Your opinion on Romania

your opinion on Romania
>inb4 gypsyland

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I am from Romania, I am the superior daco roman master race.
We are the primordial desdendents of planet Earth. All other nations of this planet have the daco-gets as ancestors. One thousand years ago,the name of Sweden and Denmark in their history was Dacia.The name of Germany today,is Deutschland which is the Land of the Dacians.The getae-dacians were extraordinary advanced in all domains.They had flying machines too,they have made maps of the Earth that nowadays even NASA looks at them and say that they cannot make them at the level the daco-gets made them.Us,the romanians,we dont know that in Romania we have a lot of pyramids,and after the model of pyramids in Romania, our ancestors the getae-dacs have build the pyramids of Egypt.

Gypsyland 2nd post best post

its shit

exactly what my father thinks , kek

What this guy said
At least we have good and uncensored internet , can pirate anything we want


Codreanu was based

Saw it on Great Continental Railway Journeys and was very impressed. Not what I expected.

He was not. He was a religious bigot who misunderstood fascism and gave it a bad name.

In rural areas, people have toilets in their backyards.Here you don't shit on the streets because people would beat the fuck out of you.Toothpaste cannot into thinking.

A real shit hole, some immigrant and prostitute here are romanian...

XD nice assumption XD

Horia Sima > Codreanu.

Romania it's a beautifull country, but the majority of people are trash (canadian-tier)

They were both lame in my opinion. They have coated fascism in an overly religious shell in order to pander to the masses.

Why is everybody ignoring the barren steppe in the east and south-east? It has its beauty though.
great fun songs
ps do you know the name of a song with a gypsy walking around the ghetto and dancing with randome black guys

Indeed, but Horia Sima was more pragmatic. Or at least, that's what I heard as I was reading about your history because why not.

Anyway, has the Iron Guard seen combat during WW2? Out of curiosity.

here it is :

I'd like to visit someday.

i dont think thats the one
thanks tho

Bring this. You'll need it.

Then stay there, we are full.
Can you elaborate? This is true...

>He was a religious bigot
Look at my flag, why do you think I like him?

There's nothing wrong with purging the enemies of the Lord.

dude, there is a move to push for easier imigration to canada where i live. not that i do not like maple sirup and all, but every country should try to do on its own in this time of crisis. as a Romania i cannot appologise or take the fault for every sexual prey or degenerate from my country. Canada for Canadians and Romania for Romanians.

and one more thing, we don t sugar-coat shit here. if it is indeed shit, it looks like shit, smells like shit. At least we do not put a turban on it and make it patrol our streets.

No, only the infighting which was done against "traitors" (atheists are included, maybe) and the Jews.

But politics are made so as to pander to the masses as I have said, you won't lure the stupid sheep by paganism or atheism and trying to explain them why homosexuality is bad without having them fear an almighty God.

What is anecdotal evidence? Your way of thinking is flawed.

Your Lord was the enemy of Europe once. I am saddened by the fact that I share my board with a person who does not have facts to sustain, for example, that he is against homosexuality other than "XD powerful G-D Xd you will Be purged XdD".

>Canada for Canadians and Romania for Romanians.

"Canadians" were some tribes who were invaded. Canada is for Europeans and Asians now I reckon.

Well toilets in the backyard were very popular.

You don't shit where you eat, toothpaste, Romanians used to be very clean, some say plague didn't catch in Romania because we wouldn't have mice. Take that with a grain of salt though.

The why don t the European-Canadians show some dignity and backbone as the once-proud English and French conquerors? That is what I, in my humble opinion, understand as Canadian.


So every house has its own personal designated shitting street.
ill post some classic romanian songs until i find THE ONE im looking for

They're really good at selling the big issue

Yes, every house has its shit safely compartmentalized in an area far away from where the living is done.

i found your anthem!!!
based gypsies

I cannot comprehend how you have worse roads than we do. Our roads are terrible.

the one and only legitimate successor state to Roman empire
the most based orthodox and Balkan country
beautiful landscape and mountains
the only obvious drawback is amount of gypsies

pic related

first country to go in the great purge to come

Fucked up weather (-15 in the winter , hot summers 34-35 even 40) causes them to expand and contract yearly breaking in just a couple of years.
Corruption , common for ex-communist country
Bad manangement tied to corruption faggots stealing to line their pockets
Bad construction jobs if done by local firms often cut cost to line their pockets

Bacily a cocktail of shit that makes a shitstorm.

New roads only last a year or two then boom HOLES !

Not sure how Syberian winds hit serbia, what can you tells us about Serbian winters bro? close to ours ?

it is a non-country

It's OK I guess, I don't get why you guys seem to crave validation. I'd visit someday.

Once in my life, I would like to sit down and talk with a Romanian about what history is being thaught to them and what is being thaught to us, what might be the truth, without calling each other bozgor or gipsy.

zeg zeg dadumle

Yeah when Islam takes over europe , we'll be the first to go since we won't prep the arab muslim bull like you.

Our history is filled of brave Romanians getting their head chopped for refusing to convert themselfs and their people.

Unlike you , who happily prep the pull and letting him fill your wife and daugheters with arab creamy filthly cum as she begs for more and more.

Is this how the average romanian looks like?

said the non european.
You have to go back

Is it true there are a lot of Germans in Romania? So Romania is like a Hungarian Slav German Gypsy Roman mix?


if you gonna post something , post something real you mongol fag

>in the great purge to come
Can't wait for ''Greater Norway'' ;^)

Vee is pretty cool

that is all I know about Romania

That's not much better

Romania is trashy mostly because of the low quality education system. If there would be a better system, romanians would not be that trashy and also the economy would grow.

i find your culture interesting

Home of the fucking degenerate piece of shit gypsies. Nuke that country already

We will happily extend our slightly better education system to some parts of the country, if you wish. Along with our legistlative system and slightly less inefficient administrative system. Mmmm? What say you? We can help you, just let us.


i watch all these weaklings say anything they want about Romania but the truth is they would not last a day here. we atleast survived the turk plague, we battled them and defended europe - hey burgers, when your country was made ? you have zero history, just like leafs - zero history, zero spine - cucks and scared efeminates - or any other "civilised" fags from wealthy and "cool" countries who talk shit behind keyboards. you are just weak and you will never be even half as a man as the poorest east european is. thats why you spew your little webby insults against real men. cuz you scared. i put the smack down on several foreigners i caught acting tough here. talk shit, spit your teeth out. cowards. MUIE, SCLAVI JEGOSI !

t. romanian who pisses on you and your cowardly lives anytime

Are you suuuure this is not a trap to steal transylvania?

trashy= we don't shove dildos in our asses; we will never be civilized because we don't import an infinity of arabs and niggers.

Kind of cool. Country looks like a pufferfish

I'm suuuuuuuuuuuure.

ai aparat o pula. taci dracu de prost ca te faci de ras.
in toate scrierile turcesti marile lor batalii sunt date cu austriecii, ungurii, polonezii.
romanii au luptat o pula.
jumate de tara e tigania. cealalta e tiganizata.

ne bagam pula si in mortii tai de soarece tradator si las ! mars in gatu' ma-tii si da zapada, cioroi spurcat !

Beat me to it. Nevermind, here's another good one

based northern neighbours, you locked your commies up. I'm jelly, wish we did the same...

esti clar tigan. numai tiganul e smecher cand are avantaj numeric.
luati-as familia la plimbare in ocna.

Let me educate you faggot

This is real romanians here !!
Check out those SPQR features !

Many romanians are trashy because are uneducated (especially those ones from Moldova).

Actually, according to the census, most of the adults in Romania didn't even went to high school (just 40% of romanians adult went to high school and university), I don't think that a fully decent country is like that.

That's why the government should improve the educational system, but most likely won't do that.


unde sa iei tu ma sclav fricos pe cineva ma, cand tu esti doar un tradator de tara care a prins curaj aici ? ai asa gura mare in viata reala ? eu pariez ca te ascunzi ca o curva speriata si faci matanii cand te intreaba cineva cat e ceasu, Jenico. Mars la dat zapada, cioroiule !

Everything in that video needs to be thoroughly eradicated with flamethrowers and poison gas. Except for the girl with the dress. And the dress.

Actually, fuck it. Burn the dress as well.

>Many romanians are trashy because are uneducated (especially those ones from Moldova).

>Actually, according to the census, most of the adults in Romania didn't even went to high school (just 40% of romanians adult went to high school and university)

you said the education system is fucked up.
they never attended it.

>the government should improve the educational system
improve=3-4 hours max at school. the rest 3-4 they go to part time jobs.
demographics is destiny.

ce inseamna tradare de tara?
romania e populata masiv de tigani si de romani tiganizati.
de ce un om intreg la cap ar sustine asa o tara?
sper ca ai macar 16 ani. te exprimi deficitar si pari sa ai frustrari.
te terorizeaza cineva la scoala?

What I heard growing up: very poor, Dracula, spooky Carpathian mountains.

Read pic related, a thriller set part in Romania.

>Nice one
>This kills Romania
Get the fuck out of here with your 12 year old humor, you Degenerate.

>hat a fully decent country is like that.

ba, in pula mea, esti asa de basic ca nu are sens sa discut cu tine - zi-mi adresa de paypal sa iti dau 3 euro sa o hranesti pe ma-ta, si de 1 euro care iti ramane poate iti intretii si satu'. hai sictir, sarmanule, ma pis pe tine si iti dau foc - si daca te-as prinde cumva direct ti-as face cateva selfiuri cu pula mea lipita de mecla ta si te-as face vedeta si pe la neamurile tale. esti foarte sarman. vorba lu' Trump. Sad!

That's actually very mature and considerate of you. Now do it. You might find some interesting stuff about your neighbours.

There are Germans in Romania, indeed. Most of them are in the Sibiu area. Romania's president is of German descent. But unlike the native Germans, Romania's Germans are actually pretty fucking cool.

My gf wants to travel to Transylvania but Sup Forums told me it's a gypsy infested shithole

wat do

sper sa-ti rezolvi problemele din familie

Croatia, please get the fuck off this thread, you subhuman.

On a serious note - romanians are the neighbors we have had the least problems with. Most likely due to the nice natural border that can't be disputed. Except for that one time Romanians decided to fuck it up, but it was later reverted to normal.

Please tell me you are not the guy from Austria from a few days ago that was commenting on the other thread about Romania...

i am not.
these threads are made by a tormented life form.

Travel to Hungary instead.

I've been there. My wife is from Piatra Neamt. I find it to be very boring for a European country. Beautiful nature, though.

Also, make sure you cook your mamaliga in chicken broth.

The number of germans in Romania significantly decreased since 1990.

You can't find germans in Sibiu area anymore, there are just some small communities left throughout Transylvania.

te-am pisat si pe tine si pe ma-ta si atat ai reusit sa scoti ? hai ma curulet pufos, te scot la o plimbare in portbagaj si dezbatem situatia geopolitica ? sugi pula fraier coclit, fugi la mami si spune-i ca te-au suparat oamenii rai pe net si transmite-i ca daca imi suge pula iti dau mingea inapoi...


Kekadoodledoo, I was just about to say why you be hatin' on Romania so hard. I saw a guy on the other thread that lived in Romania and he was from Austria. He absolutely despised the country.

>tfw warsaw would look similar to this if nazishits didn't bomb it out of butthurt

Steal? No You mean take it rightfully back? Yes

Nah they have outhouses.

t: used an outhouse in a Romanian village
(no, I didn't smell anything).

Should be good. Very cheap. But I never go anywhere anyway so what would I care.

Enjoy being a cuck in (((((((((((SWEDEN)))))))))). Sweden is literally a shit tier country. Worst I've seen anyway.

but i just fucking hate depressing architecture man

psst whatever toothpaste
enjoy ur floods