User Claiming Responsibility for #Pissgate is Speaking With Lawyers to Verify Himself
He accidentally Fell up the stairs, twice
So sad
i hope trump will shake his hand for exposing those twats to the bone
the name of the person who wrote the report is out and it isn't some NEET shut in who shitposts on Sup Forums
He has been suicide'd korean poster.
He's dead, game over.
And they said it couldn't get any better than 2016
Can somebody explain #Pissgate to me??
I have been gone the last couple of days
Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?
where is the proof?
this is just some random fag who wanted to take credit for the report that SOMEONE ELSE, who may or may not have been from Sup Forums, made
he deleted his twitter and hasn't been heard from, he was just getting free lulz by piggybacking onto the much bigger and better fake news story
Twitter acc is deleted
Who was it?
>write erotic piss fanfiction for keks on a Burmese crochet discussion board
>accidentally the whole media, a bunch of politicians and the CIA
Wonder how he's feeling right now.
user in trump general creates fake spy dossier
where trump visits russia and gets golden showers before watching anime
user forwards it to twitter "journalist"
soon it's all over the place
Here's what I think happened. user wrote the piss story, and it got passed along until it reached the former spy and got bundled in to another report. I don't think user wrote the whole 35 pages.
Christopher Steele of Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd.
There's a D-notice on it in the UK so it won't be in the local papers.
All over as in CNN reporting on it?
McMillan give him the Rick Wilson's rickrolled papers forged by a Sup Forumsack.
Nothing new, that's just the middle man who wrote it, not the one who pass the info, which were those 2 cunts.
> "Christopher Steele, Ex-British Intelligence Officer, Said to Have Prepared Dossier on Trump"
bypass paywall with google search on headline
He didn't write the 35 pages. He compiled a 2 page summary, which was put into a much larger document detailing a far greater range of things, that hasn't been leaked. The summary was only put in to explicitly be an example of fake news so you could compare the outrageous bullshit of golden showers to the actual verified intelligence
its buzzfeed and cnn who fucked up. We don't know who created the hoax documents, and it doesn't even matter, because the CIA already knew they were fake
I saw this in that show Black Mirror... what happens if something is reported under a D-notice?
>No proof
Lel, keep your damage control up drumpfcucks
Trump would probably be mad at this guy...
He's done for.
Rest In Tendies
A DA-Notice (Defence Advisory Notice)—called a Defence Notice (D-Notice) until 1993—is an official request to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security. The system is still in use in the United Kingdom.
twitter deletes his account for making the left look retarded
Who is surprised?
He will.
You've been visited by the Witch of Fake News. Real news and great deals will come to you, but only if you respond to this post with "You are Fake News"
or how about
>user decides to get free 5 minutes of fame by pretending he's the guy who made the dox, referencing only archived posts he can't prove were him, that other people had already dug up on Sup Forums
>when asked to provide proof or be proven a faggot, he chose faggot
>didn't deliver
>did more lulz on twitter
>said "its coming"
>then said "im scurred and going to disappear now"
>and promptly deleted his own twitter
>implying he didn't delete it himself to avoid being caught lying his ass off
Prove me wrong.
Quit spreading misinformation.
>CNN has reviewed a 35-page compilation of the memos, from which the two-page synopsis was drawn. The memos have since been published by Buzzfeed.
Buzzfeed leaked all 35 pages. American intelligence agencies created a 2-page synopsis based on the 35 pages of Steele's memos to share with Trump.
Did he bring the tapes with him, or does he have them hidden ?
They were under the stairs he fell up
So so sad
except those reports were labeled as being oppo research on the 35 pages of memos. Why would the ex-cia guy who isn't working for oppo header his papers as "company intelligence report"
Quite 1984 of them
there is more intel than we are privy to:
>got information from an intermediary that says there are multiple sources and that there are proof that nobody can see
Sounds like a credible source.
What I'm wondering is how the intelligence agencies involved comes out of this looking good. Either it's fake and they look like idiots for being trolled by Sup Forums or it's true and their reaction to finding out the president elect could be blackmailed with compromising information was to leak that information.
Either way they come off as completely incompetent.
Terry told you about the CIA niggers, but you didn't listen.
how about
>The CIA put out a document that said the fake news story was just an example of disinformation
>Its not the CIA's fault that buzzfeed and cnn are mouthbreathing retards who published it like it was true when we were open with the fact its fake
cia dindu nuffin wrong here
don't give this cuck any attention
dont tell me what to do.
>Terry told you about the CIA niggers, but you didn't listen.
twitter journo gives it to McCain
McCain gives it to US intel
Obama and Trump were both briefed on it
Buzzfeed posted the entire report
Shit hits the fan
No one knows what is real anymore
>Chaos is easier to create than contain.
How is the CIA distributing disinformation to the US government supposed to be good?
This is the thing that Trump is pissed off about, the CIA is leaking like a sieve, he had a completely secret meeting with them that not even his personal assistant knew of and it was in the media. These are actual Nazi tactics, we have the state desperately trying to discredit someone.
If this turns out to be real, this man us truly a god amongst trolls.
sounds pretty good senpai
i wanna read it tell me where desu