Your thoughts?
Do you support an independent Cornwall?
Kernow bys vyken
Your thoughts?
Do you support an independent Cornwall?
Kernow bys vyken
Yes. Cast all you hobbit inbred so loose so you can reopen your tin mines again.
Stupidest shit ever
Devon has better pasties anyway
Considering they're English and will collapse because they have literally 0 industry and 0 ability to export anything and will demand Westminster subsidise them?
They can cunt off but don't expect me to pick up the tab, they want to be "free" they can pay for it.
Ænglisc celest cynn!
gonna have to try better than that buddy
>Considering they're English
and you
Yes, but if you want to play Celt you do it with your "Cornish" shekels, not English shekels.
Oh wait, Cornish shekels are non existent, just like Cornish people.
My bad....
but mate i am cornish and so are my friends and family
having your own currency doesnt determine whether your people exist or not fuckwit
It does when your essentially living off of us and you repay us with betrayal. Besides your land is English land, it was conquered over 1000 years ago by the Kingdom of Wessex, the Welsh are the only real Celts left, you faggots literally have zero claims. Fucking Cumbrians and Anglians have more right to claim Celtic heritage and revive their dead languages.
You Cornlel? You don't.. You're more Saxon than Essex lol.
Ok praise Æthelstan!
You should at least have currency that belongs to you, even if it's still £GBP
scotland has their own currency, does england? no.
youre probably the same guy in every thread trying to force this narrative that cornish dont exist even though culturally we're completely different to you twats that flood our county every summer, and trust me i can tell the difference between a cornishman and an englishman.
Pick one.
A regional identity built on hatred of holiday homes and a language nobody speaks doesn't count.
Go back to making pasties.
If you're so worried about non-English people leeching welfare, you're really not going after the main culprits.
But keep pissing and moaning about separatists while niggers and mudslimes annex your country outright. Youre thick as pigshit m8
yeah our situation is fucked thanks to you cunts
globalisation also killed off any industry we had and people question why we voted leave
Like he said, feel free to try but don't expect any money from angle land to fund your socialist projects. You'll have to sell enough fudge & clotted cream to pay for your health service, pensions, welfare etc
otherwise good luck getting people to support separatism on the "defund the NHS" platform, I'm sure that will be a real crowd pleaser
maybe you could join the EU!
Everyone should have an independent cornhole, hngh hngh.
I'm not, I made my point clear, they want to go they can go so long as THEY pay for it and not my people.
But they won't because they can't, they also are not legitimate, fuck you're more Celtic than they are. They are an English colony, it's nothing but retired English people, any Celts that were there left for Argentina and Mexico to silver mine. I find the whole LARPing bullshit as a Celt a bit tiresome. Bad enough they came out with some retarded ice cream advert spoken by an annoying cockney cunt in Cornish (made up gibberish). But now this shit?
They can go, they pay for it or you can pay for it if you care about them being independent. Someone else can foot the bill.
your mums got a socialist cornhole which everyone has a slice of
fuck out of my thread you bollockless shitcunt
I don't really care about it.
t. Yorkshireman
I'm staying near Tintagel in a few months.
Please recommend pubs, walks etc if you know of any good ones, preferably away from tourists.
I mainly want to walk far and eat well.
and people say were leaching off england
we dont get shit, we pay taxes and no money or investment comes back here
Is that guy about to get beheaded?
>I'm a grockel, pls help
>does england? no.
Yes actually it does, it's called the £, printed from THE BANK OF ENGLAND.. It's England's currency. Anyone can use it so long as the Bank agrees to be the lender of last resort you absolute fucking retard.
You are leeching off the rest of England, but so are we so how can I talk.
t. Yorkshireman
thats a bit up the line for me sorry, not been that way. im down in penzance if youre ever down this way ive got many good recommendations
why do you pop up in every thread with this shit? australia are more celtic? are you mad
lol at your butthurt of someone speaking cornish in an advert. why does that trigger you so much?
Better than Irish Nationalism. Anything has to be better than whisky, child abuse and ignorance.
Don't forget Catholicism.
we cant leech when we dont get anything in the first place
were just left to rot
Oh, Fuck off. Cornwall has nothing going for it but shit tier beaches. You're all a bunch of fucking retarded hobo's or farmers.
Cornwall gets more in spending than it gives in taxes, we do the same thing here in Yorkshire. We also get fuck all. You're a leech, I am a leech. We're all leeches really.
>lol at your butthurt of someone speaking cornish in an advert. why does that trigger you so much?
Because it's a fucking Londoner reciting shit from a script with no real pronunciation, it's not like the Welsh language where it's natural and flows normally, you're just LARPers.. And what? Descendants of criminals that were deported to Australia years ago from the scumpits of these isles do have more legitimate ties to the older lineage than Cornlels of modern day time do.
You mad about that? I think so.
>balkanisation of the UK
well if the Cornish get independence then I want Mercia back
Might as well, it'll be a fun experiment at least. Britain is already fucked.
Northhumbria when?
>preferably away from tourists
Don't go to Cornwall then.
Kek this is now a cornholio thread
Dumnonia is rightful Wessex clay and it stays that way, unless they can provide $50000000 trillion billion million zillion dollars to cover expenses they've racked up.
Yeah, fuck off.
>0 industry and 0 ability to export anything
They export a lot of pasties and cider.
>cornish australians didnt disappear whereas a whole county of cornish in cornwall somehow did
yeah makes loads of sense that
>it's not like the Welsh language where it's natural and flows normally
a language which isnt familiar to me sounds weird to me!!!!11
youve got nothing between your ears
>Cornish nationalism
Fuck my sides
What a load of wank
That's Devon fag.
Emmet is the Cornish term.
Fuck both of you either way, most 'Cornish' people are fucking English.
Do they export tp?
Tp for my bunghole?
Cornish is fake though, it died out and had to be resurrected, the original pronunciation was lost.
thats what happens when a country is completely based around one city
the problem here is theres no investment in the north and down south west, if they invested in industry down here it would produce results
There is only one thing londoners invest in, and its nothing to do with Britain
I don't mind French Catholicism and the Oxford Movement, but Irish Catholicism is a cesspit.
They haven't had the sheer volume of English immigrants you've had.
I mean do you not feel stupid that the leader of the Cornish party is English? Do you not feel any shame or humiliation?
>a language which isnt familiar to me sounds weird to me!!!!11
Your language died when Æthelstan raped your lineage forever more, maybe instead of complaining about the shitty situation you're in, you should spend the money you leech from us on better things? Like infrastructure? Instead of trying to revive dead languages like the retarded, LARPing fucknuggets you are.
The Saxon language is dead, you think I care? You think I want billions wasted on trying to revive it along with some phony nationalism where England returns to the Heptarchy? We have enough problems without having to deal with your "Goth" phase shall we call it.
Grow the fuck up and deal with the shit instead of being LARPtards.
1.2 trillion of the UK's total GDP is generated from London.
Are you sure none of it goes anywhere else in the UK?
Really now? You sure about that Mr Bennie Scrounger Esquire...
>Cornish Australians are thought to make up around 4.3 per cent of the Australian population and are thus one of the largest ethnic groups in Australia.
Larger than i expected but how long ago? you think 4.3% BACK THEN was a larger amount and enough to maintain a celtic identity than cornwall? i know you was probably exaggerating but still
>maybe instead of complaining about the shitty situation you're in, you should spend the money you leech from us on better things? Like infrastructure?
we have a few odd buildings funded and some tarmac roads and the eden project, stop acting as if we get a large enough sum to actually generate some industry down here. we need more than that and its out of our hands, maybe if london gave a fuck about somewhere which wasnt london for once
No. I unironically love you faggots and you'd starve without us.
Lol you mock your only real form of income aka tourism, if you actually hate tourists then you are so fucking stupid
Cornwall is and always will be England.
I've never been to Cornwall because I have no more reason to go there than I have reason to go to Shropshire, Suffolk, or Gloucestershire.
I've always assumed 'Cornish' identity was a bit of a joke and done mostly for tourist bucks because agricultural is dead in the UK and I'm pretty sure the Cornish economy is 99% ice cream.
Like the rest of England it's no doubt a mix of people from all over the country and the hotels are staffed entirely by Poles and Italians. The Cornish independents are probably the inbred lot who can't get said Poles and Italians to fuck them and their pasties are all made in a factory in Manchester.
But hey, I'm sure a few schoolchildren know how to say about 5 words in Cornish and the creepy old man in the village has self-published a book on it.
>and the creepy old man in the village has self-published a book on it.
>I've never been to this place but let me tell you about said place
its best you stay away
>What industry do they expect will sustain their economy?
>Cream or Tourism?
Cornwall is a meme. The last real Cornish died nearly 300 years ago when their language became extinct
I'm not intentionally staying away. I just have 0 reason to go and it's on the other side of the country. I'm sure you've got some nice coastline.
Good luck with your whole separatist thing. I'm sure you and the 3 other regulars on the subreddit are about ready to break though.