What european country is most in tune with its PAGAN roots?

what european country is most in tune with its PAGAN roots?

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Northern Germans, Frisians, certain groups of Celts perhaps...

kek, enjoy hell with your fellow autists.

>what european country is most in tune with its PAGAN roots?
Probably one of the late converts like the nordicks.


hans please

enjoy your soulless unresonant desert religion lol

>soulless unresonant
Funny, considering any of the neotard religions is almost entirely reconstructionist and populated almost solely by SJWs looking to be trendy.

That paganism you posted is modern, its not really odinist or indo european. its just feminist witch shit.

Finland. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_paganism

binland is so cute..

unless you attend a latin mass in a sedevacantist church that rejects vatican 2 you really have no place talking about re-constuctionism. paganism isn't rocket science, it's actually pretty simple. the difficult stuff is the mythology which is actually auxilliary to an understanding and worship of pagan principles and dieties.

nobody even knows what christians of jesus' time believed or how they worshipped. they were basically jews who sat in open fields and talked about peace and love. then constantine came and fucked it all up and the rest is history. you really think jesus would have approved of spending huge sums of money on gigantic quasi-castles to worship him in? that's everything he was against. modern day christianity is a joke.

>"populated by sjw/trendys"

that's wiccanism and neopaganism, there's certainly overlap but these are different spheres.

that's not a pagan anything except in the sense that it's a midsummer celebration of nature, it's lithuanians celebrating a national holiday.

You're telling me OP's pic isnt some wiccanism bullshit?

literally every ancient pagan society celebrated solstices and equinoxes and cross-quarter days. all wiccans and modern pagans did is combine the european continent's holidays into a year-round calendar. if you had any idea of how magic or paganism purports to operate you would understand that this is actually an amazing advancement.

it's not odinist because odinism while similar to paganism is very different. to say it's not indo-european is hands-on retarded.

if you're one of those "ReEee folk cultures should never combine" pagan autists, then fine, it's a bastardization. for me, i think the combination of european traditions into a single system is great, i don't have specifically germanic or anglo blood, so a mixture of german and anglo pagan holidays is perfectly fine with me. these holidays all resonate with me.

not everything wiccan is retarded or bullshit. admittedly much of it is for fat larpers. the wheel of the year transcends wiccanism and neopaganism and is an objective improvement upon even some ancient pagan systems.

South East Europeans because we kept the traditions without the silly shit. And did that for 2 millenia.

>not everything wiccan is retarded or bullshit

The parts of southern and eastern Europe that are still the most Christian because the folklore was absorbed by the church. Northern Euros gave up on having any traditions at all, whether Christian or pagan.

Nobody cares about this in any country aside for a small fringe of spergelord larpers.

>you really have no place talking about re-constuctionism.
I really do, though.

It isn't "reconstructionist" because it isn't taking something dead and trying to bring it back to life by taking a few snipets from folklore and then making it up as you go. every branch, every protestant denomination is someone reading the book and getting different ideas from it.

>nobody even knows what christians of jesus' time believed or how they worshipped. they were basically jews

Except they do. The Bible is just the texts that popped up not too long after the death of Christ and the First Council of Nicaea agreed upon as canon. now it can be argued that certain meanings shifted via translations, such as "Thau Shalt Not Kill" vs "Thau Shalt Not Murder". But the texts are largely the same.

>they were basically jews who sat in open fields and talked about peace and love.
That's incorrect. While his message was one of love, he was far from this "nice hippy" Jesus people seem to have in their head. He was subversive, unafraid to whip you in the Synagogue. People confuse his advocacy of fighting smarter with being a pussy. He did not hesitate to call out blatant sin. he did not tolerate degeneracy. Reading the Torah will give you insight in how the early Christians acted.

Actually read the bible.

>you really think jesus would have approved of spending huge sums of money on gigantic quasi-castles to worship him in?
Funny, because last i checked the majority of churches were St. Peter's basilica. i forgot. and there totally isn't people or whole denominations that disagree with it.

>that's wiccanism and neopaganism, there's certainly overlap but these are different spheres.

It really isn't. your only leg to stand on are the metalheads who are in it for the Thor or Odin warrior fantasy.

>the majority of churches were St. Peter's basilica.
Whoops, Weren't*

Probably the celtic nations or scandinavia.

Celtic new year/halloween is celebrated in scotland/ireland etc and around the world.
As well as sayings, fairy tales, bonfires etc. We also have a wickerman festival.

Scandinavia has popularised norse mythology (movies, comic books), and have things like midsummer.

t. Cletus

Serbia, Bulgaria and most of the Orthodox countries

How close are paganism and satanism?

its the same

>How close are paganism and satanism?

>its the same

not true... satan is opposite of christ (or God) so it is the same judeo shilling as is Christianity

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, but paganism has some evil wicked roots. Sacrifice and so on.

>all wiccans are is pagans who believe in a duotheistic theology

wiccans basically created their own deities, their mythology is bullshit, pretty much everything else "wiccan" other than their mythology is not only european canon but legit paganistic tradition (of course this depends, larpers will do whatever they want whenever they want)

>taking a few snippets from folklore, and then making it up as you go
this simply isn't true. it is true that certain traditions are more researched and more preserved, i.e. greek hellenistic paganism is much better understood than norse paganism. in most cases, the practices are very straightforward and well understood and it is the MYTHOLOGY that is lost and has to be pieced back together. mythology for pagans is NOT primary. the earth is primary. even for the greeks, if you can believe that.

>Except they do.
I'm not talking translations, I'm talking about the fact that you either believe that Jesus is the jewish messiah or that the entire new testament is a falsification designed to retroactively fit Jesus to the prophecies. Then you must realize that the bible was literally assembled by the Romans, and I think everyone around here knows how and why that was done.

>they were basically jews who sat in open fields and talked about peace and love.

I didn't call him a hippy, I said he was for peace and love. I agree that he wasn't afraid to tear down institutions that were inflated with materialism and worldly interests. If you look at the average church today, I can guarantee you Jesus would be shaking his head.

>It really isn't. your only leg to stand on are the metalheads who are in it for the Thor or Odin warrior fantasy.

whoever told you this or wherever you got this idea from, someone is having a serious joke at your expense lol

only related by some magickal principles, belief in alignment of worldly forces to initiate otherworldly forces, etc.

The ones who dont sell anything like this.

Paganism is generally polytheist while Satanism is monotheist

religion: exploiting stupid or scared people for 100k years... NICE!

Baltic tribes were the last pagans of Europe, Lithuania being the very last of all. Not sure what exactly do you mean by "in tune". We do celebrate summer solstice (it's kind of the holiday of the year here), which is a pagan tradition.

>buying a wand

i suppose if you can't make one yourself it's fine

i personally am under no delusion that my spiritual powers are sufficiently developed to be executing pagan magick, although certain chaos magick is simple and works with pretty much anyone (but is also voltatile)

probably only 10% of people who practice sorcery as a pagan are actually executing any results and probably only 1% are executing strong, noticeable results, and an even smaller amount are actually getting strong, noticeable, results that they willed/desired in the first place

Pretty much

in other words, to elaborate: it's not hard to make things happen with any sort of witchcraft, or sorcery or magick if you execute properly.

it is the underlying belief systems, understandings, and connections to the metaphysica that will get you the right results. pretty much no one has these and as a result they are "doing magick" but they will never know what or how they are changing the world / overworld

the gods worshipped by pagans are satan in disguise.


Satanists don't literally worship Lucifer. They revere his example of individualism and try to emulate him, but there's no praying to Him

this. (in most cases)

>one "God", more life judeo angel
>many Gods

pick one... this is why I say that Orthodox countries are closest to paganism, we freaking incorporated paganism in Christianity, but unlike Catholics and Catholic spawns we are well aware of what is and what is not paganism

Pagan weddings in Ireland were legalized in 2009, so maybe we do

>a religious ritual is legal
that makes USA the most pagan country

>They revere his example of individualism and try to emulate him,

So do the Jews, if the Talmud is to be believed.


Kek, most of Burgerland has Irish roots

>we freaking incorporated paganism in Christianity

Not in any meaningful sense. Aside from using Greek philosophy as a tool to explain theology.

You aren't executing anything. You're a superstitious imbecile following a dead religion.

the irish

Slava, Perun, Sveti Vid, Vidovdan, etc etc... all our big religious holidays are from when we were pagans (I don't claim we wuz kangz or something, it is just an observation, and if you study Orthodoxy you will see that, especially in Balkan)