Explain this Racists.
South African Economic growth is often DOUBLE that of Europe.
If Africans are lazy, dindu nuffin niggers.. Why are they beating the Home of Whites.
Explain this Racists.
South African Economic growth is often DOUBLE that of Europe.
If Africans are lazy, dindu nuffin niggers.. Why are they beating the Home of Whites.
See those drastic bumps up and down in SA that ignore global trends?
It goes like this whites build something and it does well, then niggers fuck it up.
A growth of 2$ is 50% when your GDP is 4$
Modern economic growth is tied heavily to debt accruement thanks to Central Banks managing the economy from the top down. The west is, in comparison to SA, saturated in too much debt to really add quite so much during good years.
This is also the reason immigration is pushed so hard.
also FPBP. Well dont americlap.
Because Blacks have no Debt and can take lots of Loans and buy shit?
Because Whites are drowning in debt already/
>If Africans are lazy, dindu nuffin niggers
Welfare is what is keeping them alive in a lot of cases
Just stop.
Literally everybody knows, subconsciously or not, that white people are superior.
Of course, since all the inferior people won't just simply accept this, the only solution to their insecurity is for white people to have a country of their own, where no other fucking race is allowed to enter.
Then the rest of the world will crumble, everybody else will die, and then the planet can be repopulated with JUST white people.
What happened in 2009?
The non-white accept it just fine, its those those whites who think non-whites are human that are the problem
That's not even a lot.
Developing world growth is always numerically huge and that never means that you would want to live there (it means they have far to go).
Also, herbed for one-post and fake deliberate ignorance.
well done. Its pretty straight forward.
You americans are too simple people.
Its literally all due to the chinese.
Get ready for colonizarion 2.0, nignogs. This time you wont be able to call muh raycis
If you're GDP is 50 and then it doubles to 100 that doesn't mean you've become some OECD nation all of a sudden.
Mining. Which is basically illegal in Europe and America. Thank the lefties.
You're retarded. All we do is mine and drill.
But you pay GOOD money to do it..
You dont pay Nigger Dollaz.
>have only onne factory
>build second one
>omg our economic growth doubled!!! We 1st world nao
>have 100000 factories
>build 1000 more
>fugg only 1% growth, we the niggs nao
China is pumping billions into Africa...
That's a shame, because at least the niggers there haven't raped the environment. The Chinese have fucked their environment and are now looking into fucking Africa's for that (((money)))
>Africans celebrate the end of colonianism
>Continent goes to shit because no white people anymore
>Chinese come and kickstart things again
>50 years from now they will be complaining about chinese colonianism
>Their total worth is shit (besides whites)
>Take a dump
Wow I doubled my worth!
What stands out to me is that the South African market seems far more volatile, they aren't nearly as stable but they seem to be able to start a recovery after a crash far better than the EU. Does anyone have an explanation?