-sips migrant cum-
Think about that
>spic name
>from California
Why does this not surprise me?
wow really made me sage
Quoting herself? The only other person i know that does that is Hillary Clinton and it's the most pathetic thing anyone can do.
+1 ahmed cumshot has been added to that womyn's Merkel profile
>Harvard constitutional scholar
>a pampered liberal elite completely out of touch with the rest of the American public
>a good thing
I have been thinking about and it makes me happy.
"In 10 days we go from a child-murdering, drone striking, middle-class destroying, lying, decietful man of no scruples in shitting on everyone he dislikes to an absolute madman. Think about that".
- Me, user, right now
What did you expect
>Occupoop DemoKKKrats quoting themselves
Before the election shit like this enraged me.
Now we've won and the only thing they're going to do is destroy themselves.
What does Occupy Democrats even fucking mean. The title of that gay facebook group angers me more than the faggy posts.
According to my extensive knowledge in latin culture, "de la cruz" aka "from the cross" was originally a name for babies "miraculously conceived during a religious event".
Aka fatherless orgy babies.
am i supposed to argue against this? i voted for trump because i wanted a president thats all of those things
>constitutional scholar
He must have done very poorly
I am thinking about it. It makes me happy.
>quoting yourself
I shiggydiggy
Is occupy Democrats going under just like Obama? They're literally his paid internet shills
>In 10 days we go from an empty-suit Manchurian candidate who's blackness is the sole factor for his admission to the ivy league and his political victories to maybe the single most accomplished PERSON in US history.
>Self-made multi-billionaire who not only graduated from the finest business school in the country on his own merits, accomplished his childhood dream of adding to the skyline of the most famous city in the world and now just out of a selfless desire to fix our country he has single-handedly taken on both party establishments, the entire media monster, all the rules, all the odds, and the neigh unstoppable Clinton political machine and WON: the most unlikely presidential campaign victory in US history.
Must taste worst than my cum
A family man... Unless it's a Muslim family in the middle east having a wedding. In which case he'll drone strike you.
I'd be like,
"Reminder that in 10 days, Donald Trump and Mike Pence are going to round all of you and your mutant friends up to be shuttled into giant ovens and killed.
Just kidding. Nothing is going to change for any of you as you and all your muh civil rights are so insignificant that he doesn't give the smallest fuck to bother dicking around with you. Carry on with your annoying, useless lives where hopefully one day you'll die a sudden death and stop pissing the rest of us off, you cunts.
You mean Barack 'The drone strike' Obama
shutup and stop using your phone while you're in the designated shitting street
If we verbalize our Obama fantasies enough maybe it will become true! What the fuck is Fast and Furious!?! No I DON'T Like racing movies.
>occupy democrats member
wow. strong credentials right there.
>congress won't let me do what I want so I'll just go against the constitution
>Quoting a random person as if they have some authority
"Gas the kikes, race war now"
-James user, Sup Forumsack, 2016
Trump is also Ivy League educated
>occupydemocrats member
>posted by occupydemocrats
>California Occupy Democrats Member
Those are quite the credentials.
JK Rowling does it too
Make Mexico Great Again!
Have you not heard of the legendary Aalewis? His Reddit-posts are some of the most profound I've read:
Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’
>eagle flying
>A family man... Unless it's a Muslim family
correct. he's either legit muslim or an honorary one