This really makes one ponder...
This really makes one ponder
wtf i love obwanah now
I honestly have no idea what they're saying here
So obongo kills America with the flick of a switch instead of giving people a chance to live on without him? What a cunt.
Race war?
Obongo has a special switch in case of emergency which will rapidly increase the rate blacks are reproducing, so that you can see how black the america is from space
I spit on that niggers muh legacy
breddy gud
"Michelle" 's box needs more dildos
What utter simpering faggotry. Poor sad/concern-faced Obama shutting out the lights because this is the end of America. Boo hoo fucking faggot.
Someone make an edit where trump enters turns the lights on and they are even brighter.
really caused a series of chemical events in my temporal lobe causing a web of neurons to fire in a manner that allowed me to recall past associated events and consider this new concept in the context of those past events
Nigger didn't even pay the utilities before leaving
Yep Obama is going to kill all white people once he leaves office
We can leave that up to Trump although I have a feeling he'll even try to sell the white house for Mexico's fence.
So everyone turns into a nigger with the flip of a switch?
No he's merely signaling that when he's out of office, that it is okay to loot and raid at night.
Last frame is wrong only a few shit hole liberal counties did vote for Trump.
really makes you think...
really fires the sinapses of my neurones
really activates my almonds
life is the ultimate bait
Why does even liberals praise Obama?
what did he even do?
Really Zozzles my nozzles.
Killed more people than Bush did
bombed the shit out of some civilians and gave terrorist organizations funding by funding some shitskin country when we know that they were funding the terrorist organizations.
also he put forward a shitty healthcare plan and a whole bunch of executive orders bypassing congress because he was butthurt.
Haha blackman dronestrike felt sad about leaving his throne of power how relatable xD
good show, but the CIA is a spook and Sarah was not a good agent for fucking her asset.
John was best guy aside from his support of Reagan who had enacted gun control laws and given a bunch of spics in cali amnesty even if they were gang banging faggots.
He was black.
Talk about a blackout
Wow his tie suddenly disappeared
>Someone tells me they're upset because getting rid of NAFTA would hurt Canada's economy
>Have to control myself with every fiber of my being not to just reply with "Fuck Canada"
I just want America to be great, the rest of the world can just fucking fall into line where they fall.
it's over and chuck and sarah live happily ever after as an internet tech safety squad so says the creator.
Keked and checked, underrated.
as hubby and wife
The tie was also property of United States of America's goverment.
Oh shit I was thinking this.
top jej
Somebody make the original where Trumps hand comes in and flicks the switch and America turns to gold.
really forces one to ponder
Gave weapons to the radical Islamic rebels in Syria and trained them, thus continuing the retard-tier foreign George Bush policy of giving muzzies weapons and training.
This is what happens when you rely completely on "renewable" sources of energy.
Thanks, Obama.
>the light switch gets flipped back on
>trump looks at Obama on his way in
>"you're fired"
>the country is bright again
The nigger lover that made the picture missed a few panels
hahahah was just thinking that top kek
Bit america's gonna get whiter, not darker
deported more illegals than any other president
>imagine the smell
Poor Trump.
What did he say before turning US black and liberal?
>Destroy race relations in America
>Destroy America's standing in the world with garbage Foreign policy
>Destroy europe with said policy
>Destroy America's economy with liberal policies
>Destroy America's military by not funding it and letting it go down the tubes
>And now he's cutting the power to the whole country
Really fires up the neurons in the ole frontal cortex lobe.....
Small fix.
yeah it really loboto's my me
obama in
kinda funny tbf
classic sitcom finale episode trope
you guys need to stop being so fucking pedantic
what was the show?
the adventurous misadventures of the CIA and NSA
Good OC, leaf.
It would be if the font actually matched.
pls sent cocain.
Made lots of promises, and gave people "hope" because he isn't a republican.
I am sure plenty of people were hoping for a job while he was in office.
You're autistic.
>noticing blatant distinguishing factors means you are autistic
no, you're retarded.
Why are you flipping your switches down, that turns something on.
Someone do one where when he flips the switch it goes red with a Trump Pence banner
I think I got the point
>obama will complete white genocide just in time for the end of his term
See Ivan has it right. Flipping a switch down turns things on.
>tfw Trump just barely lost my home state of MN
Still bums me the fuck out.
Tы нe pyccкий
>Tfw you honest to God thought your state was lost forever to the yankee migrant but you were thankfully proven wrong.
Best Carolina still can't be taken down.
>rooms can't have multiple light switches that change the way one light switch works
>both switches start facing down and lights are off then you flip one
>now there is one down and one up
>switching the switch that is still facing down upwards will turn the lights off.
Are you black by any chance?
I live in Illinois, suck it the fuck up
U jealous slavboi?
I can barely use paint.