Are you living sincerely or ironically, Sup Forums?

Are you living sincerely or ironically, Sup Forums?

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mostly serious i come here to debate people
but if the person i debate starts getting retarded il just start shitposting


I'm living. Take that, DFW

Multiple layers of irony my dude
Like 6 or 7


I think irony and meta humor are low hanging fruit these days.


I dont even know anymore

Irony is no longer a cultural frontier; at least, not currently.

I use Sup Forums ironically, I don't really want to gas the jews.

I am very sincere. Life is beautiful and worth living when you are true to yourself. However I also appreciate the nonsensical nature of it all and fully embrace ironic or misguided Sup Forums memes.

stfu faggit

Post memes erryday

>there will never be another novel released by the great DFW


I can truly say that I am so happy to be alive and have so much to look forward to in my life. U jelly bro?

you are like a little baby
seinfeld isn't living ironically. he hates sjw's
might even say he's based


you got dubz faggit

Life is bretty gud right now. Nobody knows who I am, but I am more relevant to our society right now than anyone in that picture. Which I find hilarious...I just try to stay humble and not fall to the Dark Side of Smug like the people in that picture did.

>I am more relevant to our society right now than anyone in that picture.
>I just try to stay humble

no humble bragging, i respect open bragging like trump, dan bilzerian more than subtle brags

You're gay.


dam thread getting stale
gonna archive soon most likely

what's dfw doing there, he was a huge proponent of sincerity

this thread is about the irony-sincerity dichotomy.

Who's the guy second from the left?

Do you think the culture is shifting from ironic to sincere, the other way around or somewhere in the middle?

Is a sincere culture more right-wing than an ironic culture?

New Sincerity has failed.

Adding a moment of humility amongst a sea of unrelenting cynical detachment is not enough to steer culture away from nihilism.

We need to enforce objective morality.

David Foster Wallace. He's the reason for the thread desu

i think the best asset was middle america thanks to trump started seeing how they were being taken advantage of by globalist and how sjw culture isnt working and is mental illness, so id say it went from indifference to them reestablishing control

I might be a faggot, but you're the one spreading AIDS.

Debates on Sup Forums tend to be pretty shitty.

Has anyone here actually read Infinite Jest? I made it like 1/10th of the way through. So pretentious.

yeah there only quality in getting good at idea structuring and delivery and you want to rek the fag so you get good at quickly researching supporting points

I'm sincerely living in an ironic world.

Not easy senpai, not easy at all.

Sincerely. I really hope niggers get a shoah.

what do you mean
like you get sad everytime something bad happens because your "feel" for them

Ironically sincere
>implying I would be legitimately sincere

it's way easier to live in an ironically absurd world than trying to make sense of it. i'm just some cum in the wind and it's funny as fuck how random and un-understandable everything really is. we can try to develop systems to better understand the world but holy shit that's just the same as me faking my own meaning into the world to begin with


you could argue that the plan to remove religion has created this effect on you since you see yourself as cum and not child of god made in his image

we've moved passed irony. we are now in the era of unirony.

Dfw was such a blatant poser, trying to make himself look so profound and edgy. I'm glad he sincerely killed himself

whos dfw the only anons who mention him are all auzzybros

>what do you mean
Living an honorable life during the most dishonorable times
>like you get sad everytime something bad happens because your "feel" for them

Not at all. That's on them to resolve.
There will always be choices that suffer consequences from the demands of reckoning.

Big Dave, the greatest Australian author was renowned for his comedic and ironic works. I wouldn't expect an unread plebeian American to know.

70% sincere.
I am cool with uncle toms for example, however I believe thugs my pushing to the fullest extent of the law.

not even going to argue steveirwinbro
i only listen to audiobooks
we still #1 country in world though

god is a metaphor. everything that isn't understandable and everything that we try to make sense of is a component of god to me. nature might as well be god to me.
when fags like you say people are made in the image of god, it's really autistic to assume that the image of god constitutes
>a human form
>conscious being
>omnipotent but still somehow not perfect
the reason why people believe in this shitty rendition is because they don't even think about how blatantly humanized (made easy to understand) it is.
god is everything and has no gender/sentience/consciousness/form. it's just referring to everything you fag it doesn't have a dong or sexual drive

i belive in god and that the he gave us holy scripture
but even with your argument
lets say
earth-however billion years old
humans-scientist say as homo sapiens 100,000
earth spinning in milky way galaxy etc,
no god , only science

could you argue that if humans created god back when we lived off the land it helped comfort us
and that humans have evolved their brains to fundamentally have a natural want to believe in god and therefore its actually a negative to not believe in god because the neural pathways for a belief in god are there just like a humans naturally want friendship

oh and im not a fag your a fag

i don't think 'he' gave us anything. we by accident somehow became what we are and we attribute some force to have giving us the ability to be some degree conscious. we don't ever know if we're right. (faith isn't knowing to me)
i don't believe science to be objective knowledge either. people created science as a way to better understand god/nature in a seemingly less 'emotional' manner.
i don't see either religious understanding of the world or scientific understanding of the world as being more correct. one can be argued to be more practical than the other but practicality doesn't serve as a metric of true to me.

i think that both religion and science have their uses, but i want to be aware of what they actually serve as and why they were necessary. i see both as different shitty arbitrary tactics to making sense of this gay nightmare we live in

>objective morality
There's no such thing as "objective" morality.
What objective argument makes your society better than a lost tribe in the amazon?

alright nice
good discussion
very civil

probably to civil for Sup Forums

fucking fag cuck go raise your wifes son and prep her bull you fucking kike

"stare too long at the nigger, and the nigger stares back into you"

george freidrich wallace

being ironic keeps you blind to the water. im living sincerely. what a beautiful genius, i want to cry now. RIP DFW

Thisis a rly meaningful and good question, thanks op

Good video

id rather have a person insist a christian religion is the truth than an outspoken atheist claiming that science is the truth
