An American Pope

Think we'll ever have one?

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No and thank God, catholicism is evil.

Why not though? I'm not arguing the merits of Catholicism.

Why what? Why cathocuckism is evil or why we will never have an American pope?

Seems like a terrible idea...
I'll do it

Will the anti-christ be American?

Why we'd never have an American pope. We have that venezuelan guy right now that's a step below maybe even two on the mongrel scale

>The Balding Pope

I can't figure out whether this show is redpilled or not.

It's "redpilled"

Cardinal Burke is based as fuck.
He would be a good pope and undue all that liberal bullshit introduced after Vatican II.
He excommunicated a feminist once for demanding that women should be able to become priests.

sourly missed are the days your wretched kind would burn at the stake, devil-worshipping heretic

I knew I would anger a papist by saying that. The cherry on top is that you're Italian.

Tell your heretical pope I said hi.

I f that ever happens, he will be Hispanic.

I sleep easy knowing that your wretched individualist cult contributed to the dissolution of morals, society and helped build the most cancerous country in the history of mankind, and all the dirt you got on the true Christian religion is calling someone a "papist".

Francis is a heretical piece of shit though.

I miss the times when Italians were capable of working a full day instead of taking a riposo after half an hour of work.

Deal with it heretic.

Spoiler alert: he'll be black

>Calls Protestantism a form of cult
>The entire branch of Christianity is a cult of Judaism

Likely not. We just recently got our first non-European pope, and he's from a heavily Catholic country. America is hardly Catholic at all.

What is Canada? a miserable little pile of leafs.

I am allowed to use terms in a derogatory way.
You are not allowed to get out of your cuckshed, though.

no, you're too degenerate even for the Vatican

>Jude Law
>literally Jewish law
What did they mean by this?

You really got me there, Mario. Tell me when you stop praying to a Jew on the cross, ok?

I watched the first episode of this, is he really an atheist? Does it get bad or should I keep watching?

>True Christian religion

>Idol worship
>Child Molestation
>Rampant corruption
>Greedy as shit
>Unable to understand mass due to it being in Latin
>Dissenters punished with death
>False trinity doctrine
>Mutilates Bible to fit teachings

Sure, I'm the heretic.

>Canada GDP per capita: $51,958.38
>Italy GDP per capita: $35,925.88

Nice country pham. How's living off ancient accomplishments of people you have no genetic relation with working out for you?

I won't spoil but keep watching its gud

It's actually pretty good.


>No regard for even the slightly unfaithful, or doubters of God.
>Hates gays and "Tolerance" - and will bring back anti-gay sentiment (season 2)
>Hate's large populations because it's filled with retards
>Hates women of this generation because they are all insanely stupid whores

Sounds redpilled to me

>and will bring back anti-gay sentiment (season 2)

I don't know, he seemed to have softened a bit, at least within the confines of the Vatican. also that zoom out ending was trash, embarrassing really

>Argentina isn't in America
>US Americans can be good catholics

Is Trump Catholic? He'll need a job in 8 years.
Make Jesus Great Again

God literally exists in the show.

I'd rather America to remain as an anti-Catholic nation thank you.

The Vatican is the little horn and the seat of the anti-christ.

What show is this?

Its unbiblical though.

>Romanceniggers think they're correct when literally the rest of the entire world disagrees with them
America is not a continent.

America was founded with a anti-Catholic sentiment which still prevails today.

I'm not even religious but I'm three episodes in and this is the most Sup Forums show I've seen in years

The puritans so assbackwards that they got kicked out of England and that's saying something. They still influence media and pop culture due to the fact you can see gore and its not a problem. Intimate love or sex and all bets are off.

He's' a protestant. Which "church" in particular he belongs to is unknown as of now but you can tell as he's a degenerate heretic

nice heresy

There won't be another pope, if St. Malachy's prophecy is correct.

This current one will likely bring the papal power over to a greater entity, and thus ensure worship of the anti-christ.

Um what is Pope Francis