Hello Sup Forums!
So I have some pretty breaking news for you guys! What do you think about me featuring President-Elect Donald Trump in one of my upcoming videos? Just heard back from the Trump people and it's very positive.
- Stef
Hello Sup Forums!
So I have some pretty breaking news for you guys! What do you think about me featuring President-Elect Donald Trump in one of my upcoming videos? Just heard back from the Trump people and it's very positive.
- Stef
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you need to shave and exfoliate because you look like shit in videos that fixate on your face in HD.
- user
Is pretending to be Stefan an argument?
I think you know the answer.
Not an argument.
make it happen then we'll care
not an argument. Would be nice seeing trump slap you around for a bit though.
I might poop myself a little bit if true.
Hello sir, you are a vital part of movement, might be a bit early for wide coverage though imho - feelz gud man! Thanks for your service m8!
you're raising your daughter wrong
Why do people listen to this idiot?
Provide timestamp pls
we dont care about you. kek ordered us to go against IS. go away. we are full anyways
Do you support me getting shot?
Dogsex magikarp I have tourettes UUooNHH
Wher profs?
Not an argument, Jew.
Yes, you in particular bong.
Already done!
- Stef
This isn't reddit you teary-eyed twat.
Sure, why not.
trim your neck hair you slob
Of yourself.
That would be neat if Argument Man posted here.
This had better not be fake news.
What are your thoughts on the vast array of dank Stefan Molyneux Memes (or "Molymemes") that have arisen on this site over the last year or so? I have a rather ample collection.
Fuck off, we're full. The incremental goal was achieved. Just accept that you were just a minor pawn. Next, we conquer ISIS social media accounts.
Get a tripcode that proves who you are, or GTFO.
pretty sad attempt at a fake time stamp desu, post the real cap of this thread, not the other one.
You should make Trump pee on your mouth live desu.
I'm surprised you haven't already
Make sure to get Trump to talk about how he peacefully raised his children and was peacefully parented himself, imagine if the PRESIDENT was advocating for anti-spanking.
Explain this site: defoo.org
Corporal punishment for children is okay.
Mr. Molyneux, never give up! Of course we would love to see trump on your show, do you even have to ask? :)
fuck ameriSHITS
>fuck Amerishits
>desperatly wants to move to America
Are you muslim, by chance?
>doesn't post timestamp
Not an argument
Post tits with a timestamp for proof, Molyjew.
>arguments: 0
Post your ID on twitter or fuck off
If real, do a segment on Jewish control/over representation in/of the media and government
Low IQ detected.
>USA flag
Sage desune
is this the kid who kissed Sup Forums ass yesterday?
what a cuck
Fake and gay
Hey Faggots,
My name is Stefan and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day praising an orange con man. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than spamming 'Dump Drumpf' as a CTR shill.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the journalism club, and starter on my own redpill team in college. I also get straight Benjamins for breakfast and have a 10/10 wife (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic related: me and my wife
Well Styx had posted here a few times.
lol checked
provide a time stamp e.g.e picture of a piece of paper with date + face
nod and argomend :DDD
My IQ is 144.
Daily reminder to say /ourguy/'s prayer:
Our Philosopher who art in Canada,
Stefan be thy name.
Thy nonviolent stateless society come.
Thy arguments be done
on Sup Forums as it is on Youtube.
Give us this day our daily d'nations,
and forgive us our aggression,
as we forgive those who donate only ONE DOLLAR,
and lead us not into leftism,
but deFOO us from evil.
For thine is the AnCap Paradise,
the logic and the reason,
available for free online (freedomainradio.com *slash* donate).
Sure I would love to see Stef tell trump to stop interrupting, while he continuous to interrupt.
Well at least he acknowledged us on twitter desu.
not an argument
Fucking kike.
Hello stefan I hope you're doing well.
This is MY SHOW
Was that study about instantaneous effects? Yes, spank a kid that did nothing wrong and hand them an IQ test and those would probably be the results. Child would be freaked out.
>American IP
Stefan lives in Canada.
Tits or GTFO learn the rules bro
I hope this really is Stefan, he's definitely come a long way over the past year or so since taking the red pill, so I assume he's a Sup Forumsack
Step, name the Jew and then we'll start supporting you.
A timestamp is a timestamped picture or a verification of the ID (the little hash next to "ID:") on your twitter
>murica flag
> 2 posts by this ID
Leaf proxy detected
The red pill has serious consequences! Sometimes they decide your life and death.
>burger flag
>Stef is a leaf
Fake news
Stefan should get into Mark Passio's work if he hasn't already.
Fucking kekked
Why jump the gun and tell everyone on Sup Forums of all places?
It would take leas than 5 mins from the video appearing on your youtube channel to it being spammed here and everywhere else.
Stop posting non-arguments.
Top Kek
Nice roleplay desu
Dead giveaway. America is for Anglos and Germans. Go back to Quebec.
I would cum in my pants a tad
Sorry Sup Forums, I'm not aware of any "timestamps" - what is it?
Looking forward to talking with guys.
- Stef
A picture of your face with the current time/date written on a piece of paper. Also write "not an argument" on the paper, just to be sure.
Time to dust off the shield and sharpen the sword
Stefan, was Hitler right?
go away fake molyneux, we all know the real stefan is in canada. next time at least put in a little effort and get a vpn you lazy fuck.
Stefan is a Jew, so no.
Picture of you, with paper with date and time written on it. Also add an item from your fridge.
It's to verify if you are the real person.
Just write the date with the thread number and something we can recognize you with.
>be 2 years old
>parents keep spanking you non-stop for two years
>US flag
Oh Lord you guys are g*llible
A verification of identity, a screenshot of this thread on your twitter would suffice along with the information next to your name on the post.
>Posting with a burger flag
Jesus Christ you people are fucking gullible. It's a miracle you people are even alive desu