Conquered the Savages
So shiny.
Where is that pyramid? Looks cool
It's on your clay amigo
Makes me proud to be half euromutt.
Also does Spain have a government yet?
Is the cap room actually that offset or is it just perspective? It's really bothering me
Yes, but they're leftists who pretend to be right wing, we need a Trump ASAP
Dumb as shit
Sweet jesus Spanish babes are qt3.14.
Looks like chichen itza
Spanish girls are fucking degenerate whores. And every spanish guy I've met is either a drug addict or a faggot. Not even exaggerating. Fuck you all.
(wuz kangs)
can confirm, specially the drugs part
at least they aren't 5 foot 3 mestizo squat goblins
How much does it make you seeth to know that I actually hold dual citizenship and I don't even vote in my own countries elections, but I gave my Spanish vote to Podemos and am part of the reason your country is just going further down the drain?
Podemos will never win, Spain will leave the EU eventually after France, the future is so bright I need shades
Isn't voting in Australia mandatory?
Short brown skinned qts are all right. Yeah, there are lots of ugly girls but it depends on the state.
If you are in the big cities it is not a problem.
You can also find white girls. But they are usually whorish.
Come on man Germany's got you in their pocket. There's a better chance of Basque secession than Spexit (wow that looks retarded but that's what it'd be called).
cheeky lasses
I don't get it. You guys think we find this offensive?
I'm only registered at the state level thanks to some bullshit legislation that forcibly enrolled me, but only the road authorities have my address (never been a centrelink bum) so unless the government really want to hand out that $200+ fine, which I am more than happy to pay because integrity>money, they won't bother looking for me. Bigger fish to fry.
At the second to last election I actually talked my way into the voting booth, even though my name wasn't on any register they could find, they still penciled me in and I voted for Liberals and Sex Party candidates, then about 6 months later got a letter saying that I wasn't enrolled and that my vote essentially meant nothing. But Abbott got voted in as did Fiona Patton into senate that year so I got what I want. That's when I proved at least to myself that the system is fucking stupid and that I did not want a part of it. But I'm more than happy to influence another country.
>tfw latinos think they're white because of Conquistadores
We don't feel white. We feel a comfortable kind of brown really.