Homosexuality wasn't a part of classical greek culture

homosexual and pedophile behaviors were not part of classical greek culture. classical greeks were the epitome of the standard male and female genders, and their family and social structures were stronger for it.

(((they))) conveniently slip in references to these behaviors to discredit and undermine the pillars of western thought and civilization, because those foundations of reason allow us to escape the allegorical cave of abrahamic bondage to let the first lights of free existence touch upon our skins.

do not allow (((them)) to denigrate western culture and infect it with this virus of emotionally compelling nonsense. it is no different from the left claiming that white men are racist. it relies on fear and emotional manipulation to make thought taboo.

embrace your western roots and sharpen your reason.

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No man, just no
You don't know shit, you don't understand shit, just stop

they took it in the butt and they enjoyed it

No, that was against their Hellenist beliefs. Pederasts, at best, did intercrural sex rather than anal.

what a fucking idiot you are.

This is a fact. Homosexuals had no civic rights in ancient Greek society. Sexuality was very different than the modern world but the faggotry of today did not exist then. Weakness was not a virtue


Homosexuality wasn't part of Mycenaean Greece. Achilles and Patroclus were not gay. But it was definitely (pic related) part of Classical Greece and Hellenistic Greece. That's the crucial fact about this: it started to become very common when Greece was at its peak, and then declined. Polybius wrote:
>In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and generally a decay of population, owing to which the cities were denuded of inhabitants, and a failure of productiveness resulted, though there were no long-continued wars or serious pestilences among us…. For this evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life, and accordingly either not marrying at all, or, if they did marry, refusing to rear the children that were born, or at most one or two out of a great number, for the sake of leaving them well off or bringing them up in extravagant luxury

Lol totally not a jew
The fact is that Western civilisation didn't born only by the Greeks but even from Romans and Germans evolving during history and removing the homo aspects with christianity, the Greeks were clever faggots, the Romans were strong warriors (with some faggotry), the Germans were christian snowflakes that removed fags

>pedophile behaviors were not part of classical greek culture.
Wrong. Fucking was manly, getting fucked(being the woman) is for worthless trash people.
You've got a very twisted modern view of sex.

Yes it was
it just wasn't modern faggotry as we now see it
it was structured by age and class, with older, more respectable men going after young, lower class boys, which would be frowned upon by society if they consented too easily
it also varied from city state to city state


homosexuality was an indicator of the demise of grecian greatness. (((they))) seek to borrow the perception of morally upright great greeks to substantiate and validate the morally bankrupt modern practices of homosexuality and familial disregard.

do you get your philosophical and historical knowledge from spongebob reruns?

Because the females were kept segregated from the men. In every culture where men and women are segregated, you have lot of homosexual behavior, both among the men and among the women. This includes modern day, were muslims in most of the world keep men and women separate. In those places, there is an extreme amount of homosexuality, where older men screw the hell out of boys and small men.

Plato was a fucking asshole and all the shit you're crying and lying about destroyed an authentic way to be Christian

no, it wasn't. anything you read that says as much is """academic history""".


Bible says Eve came from rib. Plato says some men are gay because Adam used to be three different kinds of trannies before God split him down the middle to fashion Eve. That's fucked and you know it. Muh gender purity? Gimme a fucking break

plato didn't say men are gay. that's a """gross simplification""" of a complex philosophical topic, and is exactly how those indoctrinated by """academic history""" excuse their own immorality. your defense of your own deviant perversions is sad.

This is correct, what OP is thinking about came mostly from the Christians

you're incorrect. traditional classical greek families were strong and stable. the popular concept of hedonistic immorality is a propaganda meme to dissuade young people from being captivated by the power of greek wisdom. it is natural to be horrified by homoeroticism, and (((they))) capitalize on that natural horror by magnifying the isolated behavior of 1% of the worst part of greek culture from the time of greece's downfall.

Then explain why Zeus had male lovers? Even the homoerotic elements in Plato's Symposium. Sorry user, but anti-homosexuality came form judaism and its offshoots.

zeus isn't a man.


anti-homosexuality does not come from judaism. anti-homosexuality comes from human nature. judaism encourages homosexuality and other sexual amoralities (pornography, prostitution, etc.) in competing civilizations. read the old testament, especially numbers.

Mate, I hate faggots as much as the next guy but the Greeks had no real problem with it. This doesn't mean most people were faggots, just that it didn't bother them much. The Romans were more guarded against it. It only became a very serious issue when the Christians took power and said you would burn in hellfire for it.

None of this means we should fuck each other in the ass, the ancients weren't infallible superhuman transdimensional gods.

>homosexuality wasn't a part of classical greek culture
According to the leader of the Alt-Right homosexuals have always been a intricate part of European history.
Since he is the leader of the Alt-Right I'll just take his word over yours.

Good shit OP. I think you convinced me.

this is how judasim and christianity are spread. this is how propaganda works. 99% of ancient greek population were regular people who abhorred homosexuality. 1% were affluent citizens who indulged in their own vices. (((you))) say it was the christians taking power that changed this, but it wasn't. it was the affluent greeks absconding their positions through negligence that resulted in the decay of their order, which inhibited and limited its public presence and allowed social perceptions to reach the natural equilibrium again.

the 1% of greeks who were accepting of these immoral practices were statistical anomalies, and the crafty use of such anomalies is a standard tool of propaganda for convincing people that correlation is causation.

it's just wrong.

But what about pederasty? That was extremely common. How is that not gay?

it wasn't extremely common. it's no different than modern public perceptions of the pervasiveness of homosexuality. the homosexual 1% of the population is perceived as 20% of the total population by greater than 50% of the heterosexual population, because of how """intellectuals""" and (((others))) control the narrative through the arts and media.

it isn't real.

true, Plato fpr example wanted the death sentence for homosexuals, and anyone caught or even accused in public lost their civic rights.

read the book Homosexuality in Ancient Greece by Adonis Ath. Georgiades where he proves this and actually publishes the relevant texts in Greek and English.

Why would I believe them faggots over Richard Spencer the LEADER of the ALT-RIGHT.
He has stated homosex is natural among Europeans.

I have a major in philosophy from a super conservative, christian school. And the ancient Greeks were viewed favorably, but always with a "except the pederasty" attitude. It never made sense to me. Good redpill OP

>homosexuals have always been a intricate part of European history.
What nonsense

My stance on faggots is this:
I don't care what happens between two consenting adults between closed doors, but I'd better not fucking see it, hear about it, smell it or even suspect it because you're goddamn right I'm gonna be mad. Get those filthy HIV-poisoned rats out of my sight. If you're spreading diseases like immoral underground cockroaches then you should get the rope. And if they dare to touch a child then they should get used as a lab rat for the rest of their worthless lives.

You're calling me a kike now? Wonderful, but you're missing the part where Greek city-states behaved differently. What might have been accepted in Athens would get you thrown out of a cliff in Sparta, that applies to this topic ad well.

pic related

Nope. It's like Shekinah hoax and maybe the two spirited thing for some First Nations. Or all of them? I don't know. There allegedly was a male male Adam tranny for faggots to aspire to. A male female Adam tranny for heteros. And a female female for dykes. You talk about etymologies but call sodomy penisbum when angels have no gender and it was said many times to be inhospitable rape. And so many other instances of the 19th century term homosexual written into the translations of the Bible. Yes gay did not exist as a word but the concepts did. You're just a sperg. God doesn't have tits and neither did Adam. Only Lucifer is depicted like this

if you study the etymology of "spencer", you'll see that it stems from the olde english for "one who spences". spencing is a term for a dam builder, and saw wide usage as nomenclative meatphor in classic english mythology to name characters who were known to hoard or withhold things (due to the connection between damming and holding water, which was a critical aspect of olde english survival). spencers were known for hoarding water and guarding it from the population, and only agreeing to the most exorbitant exchanges. in olde english mythology, spencers were often overthrown by local populations after populist uprisings.

interestingly, the etymology of the word "dispense" comes from these tales, where the population would remove the spencer, or dispense of them.

so you tell me...do you trust the controlled opposition of richard (((spencer))), or your instincts and experience about how propaganda uses the anomalies of history to support the moral degradation of society?

Greece here, just wanted to point out that more than half of all the gay pottery pics are just fakes sold at tourist spots for memes.

"A man when drunk is led by a beardless lad, stumbling and not knowing where he goes, having his soul moist." Heraclitus
Implying that as you become weak, i.e., your soul becoming moist, you become a faggot who wants boys.

No, shit, it's illegal to sell actual antiques

when you get further into it, you see that giving your sexuality to other men actually depletes the vitality of your male spirit, thus weakening you in masculine exchanges in the future, which results in more feminine behaviors, such as passive aggressive plotting, backstabbing, and secretive betrayals due to a lack of masculine confidence to use direct confrontation as a means to address concerns.

he means that the depictions are false and not actual historical depictions

it is easy to recognize: historical gay sex depictions involve 95% of the time satyrs, which were hardly held in high regard back then