How come nobody is giving a flying fuck about the Occhionero hacking thing?

how come nobody is giving a flying fuck about the Occhionero hacking thing?

>Two siblings, named Giulio & Francesca Occhionero (literally Black Eye) were spying the network of lots of politicians, more or less 18000 people, including Matteo Renzi, Mario Monti and Mario Draghi (president of the ECB) for years, and they did it with a malware called EyePyramid (rly makes u think,,,,). Other than that, they have offshore societies in london and other parts of the world. they were accused of cyberespionage, but the fun part is that the brother, Giulio, is actually a freemason other than be nuclear engineer.

this story sounds pretty much like the tip of an iceberg, in my opionion that (Occhionero) is not even their real surname, and its impossible that just 2 people gathered so much information on so many people, so there must be like an organization or some shit, i dunno


what are your thoughts pastabros?


I think there are real people doing real shit in the world

And this means the most powerful asset the powers have is the perception of power.

This is how two siblings can hack the most powerful people in a country for years or how the CIA made a highschool grade report on something fake.

It's all a literal lie.

God bless them


I for one am enjoying the Great Unraveling
Bless everyone that's actually doing something

The change might not necessarily imply improvements in all regards.

My thought is that its just not those two people involved in the story, i wonder what they actually found, because as i read, the cyber police knew about them for months, indeed the chief of the operation has been dismissed yesterday. There must be something huge

Oy vey they comin for me?

Doesn't matter what you do, it matters what you make people believe you did.

This subtle transition is when truth in society died.

First we do what must be done, then take it from there

Probably is.

The brother could work for the freemasons (there's a HUGE masonic culture in Italy) or he's just coincidentally one.

Many of the targets of the hacking are freemasons as well.

You can believe without much proof that what they have is so big it could bring Italy down as a state and probably some other countries as well.

Fuck that would be the ultimate happening, i just have no idea what it could potentially be

It seem linked with the project sauron, so NSA-Israel.

You're assuming it once existed.

Or that it doesnt exist in parallel.

It's like two different softwares. You can use them both.

Truth with a capital T is not necessarily related to agency in the societal world the way I see it.


Gli investigatori del Centro nazionale anticrimine informatico (Cnaipic) hanno infatti individuato delle caselle postali alle quali dal 2010 venivano inviati i dati hackerati: Sono [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] e [email protected]. Indirizzi mail giĆ  noti, alle forze dell'ordine e giudiziarie ma anche alla stampa. Erano infatti emersi nel luglio 2011 nell'ambito dell'inchiesta sulla P4 dei pm di Napoli, Francesco Curcio e Henry John Woodcock. Si presupponeva l'esistenza di una lobby che si serviva di notizie riservate, ottenute attraverso sistemi informatici 'paralleli', per condizionare gare e appalti, ottenere favori, verificare procedimenti penali in corso, eludere indagini e fabbricare dossier.


Dont get hang up on the amazement and intrigue, it's all deception.

What It can potentially be is they have all the secrets you've always heard about as conspiracies. Nobody is able to maintain power or even the structure of power we have if truth is encouraged instead of convenience. And this is by far not convenient.

I try to be pretty skeptic about conspiracies and secret societies, but this looks so much like a proof of people working behind the curtains, freemasonry in italy is pretty tied to the mafia and obviously there is total silence about it

>You're assuming it once existed.

It still does, I'm in contact with it every single day.

Just not in a broad sense.

But, you're right, the illusion is long-standing.

That is going to change.


E il momento di memare la caduta dell' italia


I'm up for game.

Care to elaborate on soon?

I'm always very skeptical about this, there's lots of you and I's who are always talking about it. My guess is most of them lie, and as I understand it, its up to one and in front of them always, easy to reach.

However it seems the current of thought the hivemind has is that it will ocurr somehow and that it will be collective.

It fell centuries ago when the Black Hand gained complete control.

Kinda like here with the CIA.

Anybody else think they sound like P4 all over again?

All I can tell you is that the time of fear and darkness is coming to a close.

But it will get worse before it gets better.

sounds jewcy

it totally is

Timeframe in years?

Anything I can do?

My powerlevel is above average, I may be able to achieve out of the ordinary things, but I have no direction.

Be as much of a bro as you can to as many people as you can. I haven't found anything more specific yet. Thinking I should look for a teacher