What does Sup Forums think of Terence Mckenna?
Peak degenerate that died as he lived.
Didn't he predict memes and meme culture?
In fact didn't he coin the term meme? Not entirely sure.
can't say for sure but I've definitely heard him use the term on many occasions
I don't know him but I did learn some things about psycho-tropics and Mcluan from him. He's a very erudite man. I like him.
Found it
The word meme originated with Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene.
a woo woo merchant who belongs on /x/
based dawkins
Check out Jan Irvin's search on this man(cia aspect etc.)
Richard Dawkins coined the term meme.
He probably had some pseud-ish beliefs but his verbal intelligence was astronomical
>takes psychedelics
dude, reality is a product of our perceptions. nothing can be trusted.
...except the experience I just had when I altered my perceptions!
He was a based sage. Underage trash here on nu-Sup Forums can't understand a single thing he said because """""""""drugs are degenerate""""""""""
If you're not a underage edgy little shit go ahead and read some of his works. Seriously underrated great man
Your perception is already altered you idiot
>Being an underage little shit nowadays means staying away from drugs, being successful, and valuing western society
I can't wait until the hippies die.
sounds soooooo elegantry faggotry hystery
Meth and hard addictive drugs are degenerate
Psychidelics are not
>staying away from drugs
It's your choice. However if you're staying away """drugs""" because (((they))) told you so you're a fucking slave. Such plants are god given tools and even some of your prophets consumed hallucinogens
>being successful
You mean being a automated drone, a wagecuck and leading a meaningless life?
>valuing western society
top kek
Is this the same great western society we all have been bitching about on this board?
Let me be clear. I agree with the first part. I know our perceptions are unreliable. I only trust thoughts during psychedlic experiences to a lesser degree because I am explicitly heavily altering them.
>Willingly inducing psychotic symptoms
>Not degenerate
Reality is reality, and nothing can get you closer to it, than living in reality. Why do you think every psychonaut becomes a Buddhist after 1-2 years or they get sent to the asylum?
According to the simple normie mind all mind altering substances are """drugs""". Oh, except the ones (((they))) legalized though
What fucking tools
Mentally ill degenerate.
You don't actually believe you can change anyone's opinion here or anywhere on the internet, do you?
what they say about meth is completely blown out of proportion. It's on the same tier as aderall it's just really strong
You can do all those things and still read his works. The sign of an underage little shit is someone who automatically invalidates a point of view/perspective/knowledge before even having understood it. Aka the Sup Forums hivemind. Not big into psychedelics myself but his experiences and insights are intelligent, cohesive and also consistent. He tripped balls and tells you what its like so you don't have to.
>introspection is bad and you shouldn't learn more about yourself
its possible to do psychedelics and not be a degenerate. They allow you to experience alternative perspectives. Sure people do them because "hurr durr crazy images" but those people are degenerate without drugs because theyre retarded.
You can't trust your thoughts leaf, they're the result of a limited consciousness. Everything we believe to be true are actually lies, including this post I'm typing now. Truth can't be static in an ever changing universe. Only thing you can trust is God or whatever you call it
I'm just planting seeds (and shitposting at the same time), it's up for the receiver to water the seed or not
We live, when not on psychedlics, in a persistent reality. There is no reason to bring your thoughts while in a heavily altered state back to the typical world, just as you wouldn't trust your thoughts developed during a mental breakdown or as a child.
Hi, pal. I'm just here to let you know that you are stereotyping hard. I have heard so many people with these exact opinions it's like deja vu every time. "Well, am I wrong?" you might say, and well mostly no, it's just that you operate on a fairly low level and you need to focus on leveling up instead of spouting your easy-mode opinions
I love Terence Mckenna, Unfolding the stone is my favorite talk.
Typical drug addict degenerate ruining the lives of kids who had his followers for parents.
I like T-Mack.
Educated guy with some good ideas who talked much bullshit in a fun way
He was a charlatan
Druggies who think they are enlightened are retarded
>implying our bodies don't produce DMT on it's own
>implying we don't consume mind altering shit they put in our food, drinks and from electromagnetic signals
You don't have to consume psychedelics to get high. If you would stop focusing on all the bullshit distractions in the world and turn inwards, you would realize there's much more to life than all these petty trivial crap they've been shoving down our throats
You have to give the right type of poison to the uninitiated nordbro. Hell, I don't even know what my real powerlevel is anymore t.bh
Good guy. Helps you reprogram yourself from indoctrination. Opened me up to Sup Forums stuff.
The community of Terence Mckenna is pretty over taken by marxists as far as I've seen, but not a lot of people are really buying into it.
He talks about a 'dominator' class, which we just call the jews or reptillians or what have you.
And these dominators know damn well what to fill those reprogrammed minds with.
drugs are not really degenerate if you get pure lab shit. its only becauese we get street shit, in the past decades people with money did drugs for decades and they were fine
Kek clearly had words with him
>“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
Yeah but he didn't pretend otherwise
>He's a very erudite man.
He's dead
He's crazy and his speech is so incoherent that even if he had any valid points in mind, you couldn't possibly learn any of them through his words.
Not sure if there's anything worth thinking about involving what hippies experience when they do drugs.
I really love his writing. At first I almost didn't want to like him because of how weird he initially seems, but if you sit down and read his stuff, it's much easier to understand what he was about versus listening to clips of his public speeches. True Hallucinations is a great read, along with most of his other work. Also, I'm pretty sure he knew about (((them))).
he did understand the power of memes better than anyone I've heard speak. Dawkins might have coined the term, but Terrence explored it more further.
He looks like an Mc Ride Samuel Jackson
This is degenerate
>"omg dude the fuckc asduaax im high as fuck dude lmao"
This is not
>"I will use this experience to get to know myself a little bit better etc etc"
It's rather a matter of how you approach the whole thing, not how good the shit is. Saying that all """drug""" users are degenerate is the same thing as saying all computer users are degenerate
Also Carl Jung with his studies on archetypes
Woo Woo = New Atheist
>Hey, drugs made me un-retarded!
>Muh Jungian psychology
>Snowflake intensifies
burn out guy who just did lectures to gain access to hot hairy hippie chicks throughout the 70s-90s
good meandering talker with some insights, but largely a faggot
>Also Carl Jung with his studies on archetypes
I'd bet a years' salary that you have never read even one article by Jung.
Yeah, just keep calling psychedelics (((drugs))).
Palm Springs experiment in Florida showed IQ increase by 10% in regular LSD users, even several months after the last trip.
It also breaks down indoctrination. Guess why it's illegal.
I believe his message more than anything was that the experience could only be relayed to you through the experience and not through language.
Psychedelics aren't addicting, per se. Humans can addict to them just as they would addict to the internet.
I remember him speaking out against communism, saying that capitalism is fine,
but needs to be less materialistic.
Projection. I suggest you read his books, assuming your brain can operate above a high school level.
So am I.
It's not incoherent you just honestly can't understand the level of language.
Nothing can make you un-retarded but only yourself. """Drugs""" are just a tool and any tool is acceptable if your intention is sincere and divine. Seriously, you think a snowflake hippie from turkey is browsing Sup Forums?
I can't prove anything to you burger, it wouldn't mean anything if I could. How would it help to further this discussion anyway? We have enough shitposting and vague slide threads already
Yeah fuck this. Call me a roach and I'll call you an ameritard, I go allahu akbar you go deus vult, I purge all kuffars and you retake constantinople and we let the thread die
ITT Nazis taking claiming they have minds of their own because TM helped them "deprogram their minds". FFS
>drugs is just a tool
>>gotta have muh tools
>"I'm really craving some tools right now man, I feel almost normal and boring again, life is so shit where muh tools at..."
I'm pretty sure Terence McKenna is about the furthest human imaginable from the authoritarian dickheads who post on this forum.
His ability to relate to the people's humanness rather than whatever culture they subscribe to actually sets him further apart than anything else.
professional burnout up there with doug benson and tommy bong
Yes, probably because one thing all humans have in common is their inclination to imitate one another (adhere to a culture) in order to avoid social rejection. Double ironic.
Terence was the real deal, whatever else he might have been. I have tremendous respect for his scholarship and curiosity. The world he proposes would honestly be a good one, but the sad truth is, most people are not willing to accept the intellectual responsibility of taking care of themselves. Until such time, I am far right, but its a nice thought that maybe one day we'll be ready for something else.
I have no idea who he is, but just by looking at him I can tell he is a new-ager who takes rips from a bong while listening to Alan Watts.
stop pushing your shit memes
McKenna was a typical druggie retard that ruins it for the rest of us.
he really thought taking mushrooms put you in another dimension.
confirmed retard.
Damn. Imagine what that makes the rest of us.
dat monotonous intellectual voice tho..
I don't even care what he's saying.
fuck off jamal
>implying psychedelics are addictive
blue pilled
fuck you nigger
Okay now you're just trying too hard
nebüş hoşgeldin
I support him but im a minority on this board. I support the right wing mob as a vessel of change and recognize them as a necessary force to cleanse the world of its soap scum.
I've got a point.
Speak for yourself.
he had a wife and kids dude.
i'm very dissapointed in Sup Forums. years ago in /new/ psychadelics were highly regarded. now all the newfriends who think Sup Forums is some kind of nazi enclave bring in their authoritarian ideas.
>hanging out with bros, my computer is playing songs on shuffle.
>I have some Terrance McKenna audio books voiced by the man himself
>Hollywood squares gay man-esque voice comes on
>'chapter four, my opium and Kabbalah
Bro wtf are we listening to
He really has it out for the
>omniscient, omnipresent, all-knowing, wrathful MALE DEITY
McKenna permuted the term to the way it's used in popular culture. We probably owe the usage of that word to him.
He is the one who tagged it as "The smallest unit of an idea." it was not framed like that in the book.
When dumb people do psychedelics, they tend to abuse those drugs, essentially becoming burnouts; they don't gain any insight, save the "trippy visuals". When intelligent people use psychedelics, they gain insight unto themselves, and tend to not abuse the drugs, using them sparingly and with low frequency.
Drugs like Psilocybin and DMT will punish you if you use them carelessly. Consequently, they are typically not mentally or physically addictive.
As for Mckenna, he is a pretty cool dude, used psychedelics mainly for experimentation and gave as in-depth a description as can be given for many of those substances. He seemed to have something of a scientific method for going about taking the drugs.
For people saying that you don't gain anything from taking psychedelics, or that they are degenerate.....drugs are not degenerate, people are. Some people choose to abuse things, some use them wisely.
It would be much more accurate to describe drugs like cocaine and heroine as degenerate because they don't provide anything beyond physical pleasure. As someone who has tried these out of curiosity, I will say that they provide an extremely false sense of fulfillment and excitement, very easy to see past if you care about your life and your future and have goals.
Based. I love him.
He was the original Autistic Sensory Meridian Response master.
No you don't and if you do you've done a horrible job articulating it.
I can't believe I agree with a Turk.
My point is that so many people use drugs to come closer to reality, but they have no interest in living life in a sober natural way. They basically claim to use "tools" to get closer to life and themselves, but have no interest in living life as it actually is. Cause they regress to their boring selves when sober, and that's what they are escaping from. So it becomes an escape, even if psychs actually bring you closer to reality, it's an escape. Happy, burger?
Aimless drug casualty.
he was probably CIA, he has that hypnotist voice.
he gives insight that cause fear in intellectual weak people and from there on he starts manipulating and controlling them.
tbqh, wouldn't be suprised if he was even part of mkultra
There is nothing addictive about psychedelics.
And no harm in experiencing multiple version of reality.
Everything is an individual's choice.
Is that a counter-argument?
i can tell you speak about something of which you know very little.
I've never tried psychs, but I literally can't stop trippin
Its the truth. Your body doesn't crave LSD after you take it.
Then you shouldn't talk about things, you know nothing about.
>Your body doesn't crave LSD after you take it.
what's with your mind?
Addiction usually manifests in the form of withdrawal symptoms, psychedelic drugs do not produce any withdrawal symptoms.
They're not for everyone, but to claim they're addictive is just flat wrong.
If an experience exists in nature (and these chemicals do exist naturally) then they are by that logic natural to experience.
If we measure the value of an experience in consequences then taking psychedelic drugs is small on the scale of consequences because there is no physical manifestation of biological consequence in taking them.
I'm not talking about the effects of the drug, I'm talking about the behavior of those doing it. And I can see they get a massive inspirational realization-boost and then proceed to reading Jung, eastern philosophy etc. and then after a while they come to a crossroads, where the inspiration and understanding is fading and they need another boost, while on the other hand they are trying to follow the philosophies and "accept life as it is". They can continue the boost and stay high and inspired, but not accepting life as it is, or they can stay sober and lose the mojo and get more or less stuck in a disillusioned limbo between normal life and the "search for enlightenment", knowing the first is wrong, but lacking the motivation for the second.
The only thing to be enlightened about is all of life is for the purpose of amusement, and whatever that means to the individual is what it will pursue.
I had my fun with drugs and now I live totally sober, I don't even drink.
I think you have a problem with lumping people into categories based on preconceived notions.
If mystery amuses the individual then reality will be filled with mystery for them. Everything is a choice.