How was this guy? I missed his hearing wasn't home at the time. Does he seem alright? Is he /ourguy/?
Or did he fuck up miserably.
How was this guy? I missed his hearing wasn't home at the time. Does he seem alright? Is he /ourguy/?
Or did he fuck up miserably.
It's happening now, retard.
He'll be the best SoS in decades.
he's a standard neo-con
doesn't want an nuclear arms race. liked him but not sure now
Not even close.
>go remove kebab snownigger
He fell for quite a few gotcha questions sadly.
like what?
Thanks. How's he done so far?
Ahh that's a shame. I don't know anything about this guy so I don't know if it's good or bad if he makes it or not. I was really worried Sessions wouldn't pass but he turned out to be an awesome guy and handled himself really well during his hearing.
supports tpp..
Only saw the part before lunch, but he masterfully handled congress and with few exceptions matched my ideal for a secstate.
He's not even a politican lol
Admitted man made climate change
Doesn't support muslim ban
Won't commit on Cuba
Admitted to lobbying for Russia
Some woman in the background kept screaming about protecting the vulerable people and stopping exxon from destroying the world. Rex just smiled and kekked internally until she finally shut up. Overall pretty solid performance.
Its getting pretty ugly. He's coming off like an amateur who didn't prepare.
he was in a tough fight to his nomination confirmed BEFORE this hearing started and i doubt hechanged anyones mind. Probably the most likely of all Trump's nominations.
He was a shitty pick anyways: no experience with lots of conflict of interest stuff during his business ties
>Admitted man made climate change
must have missed that
>Doesn't support muslim ban
neither does Trump
>Won't commit on Cuba
commit to what? it's not up to him he said as much
>Admitted to lobbying for Russia
sanctions against russia are stupid
Bias alert: I hate Trump
Tillerson concerns me but he is definitely knowledgeable. He should take a stand on some of these issues re human rights but he defied Trump on things where he should defy him re nuclear proliferation.
I don't think he is garbage. Maybe not my favorite person but definitely not the devil. He is well spoken and has thought about the complexities of these issues. More qualified for president than Donald. Still need to know where his allegiances lie.
What I heard him say about climate change is that it's clear that human activity is leading to increased co2 levels but that we're not very good at predicting what the impact of that will be.
Pretty reasonable assessment. On the other hand he's pro carbon tax, and even if he sees that as a legitimate tool to achieve his ends it would be worrisome to see such a thing make it into law.
What are you talking about, hes doing very well. He's poised, calm and has responded well to the questioning.
I'm a yuge Trump supporter.
Yes, he is far more intelligent than Trump.
I think Rex will do an awesome job.
>it would be worrisome to see such a thing make it into law.
Why? Climate change is a real, serious issue and it must be addressed as such. If Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon can admit that, then why can't you?
>bias alert: I hate trump
Hello, reddit.
I disagree.
Hello the majority of Americans
he said he will not recognize crimea as russian territory
Illegals don't count as Americans.
>it would be worrisome to see such a thing make it into law
Why? Taxing polluters proportional to the degree of their output is perfectly normal.
It's an Enron derivatives scam to fund the new world order and control all life, effect a gaian one world religion, depopulate the earth, etc. etc.
And it wouldn't even really do anything to change the climate except for when we get to the part where most of the humans on th earth are gone.
That argument would require one to believe that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.
>muh taxes
I think you're a retard. We do have an effect, but we don't know the degree.
I've been watching for a bit. There's been a few points where they put the screws to him but I feel like he has done an insanely good job answering everything. He would have to absolutely botch upcoming questions to screw this up at this point.
>scam to fund the new world order and control all life, effect a gaian one world religion, depopulate the earth, etc. etc.
Thanks for letting me know upfront that you're retarded. It makes things simpler.
wow rly made me think
I love Daniel Hannan. His speech on Brexit was brilliant. I wish this fucker was in UKIP.
It sounded like crazy talk to me at first as well. It took me about 3 years of furious reading to become convinced against my better judgement.
Bear in mind that both your carbon and water foot prints, as part of your global medical records, go into the equations used by IBM's Watson computer to determine what level of medical care you will receive. That's all part of what Obamacare is really about.
He's doing fine. Playing things very safe, maybe too much so to keep all sides happy, but he's not going ham on Russia, which is nice.
Now he is, and he spewed neocon talking points
>Tillerson saying that the science is inconclusive and that more science should be done to get a better answer
>Libshits get mad
>Muh climate change causes terrorism
>Syria and climate change
Such bullsht. Whether you were a farmer or some urbanite in Syria, you were inspired to rebel against Assad if you had a stake in doing so.
Had nothing to do with droughts.
Yeah, when a question looks like
>Vladimir Putin, who INDISPUTABLY killed millions of children with his bare hands, and congress signed a bill to sanction him. Would you advice Trump to sign it?
>I wouldn't have to advise hi-
Stay out of my territory.
Why is the potential head of state, the head of foreign affairs, being asked about Climate Science again?
>believe that carbon dioxide is a pollutant
You burn stuff and it makes gas that does not belong there. It is no different to dropping litter on the floor, you are responsible for picking it up.
Excise duties do discourage drinking, driving, smoking. That is because the taxed experience is the same whatever the taxation level, a pint of beer is just as intoxicating taxed or untaxed.
The difference is incomes taxes are relative to the service provided. The value of income taxes is variable, depending on the offerings in other jurisdictions and the effectiveness of the state. If Heaven had a 70% tax rate, people would not save their money and live in Somalia.
Your friend is comparing a moving target with a stationary one, do not make the same mistake as he is.
But carbon dioxide does belong there, silly. It's called the carbon cycle and its the basis for most life on the planet. If there were too much of it, we could simply react it away down to a preferable level. Just slapping a tax on it does nothing other than make the rich richer.
they ran a promotion for sterilization programs on swedish public radio
Or it just means he agrees with all the neocons that came before him, don't be disingenuous just because you're a trumpfag
>change from a limited resource to a renewable resource
>jewish trickery
if anything, jews would try to destroy renewable energy to earn shekels
>Is he /ourguy/?
no he's Putin's guy
If you compared income taxes with a tax on an incredibly desirable item, such as having children, then your analogy would fall apart.
In absence of alternatives to move between Western states of varying tax rates, the analogy still holds the same. Besides, the nature of our welfare/taxation system discourages people from getting off the teat of the government anyway.
Because climate science is like scientology. And these fools in the senate want to make sure he will join their cult ((he won't)).
So what you're saying is, based on context there are at least two different conclusions that can be drawn. I agree with you, we should wait to see what he actually does as SoS before judging him
Well they play both sides, see. Even big oil companies have significant investments into green stuff so that they can make money on both sides and to kiss the ring of the climate nazis.
>raisin bran
He played everyone's question right down the middle. Including the Putin question. How he actually operates once confirmed will be another topic
>be a jew
>national shekel-grabbing schemes grinding to a halt
>realize that you need to take your shekel-grabbing schemes GLOBAL
>develop climate change meme
>OY VEY you need to pay your carbon tax or else IT WILL BE ANUDDA SHOAH
>OY VEY, did you get your emissions certification? you need to
>OY VEY, your business is polluting too much, here's 6 gorillion citations from the EPA. this is forcing you to China? that's too bad.
>You're moving to China? MASEL TOV! Here's a massive investment from Citigroup. Here's more government policy that'll help you acquire the proper capital to make the move. Long live cheaper labor costs!
The last thing we fucking need is the government taxing all human activities or Wall Street speculating on all human activities (since everything pollutes).
I'm surprised none of you fucks realized that climate change is a bonanza for the corporate establishment.
>OY VEY, did you get your emissions certification? you need to buy one from the government or visit a (((broker)))
>OY VEY, your business is polluting too much, here's 6 gorillion citations from the EPA. this is forcing you to offshore to China? that's too goo-I mean oy gevalt what a disaster.
>He played everyone's question right down the middle.
Are we watching the same hearing?
You have to go back.
Of course he is not going full "fuck sanctions, go Russia" -mode because he really wants to get confirmed. After that he doesn't need to deal with that kind of bullshit anymore.
I got really happy when Trump chose him. I admired this guy for years, because he was the CEO of Exxon, one of my favorite corporations.
Watching it right now. He seems incredibly competent and articulate, more so than the average republican. He doesn't squirm when the heat turned up.
>insinuating you watched this since 9:00 in the morning for 8 hours
hes doing fine
Because there are treaties with other countries regarding it. Sounds like a State Department's job.
>He seems incredibly competent and articulate
This is what a political discourse with Donald Trump in the spotlight does. It makes a competent, professional politician or civil servant look like Gandhi.
rubio needs to fuck off
except the "tax" is a form of finite credits that you can buy effectively sealing in perpetuity or until revised, all of the major international oil companies and owners of coal powered plants like GE.
if the so called carbon credits are less expensive than the fines they pay now, then why wouldn't they want to stifle their competition while saving more money?
this is why "climate change" is a disingenuous topic of debate, because the legitimate arguments have nothing to do with ""science"" or whether or not people pollute, but everything to do with the so-called solutions. So far the solutions have been almost entirely, "make energy more expensive to produce and use."
Well he jerked himself off nicely
he's one of the good guys being grilled by neocon scum
he can't say too much or he'll lose his chance to become sos
poor fucker, I hope he gets through this shit
Do you think he's won any dems over?
I like to think so.
fucked up
Hear bubble boy Rubio called Putin a (((War Criminal)))
He is. So is Obama. And Saudi King. It's not worth bringing up at this point, but Rubio really wanted to take a high road here to feel good about himself.
T Rex is our guy.
Well they need to prove the anti-Putin stance so they can discredit anybody who won't disavow.
He's making this hearing seem like a cakewalk. I guess when you're in charge of a company that pushes more money then some nations do something like this is child's play.
>Hostage to Canada
>How was this guy? I missed his hearing wasn't home at the time. Does he seem alright?
Doesn't seem to have a lot of thoughts on things he hasn't been briefed about, which is just about everything because he's not cleared to be briefed using classified information. Which is to say he's pulling a typical snow job to avoid making statements. Also though nominated to the position of SecState claims to have not talked to the president-elect about one of the principal countries with which he'll deal as SecState. Which seems odd.
>Is he /ourguy/?
Die in a fire.
He's cool as a cucumber and the Obama Jr. is even going to vote for him.
Then you don't know anything about American foreign policy: and he was savaged on the conflict of interest issue surrounding his business ties.
I'll be VERY surprised if he gets confirmed.
t. Retard smallbrain
Even Corey Booker, the Demshits 2020 golden boy cosigned him.
He's in. Rubio manlet B T F O.
The dems are going to oppose most of Trump's nominees out of the gate as a matter of party policy. That's /ourguy/ thinking for you.
At least they'll end up losing more seats next year
I think the point is we should be moving towards renewable energy and lower pollution but shouldn't be burning everything down to the ground and become depending on government subsidies for energy.
But Putin is our guy
>Taxing polluters proportional to the degree of their output is perfectly normal.
>Wanting the government to run health care is perfectly normal.
>Choosing a partner outside your race is perfectly normal.
>A person choosing to identify as any gender they want on the gender spectrum is perfectly normal.
Here's your (you).
Conflicts of interest aren't a foreign policy issue. What the fuck are you on about?
>Too my knowledge Exxon never lobbied against sanctions against Russia
he fucked up didn't he?
I doubt it. The party of the incoming president typically loses seats in the first mid-term as a matter of course, and Trump is already coming into his honeymoon period at unprecedented unfavorables. The country may deem it appropriate to punish the Republican party as an outflow of their dissatisfaction as to their choice(s) for president. Add to this the Dem's strategy to rely on Trump's crew of governmental neophytes having a rocky start while they oppose everything and demagogue; that'll give their coalition good momentum for 2018. To counter, Trump's admin will have to come up with solid legislative or a visible foreign policy victory, one that will stand up to partisan efforts to knock it down.
I feel like he did pretty good, I think his experience in dealing with other countries in oil will help tremendously, since oil is the single most important resource in the world and especially in Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran. China as well (South China Sea dispute). It will also probably help in helping Trump fulfill his widh in seeing America produce more of our own oil and stop being so dependent on the Saudis.
This man means business.
In various ways, but perhaps not enough for his nomination to be held up.
>Gender spectrum
if they decide to press him on this he technically committed perjury since as CEO he should be aware of the lobbying efforts of his own company
most of our recent presidents are
Hillary was too
how does a billionaire have such crooked teeth
it was what shocked me the most about him today