>tfw not american
>dont have a god tier constitution to protect my freedom
>no epic history
feels bad man
how can a white aussie lad move to america? im sick of getting fucken taxed on breathing
>tfw not american
>dont have a god tier constitution to protect my freedom
>no epic history
feels bad man
how can a white aussie lad move to america? im sick of getting fucken taxed on breathing
Sorry, we only allow brown people to immigrate.
The Constitution doesn't protect our freedoms. The government has complete disregard for our founding document. The only thing protecting our freedoms is the millions of gun-owning Americans who hopped on the gun-owning train early because that piece of paper told us it was OK.
The government isn't scared of a two hundred year old document they're scared of two hundred million angry rednecks.
Amerilard here
If you live with Nordic whites that's all you need for a good life senpai.
I'm from NYC and Denmark is soooo much better than that nigger infested shithole. Fuck me I don't even care that people are poorer than me here.
Hopefully Trump will protect our freedoms and remove shitskins.
Don't forget all those illegal spics murdering our people and shitting up our country. Wall when?
>moving to Denmark from NY
What made you pick Denmark over 48 of the other states? I'm excluding California for obvious reasons.
>tfw not American but still get to leech off the US and all the US can do about it is dream of annexing my country
I wouldn't mind if the US annexed Canada, however France can have Quebec back.
The US will never annex Canada
>Angry Rednecks
Nah, angry rednecks aren't what frightens them, its well armed organized and equipped retired vets, awol soldiers and good ol boys. Most rednecks are literally white niggers. There are few who are alright, but most are trash. Anyone who openly self identifies as a redneck is usually a moron desu famalam
Come on over we could use more master shitposters, you could start an apprenticeship. Would make a killing. Also you'd have to buy a gun.
Which I'm thankful for
It was a metaphor idiot
>implying its not just a satellite of our country already
You think it's any better in the other states? I would like to be here to provide for the race war if it were to happen.
Well it was shit metaphor faggot.
>implying the country protecting us for free isn't our satellite
>provide for the race war
LMAO provide what? Another white boipussy for homo muslims to pound? you can't keep and bear arms dip shit you will provide literally nothing of value save for perhaps a bullet sponge. The final stand will be made here, (((they))) already have europe tightly sewed up bromo
We're full but send some of those hot aussie babes anyway
Yeah, I'd say some of the red states are decent places to live in. Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana were full of whites when I visited those beautiful states. Arizona and Texas are full of beaners, though the further north you move the less beaners you'll see.
I like New Hampshire and Maine. Either way, stop being a euroboo and have some goddamn patriotism.
No shit, if you only see big cities, the US looks like a nigger hell hole.
> How can a white aussie lad move to America?
Step 1. get as tan as possible.
Step 2. Fly to mexico
step 3. Walk across boarder
Boom, you're an American citizen. If anyone stops you, just call them racist and call the ACLU.