Hey Sup Forumsacks, I'm everything you hate. Degeneracy to the extreme. I'm a (((skype))) failed trap who is also a communist and a feminist. Basically, my entire life is a mistake. I've wanted to die for years now, I've brought shame to my family and have no prospects for living a normal life, but so far I've been too much of a coward to put money where my mouth is. Someone please give me a pep talk, words of encouragement, tips, etc. to finally off myself.
Help a faggot die
Join the French Foreign Legion, remove slime or die trying.
It ain't happening, I love Muslims. I work with an org that helps refugees.
As long as you are not post op tranny then get in shape, lift heavyweights, stop masturbating you faggot and become a man!
ive sent jim and the boys to come find ya. if they find ya b4 ur dead ur gonna wish u did it sooner
I tried to be a man, too fucked in the head to be okay with it.
fuck living at other people's standards, although you seem to like getting shit on
shave your head, go full space monkey mode for at least a year
What state are you in?
stop being a fag
I don't like it, I'm just hoping that one of you retards can give me the nerve to remove myself from this world
You're a filty kike. There is no coming back from that. If you really want to make a difference then KYS you degenerate faggot. Do it before you become a pedophile like the rest of your tribe.
I dunno, do what you want. I just watched that 12 year old girl hang herself and I'm not in the mood for suicide right now
Ill kill you. Just sayin...
You may be a degenerate piece of shit but at least you're courteous enough to do something about it, give yourself a pat on the back before you become an hero OP
Show us what you look like
Well, you are not a bum. What stops you from just doing what you like? Eating pizza and reading Assigned male comics or whatever?
New York
How are we doing this?
You sound normal and well adjusted for a jew.
Haven't got the nerve to kill myself because whenever I think about it I imagine my parents' reaction.
Pretty sure there are Muslims in the FFL.
then don't do it, improve yourself, become a better person
>New York
Yea, you might as well kill yourself then. Sorry, I thought you were salvageable.
You in Jew York City? Set me up with a good career.
kill some jews and muslims
kill soros or some faggot like him
>please give me a pep talk, words of encouragement, tips, etc. to finally off myself.
No. Now that you recognize your faults, it is time for you to improve yourself, not kill yourself. Start over, don't give up.
Being called normal and well adjusted by a Sup Forumstard is pretty much the opposite of everything I've ever hoped to be, and honestly it speaks volumes about you people
>Would rather kill self then make effort to change
How progressive of you
Take testosterone to become a man again and start advocating against the social justice left who manipulates and exploits mentally ill and vulnerable people. Its what they have done to you, they exploited you, tricked you to mutilate yourself so you are eternally enslaved to communist ideology.
Give the world you account of how you where manipulated and used for their political gain when you where at your most vulnerable. You where brainwashed.
try to think of it as being a huge, muscled up woman with a dick. thats what helped me.
Don't do it user!
There are many beautiful experiences just waiting for you to experience them. life have both negative and positive stuff. be strong and stay alive!
*hugs you a warm loving hug*
Do a flip.
Just neck yourself you absolute cunt. Stop crying on here, go to the nearest highway, wait for a truck and walk out.
Since you are in the US it should be easy to buy a nice 9mm and off yourself. Best of luck!
Go to a mosque and an hero
kys faggot
Why is it that extreme leftists (communists, feminists, trannies etc.) are always so depressed, miserable and dysfunctional?
Does their ideology make them that way, or are these ideas just more appealing to those types of people in the first place?
I wasn't tricked into anything, I'm not part of the "social justice left", I'm still a communist, and I'd never shit on even the most obnoxious SJW because some jackass told me to
Post pics of your feminine cock
Stop eating shit containing high fructose corn syrup. Drink water in glass bottles. Avoid soy like the plague.
You'll become a man again in no time, and the fog your mind is under will disappear.
you dirty degenerate fuck
Explain your life up till this point I'm sure that will make you want to end it, no joke.
Can't speak for anyone else, but I was fucked up before I started embracing communism. It's appealing to me because I'd like to see a better world built on the ruins of this one
It's OK, OP. Suicide is the answer. You know you don't belong in this world, and maybe the next will be more for you. Don't stick around here and be so unhappy when you can try a new world!
Tits or GTFO
>...For a jew
>a jew
Sound advice
Want to know something? There is no afterlife.
You'll relive the same shit life all over again and end it in the same way, until you break the cycle.
Time is like a book you read over and over again, until you finally rewrite one of the pages.
>failed trap
lol at ur life
Listen to this, it will fuel you with energy and make you want to live. there are many beautiful things in life, stay alive user
fucking ew
please stay alive your existence is red pilling people to our cause
Star probably masterbating to OP's misery.
Investigate the Clinton Foundation.
well that was easy
kill yourself
I was born into a middle class family. I was definitely coddled by my parents, they loved me, they still do, even if they aren't very good at expressing it. I hit puberty and I started feeling dysphoric as all hell. A few years into it I figured out how to order black market hormones, I felt much better. I was forced to come out to my parents after a while because tits. They then proceeded to completely destroy any shred of self-esteem that I had. After being shamed so much I became extremely self-conscious, and even now that I'm an adult I can't bring myself to transition because I'm afraid of being an unpassable unlovable freak. Any more questions?
You experience of life is the result of a chain of physical causes that has resulted in your current dysfunction. If you wish to exist without dysfunction you must start a new chain of causes that allow you to physically exist in a state of good health.
You are not mentally fit to make the judgement that it will not work. Your ability to determine cause and effect is compromised to the point where you are unable to determine whether a decision is healthy or not, as determined by your past behavior.
You need to consult someone with a clear mind and an education in overcoming your condition to aid you, or you will continue suffering and even Edie to one of your diseased intuitions.
Do you understand this?
No i'm not. i feel something towards him which many people in Sup Forums fail to feel.
E M P A T H Y.
I want to help him
>better world
Pick one faggit
Stop being a faggot and start improving your life, m8. Understanding your degeneracy is first step to redemption.
Don't post anymore. Just hurry up and kill yourself.
really, really good insight and advice
Are you sure that you are Canadian?
You don't have to pass though. That's vain as fuck. Even ugly retards find love and / or have friends, I'm sure you can too.
But seriously, kill yourself.
You are not actually trans. Just a fucked up autogynephiliac. Go nofap as well.
I don't consider myself a degenerate, but I know that you people do, and I'm sure that you'd love to get rid of me. Hurry up and destroy me already
Don't kill your self op. Buy new cloths, go into trade school, don't listen to the people on this thread they hate everyone.
how can you love someone that doesnt love you back? seems more like infatuation to me.
Why don't you just get your shit together, stop being a degenerate, and join causes supported by Sup Forums?
I'm not going to sit here and convince you to go die, but if you're too much of a coward to do it, just get your shit together you fag
It's ok to be a feminate man OP. You don't have to cut off your balls because you like wearing pink shit. Nobody gives a fuck if that's what you want.
just change why kill yourself
Well OP, maybe this will help. There are 7 billion people on this planet right now - that's 7,000,000,000. How can you possibly hope to matter, or to compete?
Not only that, but as a planet we are totally insignificant. There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the observable universe alone, most of which are much bigger and more glorious than ours.
You are a failed member of a meaningless race of overpopulated people on a minor planet in a small galaxy in the midst of an infinite universe. You don't matter AT ALL. No one will miss you. Life will go on just as if you'd never existed. The only person who gives a flying rat's ass whether you are alive or not is...wait for it...you.
So if you don't care, there is absolutely no reason not to kill yourself. Think of all the bills you won't have to pay!
user, you will never be passable and you'll always look like a freak. You will never, ever fully transition no matter how hard you try. We both know you're going to die alone, and the longer you prolong that the more shame and loss you force upon your parents. You've already robbed your parents of hope, why do you continue to plague their lives with your existence? It is the height of cruelty that you force them to endure having spawned such a failure.
>feel intense hatred for every part of my body
>want my dick gone, refuse to let anyone touch it
>AGP as fuck
Now that you realize you are not capable of doing good and avoiding evil and thus being like God, you are in the perfect position to turn to Jesus and beg him for his grace and mercy in saving you from the consequences of your fallen and depraved state.
He does not turn anyone away.
I don't think a cabal of miserable, mentally ill authoritarians who can't even properly manage their own lives know the first thing about creating a better world.
Pic related, it's the average communist. Watch out for the revolution, guys! Oh no!
Now this is good content. More of this please
end yourself. You want to be part of a board that despises your cunt. And your family and friends hate you. Pretty much everyone in the world hates you. Your kind belongs in a hole 6 feet under
man, what a fucking clusterfuck. Could you give some advise on how not fuck up as a parent so my kids don't end up as you?
Am I still a human being after reading years worth of Sup Forums suicide threads?
Why don't you just park a car in a closed garage with the car still on so you die from carbon monoxide? All you have to do is stay in the car.
>Degeneracy to the extreme. I'm a (((skype))) failed trap who is also a communist and a feminist.
Whatever, nobody cares about mentally ill people's political opinions anywa-
In the oven you go.
Check out /r/SanctionedSuicide/ for some suicide encouragement OP
Hope you actually go through with it!
As you are still, let's say, 100% male, I don't think you deserve to die.
Think of your past years as if you were in prison, and you can now change for the best.
Follow my advice, please.
t. actual female raised like a boy and basically a hermit, but wouldn't think of ever transitioning. Not trolling, no tits or gtfo memes.
So, basically you want to help him, making us look like the bad guys with "positive" message that are basically totally meaningless, so he can continue his degenarate way of life?And you know, he will probably return to the same situation in about a month.
I'm impressed by your level of jewery.
>trap who is also a communist and a feminist
Ok, if this is bait you got me but if you are serious:
You are surely oven material, but suicide with these misery motivations is degenarate. Why don't you just start to clean yourself and bring a piece of joy in your life? It's easy, first of all stop believing in such autodestructive ideas and try to be a normie, a normalfag, go out, meet your friends and try to be helpful and respectful about your family. The rest will go for itself.
Be who you really are OP.
People who hate you for who are are just being pathetic and primitive. you are more powerful and a better person than the average Sup Forums poster. be yourself
Listen to me carefully. I want you to think very hard about how little you personally have done to change the world in a positive way. People only humor freaks like you, absolutely no one is interested in how to live life according to an utter failure. You can never feel secure in your hideous skin, you will always be repulsive. Having children in any capacity is not a thought you should entertain, because no one will ever willingly mate with you. This world has nothing for you. Your parents can't love you, you have no friends, and when you die the only emotion you'll produce in others is relief. It's time to go, kike.
Do it, don't do it, it doesn't really matter. Either way you're burning in hell whenever you do die. . Don't worry though, i'll be there too because i'm a closeted homosexual. I'm just less of a faggot than you.
You probably aren't a qt anyway, just a hairy ass man in his sisters underwear.
Please don't do it.
You can be one of us
>failed trap
You have no purpose in life but to be fucked by men. You gave away that freedom when you wanted the BBC kiddo.
Explain why you love muslims ? They hate you is that why you love them ?
Oh dear god.....
100% of the people in this thread hope you die.
You cant turn back. Youre a tranny, youve butchered yourself. Were all encouraging you to fucking end it.