USA switching to Bitcoin
Donald J Trump
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Made me look
Bitcoin is too unstable, the economy will tank to 0 one day and soar the next ,
dumb, chinese millionaires invested massively in bitcoin and other meme currencies
nice shill post senpai
current bitcoin implementation isnt ready for prime time as a currency. too few transactions per block.
but the tecnology is fantastic. its time will come. but it wont be issued by anyone currently on the cryptocurrency scene. thats all pump and dump scams, BTC included.
yes you can buy drugs for BTC, but thats about all its good for in its current state
when i see the next BTC 2.0 i will invest heavily in it
it will be issued by a state power though.
>issued by a state power
fake news pls delet
And wonder which one would get beaten by the Muslims he's letting into the country because his superior wisdom and sheep like mentality tells him anything less would be islamophobic
The fact that it isn't issued by anyone is why bitcoin is so attractive
Trump has his own cryptocurrency, pleb.
Check it out:
Bong fags id is
founders laughing their ass to the bank
>muh anarchy coins
it has to be regulated for it to work on a grand scale
its more volatile than nitroglycerin, and probably 40% of the coins are in the hands of one person, 40% in the hands of a few whales and the rest is for us to play with while we are beholden to whales playing
not saying its ideal with a state issued cryptocoin, but thats where the game is going to be at
>leftist have unironically switched to the party of the 1%
I heard rumors of such discussions happening out here in the states.
Unfortunately for where I live a "coin" is against the law. Take bitcoin rebrand it and name it something else like NEETBUX or something.
Did you get this from CNN?
next time they make a coin, it must not be mine-able.
chineese will PWN any mine-able coin due to cheap hardware access
they have entire warehouses full of ASICs like Antminers and shit
also warehouses full of GPU cards. we cant beat them.
>thinking Bitcoin isnt a chineese state operation
Not the Bitcoin part but you got me excited seeing #AuditTheFed
Fuck you OP. That's the main thing I want to see this administration do. More than anything else honestly
If this happen /biz/ would flip shit
but china is manipulating btc right now you fucking faggot
enjoy your crash
The mining function is an integral part of a cryptocoin, though miners can be limited.
The coin would have to be mined in a centralized manner on homeland hardware with walls built around it.
or a satellite, maybe the ISS? Who knows?
Don't believe it? Look at the source code.
Bitcoin isn't controlled by anything.
So, the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stolen, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand could not be not lost or counterfeited or transferable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead. At that time when I heard this I was unfamiliar with the statements in the Book of Revelation. The speaker went on to say, "Now some of you people who read the Bible will attach significance to this to the Bible," but he went on to disclaim any Biblical significance at all. This is just common sense of how the system could work and should work and there's no need to read any superstitious Biblical principals into it. As I say, at the time I was not very familiar with the words of Revelations.
Shortly after I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I'll never forget it. There was some mention, also, of implants that would lend themselves to surveillance by providing radio signals. This could be under the skin or a dental implant, put in like a filling so that either fugitives or possibly other citizens could be identified by a certain frequency from his personal transmitter and could be located at any time or any place by any authority who wanted to find him. This would be particularly useful for somebody who broke out of prison.
I was stupid and forgot to check twitter to see its fake.
Also I was stupid to believe that trump (doing/saying was he done up to now and what they done against him) would be a shill, if trump was a shill this would be the biggest 4d chess move ever by the elite, and this is not the case.
Specially they didnt needed trump, they could just put hillary or someone else there