What is the Sup Forums stance on having sex with Hispanic women? (not marry)
I met this pretty cute mexi chick and i'm debating whether to try to tap that or not. I have a pretty solid shot at it (i'm a Chad) and the couple times we've kicked it we've hit it off pretty well. She's got a solid body and face, but definitely is full blown burrito. On the darker side.
The other thing is I don't use condoms. I'd rather just not have sex than use a condom. Luckily the other women I usually get with are on the pill or have an IUD so i don't have to worry about any nasty surprises. (baby/ pregnancy). I just worry that the beaner egg is more likely to slurp up my white seed, birth control or not. Obviously "life finds a way" (Jurassic Park).
Is it any more risky having unprotected sex with a burrito than your typical coachella-tier white bitch in an indian headdress? Disease wise? Gang wise? I know she has an older brother (probably in a street gang) but he doesn't live in the state. Will I feel bad or dirty for having sex with a non-white woman? Are burritos too much drama? Am I setting myself up for disappointment when Trump sends her back to Sinaloa to get cut up by the cartel?
Elijah Young
They obsess over getting BLEACHED by white men and the BWC
Samuel Nguyen
god she ruined herself.
Josiah Perry
have sex with whoever the hell you want, but don't be a moron and use condoms
Jaxon Campbell
No shit. That's what I just said. Condoms are for sailors and faggots.
Anthony Gray
Why do you care what pol thinks? No one here is impressed just fucking do it
Hunter Wood
Why do you care user? you really care so much about what your alt right friends think? Lol what a cuck
Logan Cooper
Too long didn't read. Fuck off with your blog
Charles Evans
>Can't not be feeling this >Like a shorty with the thickness
Jacob Smith
Americas are international bleaching grounds so you know what to do
Aiden Collins
>t. BLEACHED expert porch geese
Nathan Anderson
Dont do it. She will get pregnant. Spic chicks ALWAYS do. Especially if you have any kind of job or money of any kind.
They are sexy until age 29 then its goblin time. Don't do it OP. Not worth it.
Bentley Campbell
with pride
Colton King
I'm mexican and this is very true. If she does get pregant get a paternity test fyi
Nicholas Kelly
To follow on, once she is pregnant she will want to move in. If you say no there will be massive spic drama. Then she will want to move her mom and uncle and cousins and abuelita and every other bullshit spic relative into your house as well. None of them will work or do anything besides get fat. Ive seen this go down no less than 5 times with various white friends.
Julian Scott
If you're worrying this much about it then just don't do it you pussy.
Jaxson Young
Yea that's kind of what I was thinking. Still shes thick and hot and hnggggggg. Not like i'm hurting for pussy though.
Is this a ruse Juan? You don't want me to steal your women?
Landon Perry
Nothing wrong with it of course. Your pic is ugly tho.
Owen Gomez
Isaac Martin
If you have to consult others for every action you take, are you a free man?
Jeremiah Cox
>(i'm a Chad) >and the couple times we've kicked it we've hit it off pretty well. Bhahahahahaha. Ohhhh maaaan bhahahahahahahaha Fuck Ok seriously though: she thinks you're a timid beta already if you met her twice and haven't grabbed her ass yet.
Cameron Carter
>Hispanic women?
Why would Sup Forums have a stance on Spanish speaking ladies?
Perhaps you mean Amerind Mestizos.
Mason Gomez
>still shes thick and hot and hrnnng
I bet she is man. Spic girls can be almost unresistably sexy. Its a trap. Make your own choices, but i saw this thread and had to offer what advice i can. Good luck.
Adam Hernandez
No, this thread is gay. Fucking 'chad'. Thanks for reminding me. I'm out.
Carter Diaz
Race traitor, remember, day of the noose won't forget about those who've turned their backs towards their race.
Ethan Rogers
God... Lela Star used to be my favorite porn star as a kid, she was so fucking hot.