USA failed at health insurance

Burgers getting fucked for a longtime on their healthcare.

1) Pre-existing conditions. You need a operation, suddenly they check your backround and that cough you had 18 years ago counts as pre-existing condition, so you lied on your application. Operation denied!
>b-but i-i paid p-premiums for y-years!
Yea well should have told us about the cough, kbye

2) Getting asked for your creditcard before you even enter the ambulance
3) Massive deductibles
4) Still having to pay, even when you have insurance

So Obama tried to be a good boy and change all this for everyone.
Hey if Europe can do this (UK, Germany, Belgium, Toothpaste country), why can't we?

My full-never-pay-out-of-own-pocket health insurance is mandatory, cant not have insurance.
Its 102 a month, but because i'm a student and earn less than a year. I get 78 subsidized.

Obama tried this too and it worked for like 3 months. Then the insurance companies found laws to bend and money to be made and eventually charged whatever they wanted.

>still burgers defend healthcare bills like this lel

Other urls found in this thread:,,20867990,00.html

Bitch tits

Bitch tits

Bitch tits


Bitch tits.

>Its 102 a month, but because i'm a student and earn less than a year. I get 78 subsidized.

Isn't it great being a dutchbro? Here, have a stroopwafel.

Bitch tits

Bitch tits

Yup, there are even people who have Obamacare and say it's the worst shit in the world. It's funny when people say that they won't repeal it without a replacement because that's a fucking lie. It's just going to get repealed and the insurance companies are going to go righty back to fucking us in the ass. I called this shit a long time ago, drumphkins don't want America made great again they just want to see it burn because lady liberty won't cook them their tendies

Well when your enemies run the country, gotta do something to make it right.

>Fuck Obama, fuck Obamacare
>I like ACA though.

Can someone seriously explain these prices.

I've had similar procedures to these (cat scan, er visit, etc) and paid out of pocket but the bill ran up under 2500. Still high but nothing compared to this?

Where are the prices so high?
>going to the fuck ER for stomach pain
People need to realize the ER is for fucking emergencies, too bad it's generally the first place people see when they enter a hospital and hospitals are ever so glad to treat people in it cause the prices are so high.

My mom had a CT scan, paid zero
They found out she needs a metal leg
Paid zero

Lets face it.
Whatever you guys are going to bring.
The insurance companies will still find ways to buttfuck you
And otherwise they will just do a 'campaign donation' for someone else

She paid in her taxes, but yes I'm not arguing with you I'm sure it came out to less than probably what I paid.

The insurance companies are the devil in the US

Many reasons

1. The malpractice insurance that doctors pay because unscrupulous lawsuits
2. The cost of the equipment has been inflated and the cost passed down to you
3. Refusal of companies to compete
4. Marketing which shames only Americans for some reason and tricks them into paying more for health services that people around the rest of the world don't
5. Lobbyists paying politicians to look the other way

Insurance companies should not even be involved with this because insurance is usually used for catastrophic events, just look at other types of insurances. The price of health care is the problem itself, it is too high and shouldn't be.

Statist faggot


>going to the ER for a stomach ache
Is this bait?

lol, Trump supporters are so stupid!
They are like:
- Hey, did you hear, they decided to saw down that stupid parasitic branch of our glorious tree!
- What? It's the one you are sitting on, dumbass
- Wha? No! Liberal lies. Maaah!






I've been to the emergency room like 8 times in the last two years. Total bill is little more than 10k. OP pic is getting ripped off.

We can narrow all of American's healthcare problems down to one thing.

The fact that you can sue anyone for anything at anytime, and not be scared to lose. Because whoever you sue, pays there own defense, regardless of the victor and lawyers do not take civil cases unless they know they are going to insurance costs a fucking ton for doctors.

Nearly 7k for CAT scan. Fucking theives. In UK CAT scan is approx $500.

>>going to the fuck ER for stomach pain
going to ER to try and trick the staff into giving me more opiates because i am dope sick and its so terrible. Need more sick to keep me sick so i dont feel sick for 3 days.

been to the ER once, never going again, 3 grand for 8 stitches and a tetinus shot. Glad i tracked bloody footprints through out the whole damn hospital when dad dropped me off on wrong side ofhospital.

Cut off wheel with no guard on the tool exploded and went through front of shin, hit bone and came out side. pretty bloody.

Wtf I love ancap now

>still burgers defend healthcare bills like this lel
They have no insurance you retard. Look at the top. Get health insurance and it won't be a problem. Most employers give employees free health insurance. If you're complaining about this, it's probably because you don't have a fucking job.
Also you're not even in America, which is why you hate on it so much. If you lived here instead of the shithole you're currently in, you wouldn't be such a jealous cunt.

CAT scans here cost €200-€250 depending on which body part.

I have a feeling healthcare providers in the US just asks whatever the fuck the can get away with.

First they save your life, then they ruin it.

Why in the fucking hell do we expect employers to provide health care for us? Does this make any sense in any world? And why only employers with more than 49 employees?

They don't pay for my mortgage, my groceries, my car insurance, or my property taxes. They don't pay for my kid's schools, for my gasoline to get to work, for lawn mowing, or the new roof for my house. But health insurance? THAT'S YOUR EMPLOYER'S JOB.

I don't get it.

Maybe you shouldn't fucking waste people's time at the emergency for stupid shit like stomach pain. Take a shit, swallow some fucking anti-acids and you're gonna save 12k$ or take an appointment with your physician. People here go to the emergency for free and they go for dumb fucking shit such as stomach pains and it costs everyone a lot of fucking money.
>I'm sneezing, better go to ER!

ERs are always fucking full or retards with too much time on their hands.I only went to ER 3 times in the last 9 years. Once for an appendicitis, once for a tooth abscess and another for a broken finger.
Some people (usually elderly or on welfare) are there weekly.

I'd rather have to pay a private insurance and keep these fucking retards out of ER than have to pay a quarter of my pay for these fucking idiots. Free healthcare coverage insurance in the US would fuck the country's economy because ER would get fucking filled with the kind of leeches we have here.

Nothing is free, your employers negotiate pricing and you pay however much your company was charged. Also stop shilling, you know you are getting ripped off but you are too proud to admit it. There is a reason why the rest of the world thinks Americans are retards when it comes to money.

Of course nothing is free you dipshit. When you have free healthcare you're also getting ripped off there too through taxes. It's the same end result which is why trying to argue for one being superior over the other is a waste of time.

giving the US universal healthcare wouldnt make it cheaper. Sanders' plan was going to cost $18 trillion dollars over a decade. you'd still be paying for insanely expensive healthcare, only through taxation instead. insurance companies would still be making ridiculous money, better perhaps as i think they'd further monopolise the market.

you guys should be protesting for de-regulated healthcare, to practise a doctor needs a license from an association that deliberately hands out very few of them, allowing the doctors with one to inflate their prices.

>mfw qualified for state-sponsored medicaid
>don't pay shit for doctor visits, hospital stays, or prescriptions
>Actually get a $50 gift card for filling out a health risk assessment form and giving it to my PCP
>mfw I've actually MADE money by having insurance
There's literally no excuse for not having insurance in this country.

>CTR switched tactics to shilling for obamacare
>posts a bunch of histrionic lies
Thanks for Correcting the Record.

We're going to hang you sodomites.

Nurse practitioners provide the majority of health care these days. Docs just walk into the room after you've been waiting there 20 minutes, ask you ten questions, tell you "good job" and hand you a bill for $700.

t. fractured, ORIF'd collarbone 3 years ago. Billed at $34,000. My deductible and OOP co-pay was $7000. Insurance settled rest for $14,000. Thank god I wasn't a "cash" customer.

How to join project hearts:
Sup Forums needs to learn about empathy and love. to achieve this goal, we are going to make Sup Forums watch sigur ros music videos.

How to participate:
1. Start a new thread titled "project hearts" with a cute picture
2. Include a youtube video of a Sigur ros song
3. the post can also include whatever text you want to include, encouraging hope and love

Let's change some hearts!!!!

Maybe the OP had something a little more serious than getting your car keys stuck in your ass.

>living off of welfare
People who work for a living and pay taxes can't afford insurance because they are footing the bill for worthless niggers like you.

The price is spread out over millions of people rather than hundreds or thousands of people, even if you have a small percentage free-riding the cost is still negligible. Having 70,000,000 pay for health insurance through taxes is far better than trying to have a single company with only a few thousand people trying to pay for the same thing.

I only went to the ER once in the last 5 years and that was when a dog ripped a 7 inch long hole in my leg a 1/4" off my artery. Have pretty good insurance, still received a $5k bill.

the medical industry is a scam meant to decrease the population, just like feminism and other degeneracy

why would you think they would want it to actually succeed in healing people?

its part of the depopulation agenda

and that is why the west is seducing migrants to a trap
the policies of the west are based on coordinated and militarily-engineered depopulation effort

the migrants are being brought in not to thrive in your countries, but to become the next batch of victims to the depopulation machine

successful depopulation policies include:
>peddling homosex, feminism
>creating economic crisis
>increasing cancer rates (cancer is now as common as the flu), suppressing cures
>chemtrails, gmo etc

Hospitals jack up prices because they don't expect you, the patient to be the one actually paying that much.

two things you need to consider is that millions of shitskins get healthcare and just don't pay for it and insurance companies negotiate prices down.

if you actually ask your doctor how much a procedure will cost or simply tell the hospital that you won't be able to pay the full bill, they almost always give you a lower price that is significantly more manageable. most people that don't have insurance just lack the agency to negotiate with a hospital.

I am listening, kikel.

>Choosing to work for an employer that doesn't offer insurance coverage
>Deliberately debasing yourself in the name of abstract ideals that have been programmed into you since birth

And nothing is going to change. Stay mad.

>getting a fucking cat scan and ultra sound without insurance
>visiting the ER when it's not an emergency
Those are the person's fault and would have reduced the price by over $10000

But in general you should just have insurance.

>tfw I don't pay taxes
>tfw I still get all this shit for free
>tfw Trudeau wants to take this away from me

>millions of shitskins get healthcare and just don't pay for it
Exactly, but the insurance companies know this and will not dare to speak out against it because of the political implications. These people will get a free pass no matter what. I guess you can say health industry truly is racist, to white people. White people dare not speak out against the people screwing them over because words hurt them, if you complain your health care is too much then you are labeled a commie, you mouth gets shut.

>Statist faggot

Of course it's not free but if we are going to go into debt I'd rather it be for paying for my education and health rather than ..... Roads....... And ........... Something about ..... For get it

Americans don't protest. The issue you point out, is the real unseen cost in health care, that virtually no one knows about, or cares to do anything about. The problem is that health care does work, for the few times it is needed, for the wealthy and job secure middle class. It is the working poor and young adults. without benefits/job security, who get fucked. I fear that this issue will get a lot worse before we elect politicians that will socialize the system. We probably are still a decade or two away from reaching that boiling point.

American's love to give CT scans when it's not needed. They don't even think about the 100x an x-ray dose.

Wow top nigger user

Do you think anyone gives a fuck about your gibsmedat opinions?

Thank the low life niggers, spics, bums and assholes who don't pay for hospital bills and go bankrupt for these costs.

This is old news you stupid shit. Good thing we're not faggots over here like in OPs picture.

In 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon initiated the War on Cancer, the average person had a 1 in 10 risk of developing cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, that's changed – for the worse. The risk as of 2005 is 1 in 2.

this is the major cause of rapid decline in western populations

cancer is now as common as the flu, that is intentional. the existing cures for cancer are intentionally suppressed.

the great culling/poisoning orchestrated by CIA, CFR, etc has led to dramatic population declines. the genocide machine is being refueled by new immigrants to pack into the poison chambers

Not really, but then you bothered replying :^)

Thanks for the (You) fellow Amerifat!

Don't be a dick. I'm on Medicaid too, and I'm hoping to enter the work force in a couple of years. This is a problem that affects all of us, unless, you're a trustfund kid or perma-NEET.

The answer since nobody posted here is that niggers and spics eat up an insanely disproportionate amount of healthcare. Hell some states were signing fucking ILLEGAL ALIENS up for bozocare. Deep down wed like single payer gommie care as that is the surest way of removing jewery from the equation but due do how fucking insolvent the fast majority of Browns are this makes the most fiscal and moral sense relative to being taxed to oblivion like Europoors

You'll all find out when you're 60% with none of the individual freedoms to boot

Don't you pay for your healthcare with your everyday grocery bill?

Hah posting funny kitty pictures sure doesn't make you seem like a complete fucking loser who literally lives a tendies in mommy's basement lifestyle

Even if I got a job flipping burgers I'd still probably qualify for my current insurance (see pic). I'm not going to refuse just because some autist on the Internets like tries to make me feel bad.

.....gast, hou alsjeblief es heel gauw uwes bakkes dicht. Je brengt schande aant Vlag. Kanker mongolische nieuw vriendje.

>de kanker en je moeder.

Yeah, burger flipping is working poor tier. You should aspire to something greater. I'm finishing a BA in two years. I'm looking into law enforcement or teaching. I'm hoping my government provided health care will be as close to medicaid as possible.

You know how many other kinds of jobs exist besides flipping burgers?

Go learn HVAC or something if you don't want university. Drive a truck for UPS they help with education. Hell fucking uber pays more and you're your own boss.

Point is its one thing to be a leech and another to be a fat fuck smug leech that giggles as it suckles from its host. I'd call you a nigger but I know 20 niggers that are better than you.

socialising wont help, de-regulating will. remove the licensing cabals and let people choose the doctors they want.

>americans dont protest
well you're fucked then

affordable healthcare in US can only be achieved by destroying the pharma cartel and FDA

US needs to adopt

>India's patent laws
>Germany's medical laws (doctors have freedom of practice free from burdening regulations)
>cuba's preventive medical practices
>france's universal healthcare system
>mexican/indian drug prices

>What yuropoors don't know
You can negotiate that bill down to $1,500.
A CT scan is only $800 in the real world.
Ultrasound is $200
>Emergency department $3k
I would tell them to straight fuck off

>own boss
>take this next right driver

>Then the insurance companies found laws to bend and money to be made and eventually charged whatever they wanted.
>charged whatever they wanted.

Do you know why?
Because there is NO competition. You cannot get insurance across state lines in Obamacare.

Hey at least I pay my taxes...and get refunds!


>federal refund
I'm beyond stoked.

>no insurance coverage
no idea what this retard expected.

im betting whoever posted this is a lard ass.

This is that bullshit I pay 1/3 of my income for? For fucks sake, every time I hate Michigan's policies more and more.

That is fucking sick. Can't say anything else.

if we taxed you for the US nuclear protection you enjoy, or for rescuing your entire continent, or securing the sea lanes your people trade on (but produce no navy to protect), or our expired patents your government and companies use to provide you healthcare, or simply didn't do any of this for you, we could easily afford to provide this for ourselves, and you'd stop having it.

which do you wish?

That means you payed too much.

When will retards realize that insurance companies caused these tremendous prices. If you morons (I mean our parent probably) never paid for insurance there wouldn't ever have been a damn problem.

You know what's funniest? Americans, per capita, pay the most in the world for health but their healthcare is ranked below 30th place by WHO.
They were totally brainwashed into believing that this is okay.

No one realizes the ticking time bomb which is the American health. Not healthcare but health. Americans are slowly consuming themselves to death because they have been given shit educations and even brainwashed.

It's one of the reasons most americans get 3/4 of their calories from carbs.

For some reason, some Americans always feel compelled to defend the (really, really shitty) healthcare system and I can't for the love of me figure out why. It would be pretty easy for politicians on both sides of the aisle to get together and come up with a real, complete overhaul for this atrocity. Something that actually makes sense and is based on actual data and evidence, not on partisan ideology. I don't understand what they think they have to lose by starting from scratch, they're already pay more than anyone else.

And when they say "that's why we have best healthcare", what a load of bullshit. I never heard of someone going to USA for complex operation. It's always Germany or Switzerland.

Sorry about fucking your mom so hard her leg rotted off, will be more gentle next time (maybe)

>mfw euros wait 3 months to see a doctor about a lump since no one pays for visits, they clog the shit out of the system and cause huge delays, but at least gypsies get healthcare, and everyone gets the same substandard healthcare as the gypsies unless you decide to go private, in which case you pay twice over :)

>mfw doctors make like 60k euro a year in london and protest regularly because the shitty system is collapsing

>mfw ppl dont realize that if the doctor doesnt have to please anyone or answer to anyone, he can do as shitty of a job as he wants and you have no recourse unless you want to wait another year for a recommendation to a specialist or what have you

I don't know about your country but over here it keeps getting worse. If you don't have private health care unless you don't have some life threatening illness you will be put on a waiting list. I spend 6 months waiting to get an operation for a hernia. Had to use long service leave because it was too painful to work. Once I went back I started paying for private health insurance

I think I've heard of that, and their high-end healthcare ("the best doctors") really is very good and very well-funded and well-staffed. The problem is that a) not all doctors are equally good, b) the good doctors tend to concentrate in big, prestigious hospitals (that's the same everywhere I guess) and c) shit's way too expensive for a bunch of reasons.

Not everything is free like in Europe where no one does anything and the government provides for your entire life.

US citizens don't want to pay for free loaders.

They jack up the prices super high because they know the insurance company will only end up paying a fraction of it.
This severely fucks over people who don't have insurance with insanely high bills.

Socialised health care I'd a meme. Unless you're dying, shit like this is all that happens to you and you have to pay for all the accessories anyway. Britain literally gave up any chance it had of salvaging global influence by paying for this bloated waste of space, so be prepared that the minute you do it will be the minute you lose the world to China.

>CAT Scan
Can't burger doctors diagnose anything without fancy equipment?

Just because you have a fancy thing it doesn't mean you need to use the thing on everyone.

for stomach pain
Well Ok then.

Way I see it, it's mostly a problem of hospitals doing tests that are not needed and handing the bill to the patients.
But that new shiny MRI isn't gonna buy itself!

>$6867 cat scan
>used to be $5000-ish in 2008

>$10 of electricity per scan
>$30 of operator wage per scan
>$100 for doctor to sneeze on screen
>$4000 because fuck sick people

Technology, folks! Look how its made everything cheaper!

how are you to diagnose stomach pain that the patient wont describe anything about? they also expect people to have insurance so it's not supposed to matter that much

if it's bad enough he had to go to the ER it's bad enough they're goign to do scans, it's not just 'give him morphine and call it a day'

One of Canadas fucking PMs came here you mong. Europoors and Canuks come here all the time because the fuckers get tired of waiting months for a procedure. Health care and medical care are not the same shit.

The Americans that defend health care are more than likely working under an employer who provides insurance unlike the other lazy niggers that bitch for moar gibs

That's because the WHO factors in things like muh accessibility and not outcomes. There is a reason Canadians with money come here, it's because waitlists with every degenerate mudslide on board don't seem so hot when you have money and need orthopaedic surgery ASAP. Fucking Berlusconi came here (not Germoney or mountainjew) when he needed his ticker fixed.
Go look up how long Canadians have to wait for shit that gets done pronto here if you have any semblance of providing for yourself, then kys

and Jewish policy managment skills!

Oh wait.

>giving the hospital your real name and address,,20867990,00.html

"Prices range from $410 to $2,334"

"A sixteen slice scanner will cost between $95,000-$165,000 installed with a “first scan” warranty."

>Technology, folks! Look how its made everything cheaper!

technological progress made the machine for you to bitch about.

>thinks the machine is free

>thinks anybody would operate it at cost for charity after they buy it and employ people to run it.

only a handful of european countries compare to the US on number per capita of these machines, and in MRI's, are BTFO

i guess you could just die in line instead of having the ability to pay

> Have job
> Have health insurance
> Suffer big panic attack and go to ER
> They drain some blood
> Stick me either EKG
> Doctor disappears for hours
> Ring bell ask for doc for status
> Said doc already signed my discharge papers but they forgot to come by
> Discharge says I'm fine ( phew )
> GO home take it ez
> Get bill for over 2 grand
> ME have no money
> Going to hospital was worse decision I made at the time
> Poor for months
> start to get desperate
> Start to sell my undies to men online
> Start to sell pictures of self online
> Get hooked on drugs
> Start hooking
> Wake up one morning with penis

I'm a healer and heal anyone for free. Anyone who asks for a healing I can heal through the power of God.

Hospitals don't need technological advances, all they need is good people of faith and prayer.

God can heal anything.

Just don't get sick and suck it up when you get a cold ya fucking pussy