Brit/pol/ - Cuckistan edition

>"No Hard Brexit for Britain", says Theresa May

>Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit speech in full

>UKIP secure EU funding again after Italian 5-Star Movement fail to divorce

>Green Party accuses Corbyn of 'capitulating to the Right'

>"The NHS will fail within weeks if it's not given a huge amount of money immediately!" say left-wing bullshitters for the millionth time

>Boris Johnson accused of leading "witch hunt" as he attacks Russia in a desperate bid to save his political career

>Britain will not speak with the Front Nationale, UK-French ambassador claims

>"The clock is ticking" - Northern Ireland faces brutal election and a return to Direct Rule

>Crazy Corbynite who blamed his alcohol shoplifting spree on the Tories, Tony Blair and high suicide rates is spared jail

Other urls found in this thread:


my autism aaaaaaaAAAAAAAA-

>be English
>Wake up at 7 bong in the morn
>Take a lookyglance outways
>Positively grey and wet like any beautiful day
>Eat my breakfast of seared grickleknob and Prince Harry on White before heading out
>On the way to work come across some impoverished afrikamen
>They demand my wallet at spoonpoint
>Gladly hand it over to the nice gents, and give em an ol' London Lollipop for good measure
>Wipe my mouth off, wish them good day and head off to work at immigration service
>Approve 36000 Pakistani families, under quota today
>Head home
>Blue Caps come me way
>"Oy mate! You're under arrest in the name of the Queen!"
>Ask wot for
>Being within 50 metres of a deadly spoon, not giving the African me wallet fast enough, and not approving enough Pakistani families
>Fair enough, take the fine and head home
>Step inside and me mum yells
>"Blimey mum, English things wotcha think I been doin'?"
>Head to room for an ol Liverpoole Handshake
>Turn on Wundahbahbox, go onto British Porn dot com
>Give the state a call for wank approval
>Purchase porn license for fitty pounds
>Whip out me Knickerstick
>Arrested for not watching interracial cuckold porn
>Won't lie, slight of a shit day
>God Bless the Queen

Evola. Start reading him.

Rate my curry lads

Eers voor Nederland


true brits welcome immigration.


Is this an edited one or did he really put that in there?
Also Garrison is fucking shite

Cromwell did nothing wrong.


It's real

He let the kikes in

Based Ben "Tel Aviv Terror" Garrison recognizing our status as an uncucked nation

Bloody hell

He's been trying to appeal to alt-right Sup Forums mongs for ages.

Just started watching Imperium, what kind of a ride am I in for lads?

Looks like a bowl of poop, so 10/10

You Anglo 1.0s get the worst asian food. Nobody in this country could make phó to save their life

Everyone's missing the funniest part about this picture.



I'm not going to make it through the night lads, on my way to the bridge now

It's been fun, cheers for making the happenings of 2016 so enjoyable, thanks for all the memes and I hope you all live to see the nation in a better state than it has been the last couple of decades

Rimmer is on a ban for spamming

>the absolute state of brit/pol/

I love you kristen poster :3

I for one exemplify my patriotism by being open and inclusive towards other cultures. What do you do?


It's a pretty great strawman. It makes white nationalists look like the extremists as opposed to Muslims who are the group most consistently responsible for terrorism.

>true brits
If this is not bait, then please read the sticky newfag.

The Rimmer trip has been public for ages.

Based shouty pagan larper. Died just to early to see the overton window shift ever closer to his ideas.


Have a nice fall, lad. See you in hell.

Do a flip.

>dem stockings


>phone out at the table
>taking pics of his meals


Patriotism is pride in your country's achievements, importing other cultures to water your own down is completely incongruous.

>implying the anti-immigration argument isn't filled with logical fallacies

It's a curry. Nobody expects etiquette when it's food you're meant to eat with your shitty hands.

>implying Jews didn't contribute a lot to making UK great

Go on, state them.

>red sauce on chips with a curry

does anyone ever think about how weird the 2011 london riots were

>go for a curry
>fill yourself up with chips you could have got for a pound at t'chippy

why do people do this

I don't think there's an argument to be made in the first place other than stress on resources

>implying immigration is good
good riddance cuck

Are you a Scotsman though? Cos that would make sense.

>tfw I could carve a better curry out of a banana

How about the argument of 'this bit's ours so fuck off xenos'?

Do you boys like to engage in a bit of paki bashing? My mate and I like to go to this park nearby, a well known cruising spot for pointers. We're not shirt lifters or anything, hate them. So these paki lads walking through the park, pretending their not perverts or anything, just normal people on their way home from work. So my mate and I spot this paki closet case, young guy in a suit, and we walk up to him, acting all friendly like. We tell him we're looking for a lost dog and ask him to help. Then we move to a secluded area and my mate pushes him down. I take his trousers down. He's crying at this point, screaming for help. I shove my huge aids cock up his unlubricated rectum. I cum inside him and we leave the bender crying on the floor with my aids cum and his blood dripping out of his violated hole.

How long until Krankie's execution?

I laughed.

I agree. Historically we have always been a nation of immigrants. It's one our great strengths.

I don't know who 75% of these women are.

Who are they?

Read Thomas Carlyle

How about "you stay in your house and I'll stay in mine."

No I did not. You claimed this.
>the areas with the highest immigration levels have the least concern about it amongst the non-immigrant population
You did not support it with evidence and ignored the fact of white flight and the example of Boston, the constituency with the highest proportion being the constituency voting for Brexit with the biggest percentage, which directly contradicts you. The people of Boston did not vote for Brexit because they love being colonised by Eastern Europeans.

What the FUCK was his problem!?

Wow, bigoted much?

Does anyone else regard life as not worth living?

It's not suicidal per-se. Just a sort of objective assessment. There's nothing valuable to strive for and there are only going to be diminishing returns on effort as I age.

They'd probably call it depression, but if that's the case then depression is just the inability to filter out how horrible the world is, which I'd regard as behaving rationally instead of being something to cure. (God, that bit with the kid in "Hypernormalization" was creepy.)


who is 'ours' in this sentence?

So you don't have any arguments then.

If you don't want to live life then just hang yourself, nobody's stopping you.

Then it goes to follow that you don't want a shitty curry-smeared phone either. Come on mate, don't be a normie at the dinnertable.

Threadly reminder that the EEA/EFTA model would retain the sovereignty of parliament (we'd be outside the ECJ and would have a veto over all EU law) and alllow us to control EU immigration via Article 112 of the EEA agreement.

The WTO would destroy our trade because our goods would be subject to expensive and time consuming border controls, leading to a backlog of lorries from London to Dover.

Anything else isn't doable in 2 years.

Depends who are the immigrants.

Do you apply this to everyone on earth?

A lot of people feel that way deep down. It's a natural result of the philosophies which society has adopted and adapted for centuries.

I can't be bothered eating the bait tonight lad, forget I said anything

Sure, why not. Play your hand, don't try and borrow mine.

We aren't leaving, chum.

off yourself cuckold faggot. Jews are niggers

Don't do it m8

White British. We don't want immigration for the simple reason of survival and reproduction. There also happen to be numerous practical reasons why immigration is undesirable. It lowers quality of life and is bad for the economy. And there are not really any for why it's beneficial. The arguments for immigration are the ones with logical fallacies.

It was a pretty crazy time, but not massively unpredictable, in an age of self indulgence and deferred responsibility it was only inevitable that the peaceful protest it was supposed to be over the police shooting dead some gangster would inevitably turn into a massive riot and looting spree, since the police refused to do anything for fear of breaching the hoodlum's human rights. What is even more crazy is that Theresa May as home secretary banned the use of the water cannons that Boris Johnson had imported to try and help the police deal with the possibility of them happening again. According to her the use of the water cannons on our street just wasn't the British thing to do, because they could harm people and she wanted to avoid the militarisation of our police. I suspect that she may have a different opinion on the matter if it was her home that was being burned to the ground by a gang of youths under the thin guise of a fight against the establishment, or if it was her business that was left in ashes, or it was her shop that had been looted and destroyed. Desperate times call for desperate measures, unfortunately we have a woman in power who refuses to accept that we are in desperate times and so we shouldn't expect any kind of proportional response. The same applies for immigration.

WTF! I hate (((Montenegro))) now!

Of course we are.

But if we fuck it up (WTO) we may well end up begging to get back in.


Why are you eating paki food lad?

It's this kind of stuff that would bring unwanted attention to brit/pol/ from the media. Please stop.

On the whole that would be the rational thing to do (at some indeterminate point in the future) but for various reasons that seems like an unreal option.

It's not yet a presence of pain, just an absence of purpose. As such there's no real reason to kill oneself when the small chance a purpose will magically appear exists, while the option for suicide remains extant if at some point in the future if things do become too much.

Probably wouldn't hang myself though. Seems a shit way to go.

I tend to wonder whether that's the case, but it gets a bit
>tfw too smart to enjoy the brave new world
after a while.


Neil is a national treasure.

He's a cuckold.

Nth for glorious Scotland eternal.

I remember how I went up Schiehallion two years ago. It was glorious and a feel you little beady bed-wetters will never understand: heritage, tradition, honour, pride.

How does it feel to have your race destroyed by the two greatest Scottish politicians of all time - Blair and Brown. Only then to be saved by Cameron (a Scot!).

Truly a pathetic little brown race. Thanks for your women who so willingly throw themselves at my big Scottish cock whenever I'm down winning business over my weak anglo "competitors".

Pussy boys/. We own you.

You ought to be paying us more for having the privilege of our rule.

We're stronger, cleverer, faster, more traditional. Blonder, lighter-skinned, and have lighter eyes.

Whenever I'm in your shithole I'm a God among little brown haired brown eyed beta cunts who literally cower in my presence upon seeing me and hearing my accent.

That's actually interesting. We'd be living in a vastly different world if that were the case. Do you feel that perhaps at some points in history immigration might have been a good thing and it is only now that it should be stopped or that maybe we should have always just kept to ourselves?

If you ever have a proper heart to heart with people they tend to admit as much. It's just that it's rare as people are taught to keep themselves busy and distract themselves with nonsense when not.

>EEA cucks

Off yourself illiterate. There are dozens of examples of good immigration.
I'll give you one: Prussia accepting French Protestants.

>still can't come up with a counter

What's it like disagreeing with someone and knowing you're too ignorant to argue with them?

Boo. I thought you'd killed yourself.

She is kosher that explains everything

Every Cornish womb needs a Devonian child.

Literally the only benefits are "more consumers to buy products and spend money" and, for a small minority of people, "I get to feel better about myself". Neither of which should be a national priority or consensus by any imaginable means.

No we wouldn't. Continuing the analogy; I have my hand, you have yours. If we both enter the same pot my hand might beat yours, in which case tough luck, or vice versa. What you're asking isn't that we compete for resources or space, what you're asking for is that we willingly surrender our resources and land to other people. You're asking that we go all-in and fold our hand and to that I say "Bring it".

See you back here tomorrow
There's no escape
Not really

>The Rimmer trip has been public for ages.

Only one Rimmer is autistic enough to post 99 luftballons in German

See you when I meet the Creator. I hope you haven't sinned too much.