Is Putin right?
Should we stop linking terrorism with Islam?
Is Putin right?
Should we stop linking terrorism with Islam?
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no because only muslims commit acts of terrorism
Russia has 15% population as muslims.
No, Putin is wrong.
American trained and influenced muslims turn into terrorists (obama puppets). Why else would we be giving them weapons, attacking and punishing those that want to seriously act against them?
ISIS is an american design, muslims are the stupid retards who are capable of being led like this to the slaughter.
Better be careful. Putin will release those Trump piss videos if you criticize him.
Nope. Just means Putin is losing credibility (if he has any).
Putin is wrong, but his affinity for Islam isn't surprising.
15% of Russians are Muslim. It's the second largest religion in Russia and is legally a part of their historical heritage. These are native Russians. Of the fifteen Soviet Republics, six had a Muslim majority.
Putin and the Kremlin have been very inclusive of Muslims, and has made it clear that Russia is an ally of the Muslim world.
>he thinks we should just asume all arabs are terrorists
putin is fucking on point if that's the case
> I would prefer
m8 I'm all for glassing lebs but have you never heard of the Black Hand or the IRA?
What a fucking cuck. Trump and Duterte confirmed the only based leaders on the planet
>Sup Forums last week: "MUH PUTIN GOD BLESS RUSSIA"
buch of cucks the whole of ye russian fucking shills
I'll release a video of me shitting on your mom, fegit.
Also, Putin's fucking retarded. He had to nuke Chechnya because of this and now he's pretending Islam and terrorism have nothing in common. What a fucking faggot.
And by American you mean Israeli Zionist moles in our government.
Link related.
Yes it's long and I'm not posting it for threadly discussion but it contains more redpilled than 90% of the traffic on here over a week.
When you put it that way, you may be on to something. Are Slav Muslims decent compared to their Arab brethren?
Putin's philosopher guru has called for alliances between Orthodox Christians and Shia Muslims.
Hell no because roaches
"Stupid" retards are the worst kind of retard.
We should stop linking it, we should stop thinking about it and talking about, we should start eradicating it
America litteraly funds Wahhabist groups in Chechnya for this reason.
It isn't"Islam" it is a very specific subset being supported by the west Israel and the house of Saud that are responsible for these radical Wahhabist being used to destabilize nations as a proxy force
We have some 10k of mainly tatar muslims her in Estonia we have no problem with (yet).
But they do not go to the fucking mudslime cultural centre for the sandnigger foot soldiers. They have their own.
Russia is basically an Islamic nation.
Unlike Europe, the Muslims in Russia are not immigrants. It is part of Russian heritage. Of course Putin will say this because a large portion of his own people are Muslims.
We would all like that. But how do we get the muslims to stop being terrorists in the name of islam is the bigger question.
>Is Putin right?
only according to Iran and Assad
They can be, or they might not be. During the Chechen war they had a huge number of terrorists but these days Russia's muzzie population has been indoctrinated to hate the terrorists and worship Russia instead. The now mostly lynch the few jihadis that show up. Basically terrorists there are killed along with their families and are often ratted out by their fellow mudslimes
wow putins a cuck, let's be friends with china instead
But neither were as threatening on such a global scale, like ISIS.
Should get rid of the term terrorism and refer to it as Islamic Jihad.
Terrorism is used as a blanket term by the state to increase state power and limit individual freedom.
What does terrorism even mean? Its usually just Islamic Jihad so there is no reason to refer to it as something so abstract as "terrorism".
Russia lost an independent contractor. See you on the lines
everyone would prefer islam not to be mentioned alongside terrorism because if it would mean there is no terrorism anymore
He's right.
He's scared that the Chechens will chimp out again like they did in the 90s
Careful Nikolai, 5% more and it's shariah time
Are jews part of the "Ukrainian" heritage? Your whole government is compromised of them.
Just joking, there is no such thing as Ukrainian heritage anyhow, fucking non-country.
Thats because putin literally commits terroristic acts.
Jews invented terrorism. You're either a kike or a misinformed retard, either way you need to fuck off.
Putin himself says Russia is an ally of Islam.
The Russian Orthodox Church has coexistence with Islam as part of it's doctrine, this isn't new. This is just the result of Christianity in Russia evolving to be more close to Islam. They have had to coexist for centuries. At times they became very close allies, especially during the USSR. They have very similar conservative values.
15% of Russians are Muslim, there are about 2.5 million of them just in Moscow alone.
m8, I'm all for listening to Australians but have you never heard of eagerly lapping up false equivalence propaganda?
Where's the fun in that?
"Muslims form a part of the Russian population, and are an important minority. Therefore, Islamophobia implicitly calls for the break-up of Russia. The difference between Europe and Russia in our attitude toward Islam is that, for us, Muslims are an organic part of the whole, while for Europe they are a post-colonial wave of re-invaders from a different geopolitical and cultural space. But since we have a common enemy in the globalist elite, which is pro-Pussy Riot/Femen, pro-gay marriage, anti-Putin, anti-Iran, anti-Chávez, anti-social justice and so on, we all need to develop a common strategy with the Muslims. Our traditions are quite different, but the anti-traditional world that is attacking us is united, and so must we become.
If “identitarians” really love their identity, they should ally themselves with the Eurasianists, alongside the traditionalists and the enemies of capitalism belonging to any people, religion, culture or political camp. Being anti-Communist, anti-Muslim, anti-Eastern, pro-American or Atlanticist today means to belong to the other side. It means to be on the side of the current global order and its financial oligarchy. But that is illogical, because the globalists are in the process of destroying any identity except for that of the individual, and to forge an alliance with them therefore means to betray the essence of one’s cultural identity."
Russia has alot of musslims and he has aliances with islamist that control some russian regions, him stating that islam sucks and is the bigest thread in contemporary history would put him in a bad position (well if it does not work he will flatten some city and problem solved)
I think he sees Islam as a bolster for right-wing government rather than the left-wing socialist voting block the west sees them as. He says "in vain" purposefully, not as a denier. I'm not too keen on the actual role of the Mudslime community in Russia but the fact you don't hear much about them tells me he keeps them in check.
>Should we stop linking terrorism with Islam?
Fuck, NO.
Nah lets just MAGA and play everyone else against one another because they're assholes
Yeah that's pretty accurate.
Orthodox has tradition of getting BTFO by Islam you mean.
>But neither were as threatening on such a global scale, like ISIS
ISIS is nothing more than a proxy army of the US Israel and Saudis.
Them being some grand threat is simple war propaganda to justify more direct Military intervention in the ME
No, we shouldn't. Putin is a cuck for muslims and jews, stop listening to him, moron.
>there is no such thing as Ukrainian heritage
cant make this shit up
any other leader
> cuck cuck uck
> yeah i understand
>Should we stop linking terrorism with Islam?
We know why Islam rapes.
Want to guess why they engage in terror?
Russia is 15% Muslim, and Putin has to toe the line between being hard on terrorism, and calling out their entire backwards religion. They don't want a whole Chechen war to reignite, especially with all the Islamic soldiers pouring into Ukraine. It would be a horrid mess.
Not all statements can be taken at face value. Diplomacy is a thing. Why something was said is more important than the fact it was said.
Is this manlet also a sjw?
>coming from khazar khaganate
Satan is right.
Sup Forums never said that nor is Sup Forums one person.
Sup Forums last week was "HAHA MEME MAGIC BROS" like they have been since the primaries.
You want to know who is cucked as fuck? The people bending over for the "MUH RUSSIANS" stories perpetuated by the losers of this election.
Hungary has existed for more than a thousan years.
Ukraine was literally made up 100 years by jews/commies.
We have been here like 1000 years before Ukrainian identity was invented.
>philosopher guru
>No such thing as Ukrainian heritage anyhow, fucking non-country.
Where can I apply for this? I'd like to have some rubels for shitposting.
Putin is actually pretty cucked
Oh so I guess you're a mix of asiatic, slavic, germanic, turkic, gypsy and jewish.
It's funny cause you can find asiatic looking germanics and slavs in Hungary and vise versa.
It's the correct way to deal with minorities. Carrot and stick. Be nice to them and use their ideology to align them with your needs, but if they step out of line or attempt to impose their will on you, send in these guys to kill their family and beat them to death.
This way they are both scared to chimp out and have no justifiable reason to.
'Terrorism' is a new kike tool in use since 2001. When I was growing up, the notion of Islamic extremism didn't exist. So its clearly not the religion itself.
I forget exact numbers but something like 15-30% of Russian military is muslim no? I would guess IF he plans some kind of removal it´s better to not advert it and keep them calm tbqh famarhino.
Yeah pretty much all the muslim shilling he does is to pander to chechens. It's basically a country within a country, with their own military and ambitions. It's a bomb waiting to explode, but current chechen leader seems to be satisfied with russian gibs
Haha really? I thought it was
Guess that meme is finaly btfo
if Ukraine is a non country then it's identity, longside Belarus, is with Lithuania, not Russia
KGB internet agents need to get out
>A cucked autistic manlet
Putin is a cuck for Islam and Russia is more Islamic than all European countries.
why are you all so dumb suddenly? did you become a jew?
Sup Forums BTFO
I agree with this, I have a hard time believing any former KGB operative thinks kindly towards the muslims
>He currently has them on a leash, a loose leash but still under control
>The leader of Chechnya is basically a fucking brutal warlord
If he expressed any harsh views how long until muslims are driving trucks over people in Red sqaure etc?
wtf I hate Putin now
When we arrived here, we most likely Asiatic/Turkic mongrels, but even back then, like 15% of the population had Asiatic or Eurasian features according to the archeological finds. Since then it's mostly Slavic and Germanic admixture, but we have managed to keep our language and culture unlike most people who conquered lands in that time period (Bulgarians, Varangians, Normans etc.).
Gypsy admixture is quite rare as most of them are repulsive and rarely marry out of their kind (those ones are usually shunned). Jewish admixture happened quite often after the late XIXth century, but mostly in Budapest (where the Jews weren't quite religious so were free to outmarry).
But as far as I know from surnames in my family names and family anecdotes my non-Hungarian ancestors were Croats and Germans.
But actually I have only known a handful of Hungarians with seemingly Asiatic features, Finnish look way more Asiatic for example.
wtf I love Islam now
Yes, it's time to link terrorism to the ones importing muslims, the jews.
We should stop mentioning Islam in vain alongside terrorism when the muslim population stops committing disproportionate amounts of terrorism
Shill... we all know this is a Mossad shit thread, only newfags fall for this shit
and we have theses fucking jews here since the #GamerGate.
Merkel isn't a Jew.
She is a Muslim lover, like Putin.
>native Russians
no, they are not Russian. they are there own ethnicities whose lands are in the Russian republic. but no one considers them Russian.
Thats because your a nigger
new fags like this britbong here
What's all this about Russia being based then?
Last time they chimped out, Russian "mercenaries" have murdered like one third of the Chechen males under Putin.
Its a shill thing, their troll army shills like fucking crazy, didnt you notice around the time of the Ukraine war you have shitloads of non Russian flags delcaring
>Ukraine, no such thing
>Rightful clay
Sup Forums didnt give a fuck about eastern europe until the Ukraine thing started then suddenly so many non Russians began to hate on Poland, the Baltics and Ukraine. Yet no one shits on Belarus
Kremlin shills
i believe middle eastern culture of violence and decadence should be seperate from the islamic religion. islam is pretty bad like all organized religions, standing at the top of that pile even. but i think that almost all of the negative aspects of islam stem from the horrid society and culture of the middle eastern sandniggers. i simply wish that there's a differentiation. in slovenia we have a very large portion of the population as bosnian muslim immigrants and aside from the regular uneducated first-generation immigrant worker problems, they aren't in any way similar to the syrian and iraqi refugees flooding in to europe. kill all sandniggers.
Reading comprehension and context you asshole
I'll bet money he meant that he wishes Islamists would stop commiting acts of terror so we can stop assuming it's a Muslim everytime someone shoots up a gay club
Tatars are different than middle eastern shitlords. Same goes for Kazakhs and all the Russian mongols.
Basically the closer you get to ME the more retarded muslims get.
He probably meant that saying it is unnecessary as one implies the other.
*islam fart*