exactly that and used the picture to try to steal a joke.


He Is Becoming The Definition Of Based

breitbart and infowars

It's a conclusions mat.

It has different conclusions, that you can then JUMP to!

>Substantiated info
The "source" is BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed is not even Breitbart/Huffpo tier "fake news". BuzzFeed is tier clickbait trash. Why would they have gotten anything even semi legitimate?

Everything doesn't have to be 100% true or verifiable for Donald to still cuck you

>Trump supporter talking about jumping to conclusions

how cute

They add details without naming sources and blow things out of proportion, they are sensationalists, because they need the clicks.

he also dresses up in jammies courtesy of FSB and watches animu with whores, and yells at the top of his lungs that I HAVE THE #1 POOPY, NOBODY TAKES BETTER POOPS

wise men know this

Literally not an argument.

>Believe me guys, the CIA told me Trump hired Russian prostitutes to pee on a bed while he laughed
>S-stop asking for proof, just believe them

You have to go

the fact that there are already dozens of those images, printed on real paper and taken with a real camera, proves the lengths that trumptards will go to distract from the real leaked article.

don't be a fucking terrorist sympathizer. grow a dick before it's too late.

The source is a ex-MI6 agent and John McCain and the guy who broke watergate Carl Bernstein


Has there even been any confirmation that it's actually a CIA document, or is BuzzFeed just claiming that it's a CIA document?

Wheres the proof of Podesta emails?

Just go

The source is a ex-MI6 agent and John McCain and the guy who broke watergate Carl Bernstein, not BuzzFeed

And this has been confirmed by them?

>projection: the post

Amerilards are almost universally (and rightly) seen as the most obnoxious, stop lying you faggot.

Not to that extent. Not for thirty seconds after Trump signaled that he didn't want to answer a question from hack ''''journalists'''''

>NYpost is fake news

Well then provide a link to said evidence or you're also full of shit.
> fucking leaf

Assange formally requested that the DNC and John Podesta compare his documents to theirs if they'd like to question the authenticity of the emails
Next question?

Doesnt he have the right to not answer questions? Pretty sure that is a right too

>bullshit propaganda
Shiet, were you even here during the election? Who was it that pushed bullshit propaganda? the democrats.

I haven't followed the pee pee poo poo story so I don't give a shit about that but how can anyone who graduated high school listen to Trump talk and enjoy it?
Everything is "very very good" or "very very bad," he repeats himself endlessly and fills time with random meaningless shit like I did when I was presenting powerpoints in fourth grade. He ended his conference today with a fucking catchphrase from his reality show. He is the worst public speaker I've ever seen.
Can anyone actually explain why you find this nonsense inspiring beyond shouting about cucks?

So wait a second, it turns out Russians actually did hack us? Wtf I'm confused. I thought the whole deal was that they hacked us to help Trump win and it was proven false

>MSM chimps out thinking the whole world revolvs around them
>"You are fake"
MSM, it is over. You ruined your value.