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What's the take, Jake?

Better start with the guy in the pic, OP.

Welcome to the most powerful and successful psychological ops center on the Planet Earth. Niggers tongue my anus, and Hitler did nothing wrong.





Thanks John

Hitler did literally nothing wrong, the holocaust is bullshit. It is mathematically impossible for the amount jews claimed to have been killed at Auschwitz to be even remotely possible. The set up and design is the WORST possible design if you wanted to mass murder. And this is coming from Germans who surely would have been able to design something efficient. Search your heart newfag, Hitler was a great man and this world would be much better off if he had won.


Fuck off stormfags

kek, Sup Forums would be taken down in 2 sec

okay newbros repeat after me:

circumcision is medically encouraged genital mutilation

transsexualism is a mental illness for which the diagnosis benefits the corrupt ((biopharma)) system by abusing mentally ill with elective surgery for insurance money

human genetic diversity is real, the brain is the most expensive and most important organ, and thus contributes the most to your survival and reproduction. it is anti-scientific to assert that that intelligence is not inheritable along a spectrum of diverse human traits.

Hitler did nothing wrong, you have been lied to for your entire life and taught to hate yourself.


Sup Forums is a board of memes

Barack Obama said in his first book that he was born in Kenya. At Harvard, he was awarded a special honor of being the first immigrant Citizen (not natural-born) and first African American to be President of Harvard Law Review. His publishing agent used a biographical statement which promoted his story as being born in Kenya.

Independent research laboratories and authenticity specialists, domestically and in Europe, have confirmed that the short-form birth certificate released by the White House, under the direction of the Obama Administration, is a forgery using photoshopped sections of a birth certificate from an unrelated individual in Hawaii born a few days apart from Obama.


Hillary Clinton is experiencing permanent brain damage from her TBI or other neurological disorder, she was seen wearing bleeding-edge Zeiss Blue glasses only sold in Europe to manage her predisposition to photosensitive seizures.

She has been recorded numerous times having involuntary and asymmetric eye movements.

Additionally, she has been seen wearing glasses with a Fresnel lens overlay on one eye, meant to correct double-vision by changing the angle of incoming light.

Da truth


John and Tony Podesta are involved in some weird shit. No one can be quite sure, but in the future, it will have seemed impossible to miss.

You're a slave


This. Stormfaggotry is self classification and making yourself easy to deal with.
Want a real red pill? Watch "hypernormalization"

Advocating for the continued existence of your people as a distinct population is not racism.

Advocating for the dilution of only European-descended white populations through forced demographic redistribution is advocating for genocide.

Do you think the Dalai Llama is a racist?

get out you fucking unknown faggot

Stop being jealous baguette


1488 gas the kikes race war now

Hitler did nothing wrong

Obama is a communist nigger and was not born in the US

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, and many related life sciences, have become compromised with a political redistributionist and neo-environmental agenda that corrupts the accuracy and predictive ability of their models.

doubl3s of kek say OP is a cuck

Donald Trump has done nothing wrong!

LOL the political science is the climate deniers.
>non stem degrees btfo


KEK has spoken! OP is a major cuck

Checks and op is a cuck


Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Hillary Clinton and Webb Hubbel, a partner at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas where she got her start as a criminal defense attorney. She and Bill participate in a political arrangement marraige, where they are both allowed to have outside partners. Arkansas State Troopers and aides at the Governor's Office were well aware of this. As Governor, Bill was heard fighting with Hillary in which she screamed, "I need to get laid more than once a month!".

Bill Clinton has an illegitimate child with a black Arkansas prostitute and crack addict, his son's name is Danny Williams. He refuses to acknowledge any connection but as Governor sent presents every Christmas.

>to thwart from forward progress
It just means "to bind". Go back to high school history and stop eating toothpaste, it's getting to your head.


Cucksta rica BTFO

I'm not going to argue with His Amphibious Majesty, but I'll still post pills.

I am cuck, please fuck my girl.


I am a red blooded American, I was banned permanently for posting spicy Huma Abedin leaks.

pic unrelated; not redpill, saddest jeb meme.

BTFO shill; the mentioned movie makes a few good points over nearly 3 hours but is about as much of a bluepilled gatekeeping device as any one movie can be.

(non) Daily reminder that learned helplessness is not a red pill.

>how they come to the number, that blacks are on average only six times more criminal than whites
>here is the explanation

pic related is the real redpill, because it means the matrix is real, its just not a computer simulation, but a social economical construct. think about it, if money gets created through debt, then the debt is always the money in circulation plus the interest. so if people were to pay back all of their debt at once there would be no money left anymore, but the debt would still be existent because of the interest. now how to pay it off without money? with work. and who is everyone indebted to? the banks. all work is done for the banks. the banks are the equivalent of the machines harvesting our (working)energy without us realizing. people unaware of the sheme will defend it, they will rat you out when you fight it and become an agent of the system themselves

Never quite understood this pictures always posted, they're not really related....

You can scarcely call yourself redpilled if you haven't listened to Jonathan Bowdnen. Essential viewing;

nice try. we are here to help.

Praise Kek

we want something even worse than the holocaust to happen and pray that a european country doesn't take the blame for it.
this is the only way we can ever hope to forget the exaggerated jewish death counts from WW2.
if we can accomplish this we will be free of anti-white sentiment and jewish leverage over the west


anarchist leanings are welcome and needed on Sup Forums


Dude it goes all the way to the spiritual level.

the saddest story ever told

My worldview has been fuckedly locked into its current skew to ever change at this point.

Tbh the natives had a great thing goin before we got here. Sure we brought them technology, but they didn't need technology

Women are fundamentally predisposed to being shit at many things men are really great at (war, statecraft).

This does not describe every woman -- the exceptions prove the rule. As a population, women endorse particular ideas, and those ideas have remained relatively constant over THOUSANDS of years of human society. Much of it probably has to do with reproductive imperatives and their vulnerability to social disapproval.

As it stands, women cannot be reliably trusted to steer the ship of a democracy. Men have their share of inescapable weaknesses too: and that weakness is women.

Redpill: Giving women a say in the greatest and best hope for mankind, the most powerful and successful Republic of Planet Earth, was probably a bad idea.

We need to move on from just gassing kikes and dreams of a fourth reich...

We must ascend to an IMPERIUM!!

when we are going with the spiritual redpills now

pizzagate redpills



This 65-year old, wealthy Harvard educated State Department Special Envoy, when swamped with work for the United States, dreams of getting away from it all.

And what does he think of?

John Podesta's hotdog stand.


That was more disgusting to watch then that video of the chink with maggots in his eyes.

Great fucking audio though.

gunman was a false flag by the way


If that's you. You better be moving to this chan *2 and then elevating yourself to the honeypot which is one street above that, and then going into the shadier side.

That is if you're looking for more accurate information.

t. A big fan.

Note: the mindcontroll stuff basically works trough traumatizing kids until their personality splits. the sooner this is done, the more effective it will be.


I'll pray for you to have better relationships with women so you don't sound so sad and bitter

How do you explain redpilled circumcised dudes

Please provide more information. I'm not Jim, naturally, but I am aware of the recent honeypot, exodus, and false flagging.

Please tell me where to go. I have no options.

Tor has been completely mapped, as new nodes are added they are tested in realtime by spook supercomputer networks, high fidelity high-resolution ISP monitoring allows packet timeseries correlation with any request through Tor allows instant double verification of the authentic source IP. HTTP headers are logged allowing for a third level of verification by showing the same user-agent (device + browser).

first it depends on at which age it happened, and wether or not anesthesia was used. then everyone is different. somepeople endure more and others less. one circumcission by no means will get the same results of weeks if not months or years of ritual abuse, but it is a first step.
when done in babyage without anesthesia i do believe it fucks the kid up, even though i cant say how strong the effect will be in the long run as we would have to get data of the same person without circumcission

this is not an entry level redpill lol

Im am circumcised but am fiercely against the practice, I don't believe starting off a boy's life with ritual Molachian torture is good for them

what in the world


i am too, but it was done with local anesthesia and when i was aroun 11 years old, so nothing traumatizing there. the practice of doing it to an infant without it being able to say anything against it and without anesthesia and afterwards getting the dick sucked by a rabbi is what bothers me.

watching it, and that dude needs an eternity to get to the point. but other than that it seems good





Show them the cards! If you look close at this one, you might be surprised.



Dylann roof did nothing wrong

>if you kill your enemies, they win
>but niggers aren't our enemies

That isn't redpilled. It is a meme.

I say throw them in at the deep end, shock the limp-wrist liberalism out of them.

>OP is a cuck

It is a fact that people refuse to accept

>Autographed by Scott Stapp

Fuck Drumpf for ruining a perfectly good Bible

frogs and spurdo in the back


I never really found out what they really mean though, is freewill just an illusion?

We can do any person an icon.