Rate his Vice Presidency
all he had to do was not be Cheney, and he did that
still a faggot though
Did nothing at all, 10/10.
Just a funny meme while Obama destroyed this country
He didn't start any wars or shoot anybody in the face, so better than the last one.
I like Uncle Joe. He's a good guy.
If he'd had run for president, well... things would have been different.
t. centrist
10 raped girls out of 10, would vote for that pedo-lord again.
I literally don't even know what the VP does besides be potential POTUS in case Barry dies.
10 babies sacrificied to moloch/ after being brutally raped to death by Ol' Uncle Joe10
Fuck outta here.
Centrist politics are destroying this country.
That's a Yankee I can get behind
He presides over the entire Senate, did you skip your US Government classes?
You'll have to find another candidate for 2020 once Biden is found guilty in the pedo scandal.
Rapes kids/10
literally who/10
Based Vp.
Why didn't hillary pick him for VP? I don't get it. Kaine was a terrible pick. At least she shot herself in the foot and got trump elected
Joe Biden as a person is respectable and adds personality to the White House.
Looking at Obama, Biden was a good compliment. Even if I heavily disagree with them as politicians, I do respect them as people.
I think he ran for President and the Republicans blocked Trump, Biden would have won against Cruz or Rubio.
Obviously the role you said. They're also a diplomat, tie-breaker for the Senate, can over-see impeachment trials (But not if it's against the POTUS), and a few ceremonial duties.
says the man who elected a pee cuck
A joke of a man.
>satanic pedophile
Wasn't Kaine's appointment some kind of deal? He did them a favor and wanted something in return, but I can't remember what he did exactly. Something with the DNC Chair.
t. buzzfeed "centrist"
Wait, he was VP all this time? Why am I just finding this out?
Don't tell anybody, but his Secret Service code name is Anaconda, because he stands over his wife naked at their pool pretty much all the time. Also, he cheats at golf, and kicks people off his secret service detail if they don't go along.
Easily one of the dumbest people to ever walk on this earth.
On a different note, why is the MSM and in particular reddit so taken with this filthy child rapist? If you make a comment on any website except for Pol, explaining why he's a pedo, people call you retarded and tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about or just down vote you. Then when you post proof they stop replying and just down vote. Are they all shills or is there some serious cognitive dissonance going on? Do their brains even register what they're reading?
Why is that happening?
>Kaine steps down as DNC chair
>Wasserman-Schultz takes over and rigs nomination for Hillary
>Kaine gets VP position as gift for stepping down from DNC
This was pretty enjoyable.
C'mon man, think. Everybody, even you, builds a mountain of delusions to get them through their day. You can't just smash into it and expect anything to budge. You have to pull a little thread here, and tear a seam there. Slowly, their whole narrative will unravel. The only other way is a heavy dose of profound truth, which has just as much chance of driving them even crazier. Lay down your breadcrumbs and eventually they'll find their way.
That poor Asian girl.
>not understanding cognitive dissonance
Yes but any crumb you try to leave gets swept away immediately because people don't want to read about it. How do you fight that? Reddit's system of visibility is a BIG problem for the future of the Internet. You will soon, he'll what am I saying, it's already happening, only be able to find differing opinions from what the MSM wants you to find on fringe messageboards and forums. It's a Bleak lookout on the future.
Uncle Touchy!
He did his job. Joe Was a good Vice Pres.
Also the electoral votes was fucking great.
So is Biden's 'Cancer Moonshot' kaput now?
That means you're a liberal since liberals believe anything with no proof
>was a good vice president
Name 3 things he did that you think were good without using google
So is Biden's 'Cancer Moonshot' kaput now?
it was determind it was cancer and was excised
Gave a bunch of guns to Mexican drug lords, nuff said
There's proof that he's a pedo?! I thought side was just a straight up creep
He loves raping little kids
He straight up fondled a little Asian girls chest in front of the eyes of the whole world and her parents beside him. I don't want to know what he does when no one is watching.