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also pls bump to keep thread afloat
Too bad there's no comment section.
*teleports behind poll*
Maybe it's better if we all vote "no'? That way CNN thinks they are still credible and they will continue to make fools out of themselves.
Yes at 59% now
>CTR on damage control.
Nice try, how are you fuckers STILL being paid?
>voted with 7 proxies
Not working for me for some reason. I go to the page but there is no poll posted.
Nah, I'd rather see their shit show end, its getting pathetic seeing them gasp for viewers or credibility
I'd rather we won fairly, but if it's to humiliate CNN, I'll excuse it this time.
>1 yes vote per second
>1 no vote per 10 seconds
I used 20
>that real-time vote tally
autists throwing down hard, im impressed
Reloading the page works?
el bumpo
>Online polls
There's about three people voting no.
Just wait with your shitty internet connection
Good I needed to piss on CNN's ashes one last time.
lose and reopen wrks
7410 votes for YES right now... keep it going lads
Yes goes 5 times as fast as No
80% / 20% must be the target
It's nice to see if you bump this thread the vote counter will speed up
64% / 36%
Thanks for calling attention to this, op. Have a bump and a (you)
report, sage, hide
Seconded, bump.
I'm dual wielding devices right now
trying to push it to 70
lib detected
Bampu desu
A bump for Kek.
Bump for the lulz
>Do you believe Donald Trump's claim that CNN is 'fake news'
Fucking media
>i'll never watch nichijou for the first time again
We 65% now
oy vey
we gotta get it passed 9000
that's our calling card
I voted yes unironically.
do all the oldfags hangout on Sup Forums??
Every other board doesn't even reference memes pre-2015
Yes, for we are the most bitter.
you can vote multiple times if you reload the page
Did we break the voting machine?
I think they took it down or we crashed it.
Can somebody please update us here with the scored?
>Banned from site
Toplel, our power level was too much.
topkeke famsempai
I'm getting a different poll
adblocked somehow
that's the survey I got
stop voting, this is bait
CNN will be regarded as yellow press thanks to Trump
but I don't like babies (in the workplace)
Makes sense that the most resilient would end up here.
Yes. Sup Forums was a lost cause
There is only Sup Forums - the best news site in the world
Up to the second updates on world and local affairs
Babies are bad... why do you think nobody hires millenials?
In terms of gross numbers it's likely since we are the largest board now but propbably not in terms of percentage. I think the use of old jokes probably has more to do with the psychology of the the board, the fact that Sup Forums posters tend to be fairly conservative means that by nature we are more likely to to hold onto and try ro preserve some elements of the past.
personally i went 2007/b/ --> 2010/r9k/ --> 2015/pol/
Makes sense. I was cancer to the oldfags, but compared to nu-Sup Forums i'm an ancient faggot.
I voted no
fuck trump
Vote yes on babeh!
I've never actually been to /r9k/
I will go check it out, it's been around a while
Did they stop letting people vote in the poll? Not seeing it. It's asking me about babies in the workplace now. I said good. Why do you guys hate babies? Babies are beautiful creatures.
That's literally impossible as the voting stopped about ten minutes ago, nice attempt to bait though, retard.
I wish to be the little girl
it's garbage.
Literally beta-reddit. That is why i came to Sup Forums.
I forever find myself fleeing these faggots. All i want is to chat with bitter cunts who like anime and aren't pussified retards.
also, marblecake.
So, what happens now? Will they report on TV?
Bean Bag Buccaneers is a two player children's game, the object of which is to pick up your treasure chest on the central island and sail back safely.
Each player has a giant sailing ship as their main game piece. Each ship has a removable sail, two trigger-action side panels, and a huge spring-driven cannon. Players take turns moving forward along a prescribed track and shooting bean bags at their opponent's ship. A hit on one of the side panels will force it to pop off and give the player a free shot at the other side; a hit forcing the sail off becalms the ship for a turn.
To add to the pirate flavor, each player also has an eye patch. Wearing these will slightly affect depth perception and add a marginal bit of sport to the shooting.
This game retailed for the somewhat impressive sum of $16 back in 1962. With its huge plastic ships (close to a foot long), giant vinyl play mat, and the eye patches, it may well stand as one of the more overproduced games of the early 1960s.
Might as well vote for babies in the workplace.
I prefer my cake soft and moist but whatever floats your boat man.
I used to be a newfag back in 2007 so I guess I'm an oldfag now.
This image is from 2005 I'll tell you whut
Lol, even battleblogs checks that much for samevoting.