THREAD VIDEO: youtube.com
This is a thread to discuss all things Australia, from politics to how much you hate the unga bunga boongs.
THREAD VIDEO: youtube.com
This is a thread to discuss all things Australia, from politics to how much you hate the unga bunga boongs.
Why is your country and their country filled with the biggest faggots on earth leaf cuck trash?
Why is your country filled with genetic trash who fuck their siblings and cousins?
we're like the USA except instead of black lives matter we've got BLACK FUCKIN SPOIDAHS
Aussie cunts
Why did a fucking tree dodger start this thread?
because australians are fags
Nice proxy mate
Oh you're so tough! Always saying MATE and screaming the word CUNT, oh, you're so so tough. FUCK OFF. Australians like to pretend they're tough yet they put up with a tyranical government that charges them 40$ for a fucking pack of cigarettes. The place is the definition of a SJWs infested Nanny State. You even need a licence for a bbq on the beach! Laughable!
Why did you lose a war to a pack of flightless birds? That giant rabbit looks like it knows what to do with an emu.
KYS fucking loser . you are almost as bad as the Americans here that suck Australia's dick on the daily
Oh here he goes again. Look at you Canada, posting on Sup Forums thinking you just said some smart shit.
Out of all countries that post here Canadians are the ones that piss me off the most. Their entire fucking culture makes no sense. What exactly is it that you do? Wear flannel shirts and slurp syrup?
If I think of America I think of guns, pop culture and freedom. Sure, lots of ignorant baboons but at least they wear their retardation like a badge of honor, use it as a cultural identity, their flag promotes the unity of the country with all these stripes and stars.
Germany is orderly, a country that prides itself on its rules and their citizens who follow them. It's also the country with the biggest responsibility when it comes to destroying Europe with its two world wars and government sanctioned refugee crisis. Their flag waves strong colors, black, red and gold. A dominant flag for a dominant country.
Russia is strong and stubborn to a fault. They live hard lives and don't complain about it. Obviously the entire country is pretty much a shithole but it breeds strong people who can take care of themselves. Their flag represents the cold, the white, the blue but also the burning passion in the red, it all comes together to signify that their country is bleak but there is strength in that.
But Canada, what are they fucking known for? Being "nice", i guess? Is that your role in the world? Being fucking nice? That's not an achievement. Everyone can be nice. It's easy to be nice. You just don't have to say anything bad.
So what did your fucking country decide to put on their flag to show the entire world what Canada is all about? A leaf. A FUCKING LEAF. You decided that you like to slurp your shitty syrup so damn much that you might as well put the fucking leaf that it's made of on the flag. You don't even respect your own country so why the hell should I.
Lel. This. This country is cucked to the fuck yet half the guys act like they're all ready for a foight cunt!
on topic this bozo is finally out the door
t. Alberto Barbosa
> loses war to sand niggers and gooks
> get cucked by our rabid police on a daily basis
> still think we have the greatest country in the world
Ha like we have any room to talk about the Australians. At least their police aren't homicidal government mercenaries like ours and they keep their nogs homeless our contained in the outback.
The provinces of Labrador and New Foundland were named after Portuguese explorers...
This is my fetish
Newfoundland literally means New Found Land. There were never any Portuguese people there, I still doubt there are. The only people to ever really live there in medieval times were the Vikings.
>this thread
>posting in the middle of a week day
neets pls go
> A dominant flag for a dominant country.
You're a dumb fuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. Just like 90% of Sup Forums
Does this picture make you hard leaf
About as hard as average American women make me.
Which is a translation of 'Terra Nova'. A small Portuguese settlement which existed in Canada for some time.
> In 1506, king Manuel I of Portugal created taxes for the cod fisheries in Newfoundland waters.[51] João Álvares Fagundes and Pêro de Barcelos established seasonal fishing outposts in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia around 1521, and older Portuguese settlements may have existed.[52]
FUCK STRAYA. Florida is most better country. You can-not eben compete.
Yes, and thanks to you faggots, the Grand Banks, which are in our waters, got overfished. You faggots TUGA's helped cause the collapse of the east coast cod fishery here.
Why does kangaroos make me think of an australian fucking a donkey, and some weird genetic disanomaly happening to give birth to something like that.
>Newfoundland (island), the island portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada was originally called Terra Nova in Portuguese
So, your country has 2 whole provinces named by us. Might not want to make fun of t.alberto barbosa huh?
At least you can afford cigars in Florida. Strayans can't. Oh so sad must life be down under.
>implying I'm making fun of you and not trying to b8 the Portuguese guy who likes Alberto memes
Newfoundland and Labrador is one province by the way.
like your hefers are something to be proud of
Wasn't two dudes with guns fucked up a few hundred birds? In a day or so
Oh yes, The Great Emu War!
>the average canadian male is overweight
really makes you think...