Sup Forums really redpilled me on white people. Modern day whites, especially males, are just about the dumbest meme-tier sophists around. Every insult they have against non-whites is always projection (WE WUZ, Low IQ, etc). I'll admit whites in the past were respectable, innovative, and generally intelligible. But now, your typical white guy is a shallow, spoiled, entitled narcissist who believes their ancestry makes them somehow superior to others. I have to say, unironically fuck white people.
Any other non-whites despise whites because of Sup Forums?
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And FUCK trump
lel you racist piece of shit, you literal subhuman, go back to the corner and cry about your shit skin
The people here aren't that bad desu. The people on breitbart are just completely retarded however.
Forgot to mention
>gullible and prone to schizo conspiracies
The whites who aren't stormfront, 14/88, muh jews, etc. aren't half bad.
nice blog nigger
>actually caring about the opinions of the Untermenschen
thanks L O W I Q
>lalalala I can't hear you
>irrelevant strawman reaction image
>caring about a chimp and it's ook ook noises
Gas yourself so we don't have to do it pls
I know your reading comprehension has much left to be desired, so I'll help you out
I despise white women but not because of Sup Forums, the majority of white men and children I encountered when working in retail were the only people, besides most Mexicans who could barely speak English, were the only ones who would smile at me and treat me like a human. White women expected everything handed to them or acted like I was being a creep by greeting them when they walked into a store. Niggers and Indians just flat out ignored me until they needed to complain about the price.
Thats because those people lack the initiative and foresight necessary to be responsible. You like that because its good for you. They like getting patted on the back from you.
I agree, white people do make the best minimum wage workers
Pol is a bunch of failures riding on the greatness of other white people. None of them have anything in common with the people they respect other than skin color and those people would dislike them for their weakness. They will be used by the powerful just like any other easily swayed group.
White people are basically the biggest cucks of the modern age. They're all either pussified libtards who don't even know how to work, or dumb inbred hicks who clap for Le Piss Man and blame Mexicans for taking jobs they didn't even want to apply for.
yes Sup Forums has made me more anti white and more pro Mediterranean
I hate SJW, norm core, whites the most. Race traitors are the worst.
white power!
You Germans really need more cultural enrichment.
I fully understand where you are coming from
We belong to different tribes, have different loyalties, you have no interest in conserving western culture or heritage.
I'm going to kill you one day for it.
You couldn't be more misguided on your opinion of today's typical white guy.
Today's young white man, still holds more intelligence than most, yet gets passed over in college and and jobs for those that are proven less intelligent, and in many cases have less experience or credentials in jobs.
Young white men today, are being told by SJWs, that they, white men....Are the problem with the world due to their past conquests. But the reality is...No other group of people on the planet have evolved mankind as much...As white men.
>I fully understand where you are coming from
>take this strawman
Western civilization is objectively the best civilization that has been built by man, and I do hold interest in preserving it. Yet, the men who built western civilization are certainly not the same white men who inhabit it today.
>Copying molymeme's opinions verbatim
Hitler is coming back, baby!
Sup Forums made me hate liberal whites who voted for their own destruction
t. spic
You have no evolutionary vested interest in preserving the white race which is inherently tied into western civilization, therefore we are enemies and always will be.
You don't own western civilization, nor do you define it, and you never will.
It belongs to us, just as African """"culture"""" or whatever shitpit your genes come from belongs to you.
If hitler were alive today, he would purge you nu-male betas before anyone else.
>hates white people
nothing strange here
Then stop living in white territory.
US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand is official white territory, and if you despise whites there is plenty of land on this planet without White people.
>evolutionary vested interest
This has got to be a meme. There is no such thing as "evolutionary vested interest" in preserving anything other than the self and the tribe. And no, western civilization as a whole is not considered your tribe. Though I do agree, on a biological level we will always be enemies.
That was off the top of my head...But you focus on two people having the same opinion, rather than debating the opinion. Very telling.
White men are having their hands tied behind their backs when seeking higher education and white collar careers, that is not false! Affirmative Action hires those less qualified while leaving the more credentialed, experienced white men to continue searching for a livelihood...How do your dispute that. And what is even more remarkable, is that white men STILL make more money than most!
>schizo conspiracies
Go outside, whites in real life are functioning members of society. Especially if you live in a conservative state. The posters here don't represent the entire white race, however they are not wrong about the current issue of white genocide. Also, there's nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage though whites in real life ride on their own accomplishments, unlike some of the posters here.
>tu quoque
>genetic fallacy
See, there's never any arguing with you jew conspiracy faggots. If anyone ever tries to say otherwise, you just call them a jew and think you won. Fucking idiot
I didn't argue against the opinion because it's already been well argued against. If you can't see the error in your opinion I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
>Affirmative action meme
again, not going to spoonfeed you on why you're wrong. Just look it up, leave this hugbox for fucks sake.
Hmmmmmm a differing opinion on my Sup Forums? I'm triggered
You're actually sort of right.
Good times create weak men.
Was thinking about this concept earlier today. It could somewhat explain why blacks are more "alpha" (though I hate to put it like that) in comparison to whites. It's because blacks in general grew up facing harder times than whites. Really fires an action potential through a neuron to another neuron's terminal button through the concentration gradient.
Sup Forums should sometimes listen to voices from outside of their circle jerk.
Although on place of niggas I wouldn't be so butthurt, most of racism here is pretty ironic, I know some non-whites, one Jew and they are all righty, but that's because we don't have minority ghettos in Poland. I can imagine the hate caused by niggerity/snadniggerity in US or multikulti shitholes.
>projecting a projection of a projection
>inb4 another projection
Same relates to Slavs
WE've never had it easy, especially in Poorland
>projecting a projection of a projection of a projection
>it's already been well argued against
But you offer no valid points, arguements or facts. You hide behind not spoonfeeding someone "the truth" yet you know you won't win that debate...So you don't dare open that door.
Modern whites are WE WUZ tier niggers
no, you!
it's kinda ironic that you assume ti be redpilled now about whites because all the 30m unique ID visitors on Sup Forums are also getting redpilled about you nasty subhuman niggers
all the freedoms and liberties you grew up with shitsticks is nit natural and nothing your subrace fought for, we did this for ourselves and the fact that we share it doesn't mean it will be like this forever for you nigger
I can believe this. My mom had a polish immigrant cleaning lady at one point who really had a heartbreaking story. Also the pictures I've seen of your Russia-tier ""neigborhoods"" are quite telling. I feel for you poles tbqh
>call him a jew and watch how triggered he gets
Why do all the other European countries dislike your kind, especially bongs? Is it because Polish people are a hard working ethnicity that do the dirty jobs that no one else wants to do? Europeans sure are misguided, they're okay with muslims invading their countries yet polacks cause them to have an autistic meltdown.
That's all cool with me user. Now you've grasped racism. And I'll always feel better knowing that blacks are genetically incapable of success en mass, and that spics are only one step above them.
The real question here is, how much of a self-loathing sad sack would you have to be, to be a non-white hanging out on Sup Forums?
So what's the answer OP? How much of a self-loathing sad sack are you?
Yep, I'm triggered, you win. Now go back to your jew hate threads please
>I'll admit whites in the past were respectable, innovative, and generally intelligible. But now, your typical white guy is a shallow, spoiled
also the one thing you ignore in your post is that IT'S GENETICS, IT"S ALL GENETICS
you will stay an animal because of it and we will continue to flourish because of it and because it's genetics it won't be like you sugest that suddenly white people become something different just like
the american negros didn't become something different in that 300 years you have been shipped from african mudhuts
>How much of a self-loathing sad sack are you?
Just as much as everyone else here. It's Sup Forums my man.
This. Blacks are just our old used farm equipment. They've never thought or had to think critically about philosophy.
>Every insult they have against non-whites is always projection (WE WUZ, Low IQ, etc)
then go back to your shit country or prepare to hang
colonialism and white mans burden was a mistake.
jews are worse than whatever kind of subhuman you are
Red pill has no color, except red.
I can accept non-whites to the common cause.
Now lynch me.
look at you pathetic chump, using a meme white people created to make fun of niggers with no roots and only pathetic history for their entire existence
you are nothing, and deep down you know this, you will always feel the inadequacy around white people... and this feelings will be absolutely justified
>implying that specific German user earned anything in his life worth boasting about or contributing a single thing to western civilization
>implying he isn't sucking the raw cocks of his ancestors and claiming superiority
You don't have a pot to piss in faget. All you have are feels and Obama's "you didn't build that" for an argument. So, with as stupid as you are, you should quit projecting how poorly thought out your observations are by accusing logical fallacies of others. You and all non whites do not and never will have a pot to piss in.
>these are supposed to be personal insults to me
These don't even apply to me, I wonder where you got the idea that these would mean anything? hmmmmmmm neurons.... firing....
What ethnicity are you OP?
>believes their ancestry makes them somehow superior to others
Not really. There are plenty of very smart non-whites and plenty of dumb whites. But these are our lands and multiculturalism clearly does not work.
tl;dr stfu m8 go back
>non white thinks they can use our technology and drive on our roads
Not just Sup Forums but the last couple of years in general. I was on the fence about Whites until this election, I knew there were lots of hick pieces of shit (The Tea Party and so on) but I didn't realize the problem was so widespread. This election showed just how much hatred is in the heart of Whites.
Can't stand these pigskin pieces of shit anymore and I will do anything I can to undermine them.
it dont care if this guy did anything or if he is german or not
i pointed out that you used
which you described in OP as a projection
now you made it 100% obvious this is a bait
i legit thought you really meant it till now
>Micro dicked asian manlet
you little schmuck no one would have even replied to you if we would have know that youre a little asian beta male
you are literally irrelevant
It's not bait. I used the WE meme because that's literally what the german user did, it's not worthy of an articulated rebuttal.
So you're a mix of white and Korean? Why do you hate white people when one of your parents is white?
Relax there mister goldberg.
Many Polish emigrants are mostly same criminal as African ones, successful ones don't have to emigrate mostly and only do it by choice.
I still can't comprehend why they take child raping Paki over a Pole though, maybe because fo colonies.
Whole Europe just knows we hate them for all the war crimes, warmongery and shitting on us so they hate us back automatically, I think that's the reason.
>affirmative action meme
Surely you are joking. If you truly had anything of value to add you wouldn't say you are "spoonfeeding" someone by offering retorts to their arguments.
Affirmative action is a horrifying concept and saying otherwise shows your agenda. Name one reason why an underqualified candidate should get acceptance over a more qualified candidate based simply on race and muh quotas.
I love that you add nothing while attempting to downplay others' arguments.
No, both of my parents are Korean. I said Korean-American because I was born and raise in the US, and grew up learning American values. I consider myself an American above all else.
You will never be American to white men and deep down that's why this all rubs you the wrong way. You know you have to go back and you know we're right, so you have committed yourself to denying the truth. You know the only group who will expose your illegitimacy and inferiority is the white men, and you hate the truth.
You seem bored, let me give you another (you)
You know how many white men died for you slant eyes gooks? Show some respect cunt.
Eat a dick faggot
to make it clear little low test beta friend you can't use "WUZ" meme for white people because that would entail that white people were kings only in the PAST and actually if you look at all the richest man, celebrities, any person who is known world wide
white people still are KINGS N" shit
the pinnacle of human evolution
saged now that i know who you are
Yep. Also turned me on to the fact that their numbers are dwindling
So... yay?