PewDiePie confirms himself that he browses Sup Forums

/ourguy/ made a video today titled "You Laugh, You Lose!" where he watches bunch of webm's from this thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Pewdiepie is a retard, Sup Forums is mainstream except for some boards.

Holy shit. He is redpilling almost every American kid under the age of 15. The next generation of kids will bring the fourth reich.

no one cares. Sup Forums is entirely different website compared to the other boards, especially casual boards like /wsg/. Stop posting this faggot.

Pew"Die kikes"Pie is our guy

/wsg/ is great and a Sup Forums colony. eat shit kike.

If he goes to Sup Forums he obviously goes to Sup Forums which is very Sup Forums friendly.

The only boards I know of that don't have Sup Forums influences are /fit/ and Sup Forums

advertising thread. I don't know why there's so many shills here.

So this is how Sup Forums dies. Anybody that think he's our guy doesnt see the jew at work. Dilute the weaponized autism and it become just another social media. Time to migrate

yeah, he is done making money with reddit, and now came for your visits, he is a genius.

What did he do to reddit?

First its filthy frank, now pewdiepie and all those other shitty e celebs, I miss the days when we had actual based e celebs like Scooby but fuck it, mods should ban shitty e celeb threads

That's the irony in all of this. Pol use to sniff out the jew gets jewed by /ourguy/ who happens to be white, and they wonder how the jews got in power.

I miss Scoobert

PewDiePie is in the know and is very settle about revealing things.

The footage of the casket dancing isn't just put in there for laughs and the cool factor, he put it in the video because it reveals a future possibility that the "elites" will make happen, the assassination of Obama.

They want "Obama" to go down in history as some sort of hero who was "for the people" and it's the only way to make it happen before Trump takes office. They're trying to cause world wide fear in liberals/democrats. You think the dems/libs are bad now....wait til' the 13th-16th.

>people unironically watch fucking pewdiepie

>people also dont understand his gay little satire

im pretty sure pewdieposting is just a meme on this board but whatever, i hope it is

/fit/ definately has Sup Forums-influence.

>The only boards I know of that don't have Sup Forums influences are /fit/ and Sup Forums
>/fit/ and Sup Forums

Wow, unsubscribed

Any time race comes up on /fit/ everyone becomes a cuck and worships miggers. Go try it yourself

That would mean he saw this

in that thread.

And /gif/ is a BLACKED board.

>new Hitleryouth made out of 50 million pewdiepie subscribers
I'm just waiting for his first redpill video at this point.

Omg, no one gives a fuck. This guy is such a faggot it's not even funny. It never was. He's fucking annoying.

>Caption authors (Russian)
Svetlana Kokoreva Faggot Faggot Moto To Eвгeний Бoгдaнoв Dendi Bytwen

>Eвгeний Бoгдaнoв

Shit, did he take the Bog pill also?

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a board of peace. We will not stand for Swedes trying to corrupt our image with their 'racism' and 'antisemitism'.



Shit, wrong file

>it's 2006 and Sup Forums is a super cool underground secret clubhouse

Newfags plz go

The joke is just that niggers get a huge boost by having marginally higher test levels.

what fucking anime is this?

Yesterday he did a "kill all Jews" episode. I had never heard of him before a couple months ago but I think he is kek heavy.

Did I not predict he'd do this more and more? Yep.

so he vapes...

I never vaped, is it nice? (compared to smoking, specially, which I used to do)

Why are you such a faggot styx???

Are you angered that I foresaw this just as I foresaw the election and the reaction of the media at large to it?

Sup Forums is mainstream you faggots get over it

Sup Forums is a bunch of faggots

> /sci/
> /lit/
> /tg/
> /out/

Yea, all those boards are fucking hardcore Trump Supporters

...fucking newfag

how duz it feel being a slitty eyed C HINK

PewDiePie is Swedish. This was bound to happen sooner or later.

we all do ;___;

Yes master im sorry now i see the light

wtf, I love Sweden now


for the love of manson stop uploading minecraft videos

Are Varg and PewdiePie the same person?


I'm personally always on sci and there's I would say Sup Forumsite influence there. It's really hardcore reddit doe


He said boards he knows, he probably doesn't browse the shitholes you just posted.

I know I don't.

is he /ourguy/?

Hibiki Euphorium.

Fucking leaf atleast rename it properly

With bad taste in music
.. le underground bullshit no one listens to.

Do you actually browse /fit/ or do you just like to say you do?

Compared to smoking its awesome just because pf the flavors. I never thought id love smoking captain crunch with crunch berries but i havnt changed since i found this flavor. And yes. It tastes like fucking crunch berries.

Stay away from cinnamon flavors. They cant make sweet cinnamon only hot. I got cinnamon coffee cake and it tasted like butter cake with red hots candy. Funky. If you are a smpker it will take loke 3 days to really switch from tobacco to a vape. The vape is only nicotine. The tobacco has other shit your body craves. Its also WAY fucking cheaper.

t. 12 year smoker and 3 year vaper

Prove it's you styx

Why are Swedes so racist?

I'll be kind to you since English is perhaps your second language. The way he formed that sentence, he is implying that he is talking about all of Sup Forums.

/tg/ has people who support trump.
t./tg/ poster.

that shirt he has on. is that his way of coming close to wearing a Totenkopf without being outed by normalfags?

Anglo brother, is it time to tell them that swedes are actually based and that the ANGLO INTERNET DEFENCE FORCE has been spreading propaganda about them to discredit aryans?

Attention: He's far from redpilled. He's a rich boy beta cuck. At least he was, if you go from the podcast excerpt above. Going from that to redpilled in 3 years seems like a stretch to me.

When are you going to talk about pizza gate

Thanks for your kindness.

But he literally said "I know of" that kind of implies what I said.

It took me about two months to go from bleeding heart lib to GTKRWN, so it can happen quickly if you receive the right info.

>The tobacco has other shit your body craves.
but do you still miss cigarettes?
I loved the old luckies and now love camel, but hate the smell (I actually like it but it embarrasses me).

Not necessarily.
Most normies just buy into the mainstream narrative.
Once your eyes are opened by the redpill, the descend down the rabbit hole can be swift.

It took me about 3 or so years to become a basically closet fascist from a general centrist with both liberal and conservative leanings, depending on issues.

To Sup Forums??

I'm convinced at this point, he definitley does browse Sup Forums (literally using webms from /wsg/), and its highly likely he lurks Sup Forums. He constantly references Trump and puts pro trump propaganda in his videos, but never says anything negative about him.
He constantly memes Hitler, even though normies dont find the Hitler shit funny.

I can say from personal experience on Sup Forums; initially its all a joke, you fall for the Sup Forums is satire meme, but at some point it stops being a joke and becomes a part of you. I get the strong suspicion that PewDiePie is more redpilled than he lets on and only puts that normie shit into his videos to hide his powerlevel.


you people are as dumb as the fucking autistic 8 year olds that made him rich in the first place.

I was the biggest anti-racist leftist faggot 3 years ago. Today i am full 14/88 mode. People change

He is our guy.

>Sup Forumsite influence
>on /sci/
Why are they so fucking rude then?

I'll just say "Hi /po/" on the video and pin it, too lazy to timestamp.

Already did.

Same lad, although it was more like 6 years for me.
Gaymergate (mostly thanks to Internet Aristocrat) was my first step to taking the redpill.

Why dont you question the JQ and why do you think we arent real white nationalists?

Pewdiepie is probably the only Swedish guy I know who is red-pilled.

> using shit from years ago to argue against him being redpilled

his redpilling has just been within this last year and a half. if you look at his videos from 2 years ago he was still a softy faggot, doing that silly "hehehows it going bros :) !!" shit. lately he doesn't even brofist anymore and he's cynical or sarcastic in all of his videos.

That moment I realize (way to late) Sup Forums is where '06-'09 user hangs around. How are the wife & kids?

I wonder what happened.
What woke him up?

>Going from that to redpilled in 3 years seems like a stretch to me
I think a lot of us did just that. I know I did.

fuck off with your shitty youtube celebrities

Pewdiepie started on Sup Forums making let's plays for Anons. But then his screaming caught on and he became mainstream.

He is getting older.

Pewds, you're a fucking queer

/tg/ and /lit/ both have some

Sup Forumsumblr is hell though

No he didnt user.

Well played, pewdiepie

>sees flag
oh, ok


more fake news

Why do you think I'm shitposting? I'm serious.

being a white male who spends a lot of time on the internet, basically. that and the media. the constant bombardment that you are an evil piece of shit who is oppressing literally everyone who ISN'T a white male gets tiring. being forced to apologize for everything you do and say. having a beautiful girlfriend who likely is harassed by all of the "refugees" flooding the UK every time she leaves the house. having family back home in sweden who are probably telling him all bout how their country is going down the drain and how dangerous its getting... dealing with fucking jewtube jerking him around, changing the algorithms, demonetizing your videos, deleting your subscribers...

yeah he has a lot of things to redpill his ass.


not him but yes espcially when i'm drunk

I think /trv/ is by far the board that is immuned to Sup Forums
Afterall, you can't travel the world while being a racist basement-dwelling autist

Sup Forums is literally a mix of Sup Forums and Sup Forums, especially at night when all the aussi shitposters wake up