


Shill and robot cesspool, fairly sure nobody sentient frequents it

Complete and utter cuckfest over there.

Fuck reddit in general.

Tell me about it. Every damn thread there is about Donald Trump and how evil he is. Do they ever discuss anything else?

reddit is worthless except for r/altright


I waste so much time at work browsing through r/politics and their eternal butthurt. They are honestly the saddest group of people on earth and they're all dumb as rocks.

I don't think it is good for my mental health

Reddit is shit for discussing politics.

>Sup Forums


You don't go there to discuss politics, you go there to lurk. It keeps you up to date on how lefty cucks view current events.

reddit is shit FTFY*

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

>tfw browsing thedonald and Sup Forums at the same time during shitstorms.


That shit made me against the idea of colonization

The_Donald is basically babby's first redpill. They're better than the rest, but still have a long way to go before they become Sup Forums material.

This is why I do it.

It takes a toll though. Sometimes I just have to stop for my own sake.

Which is sad because it was originally a Sup Forums colony.

I think it serves its purpose well
