It's been rumored that Obama will pardon Celsea Manning

It's been rumored that Obama will pardon Celsea Manning

I give it a month before some pissed off vet murders him

Tax paying citizens had to pay for his surgery. We deserve a stab at him too.

Speculated and rumored are not the same
People think he might because he's been saying fuck you to trump
But pardoning manning would be approving of wikileaks, and he can't do that

It is Bradley.

There's no fucking reason for manning to be in jail. It doesn't fucking matter that they're a tranny

If you're for the DNC emails, and you're against Manning's leaks, you're a hypocrite. Transparency of the government and the spread of truthful information to the people is a moral good in a world of corruption.

Why would the guy who was all about big government spying and had plenty of his many bowls of cheerios pissed in by the leaks pardon the source of all that trouble?

Here's something that Obama actually did do. He's no longer handing out residency to every Cuban who can get here.


I hope he does it. The liberals who worship him are already too done to save, while it will expose his hypocrisy and virtuesignalling to people on the fence

d and that little twink dies in prison

Obama is the fucking worst. That nigger and his tranny husband can't gtfo soon enough.

news is that manning is on the short list to be pardoned

any evidence so I can place a bet?

Please this.

This fucking degenerate manlet is the one major whistleblower that actually commuted treason and deserves stringing up.

Pardon Assange and Snowden before this fuckwit faggot.

she hasnt had surgery
she had to sue the US Army to get hormone replacement therapy

Pardon all three
I hope Trump does if Obongo doesn't.

We shouldn't pardon Manning. He broke his oath. Snowden wasn't a soldier.

If he is released then extrajudicial justice will be done.

I feel really bad about Manning my god man can you imagine the torture that guy went through fucking Christ. He's one guy that I would not blame for going tranny at all. They mind fucked him so hard Obama is a piece of shit.

He's the only reason we know for a fact that the CIA knew that several 9/11 hijackers were at various AL queada meetings abroad and were living in the US under their real names and refused to give fbi this important information

sometimes oaths are worth breaking, they're all technically traitors but they are all heroes.
even if Manning is a tranny and you cant see past your own hatred.

yeah right I don't believe he did shit wrong. Really though at this point whatever he did doesn't mean shit they fucking tortured the fucker into becoming a god damn tranny they probably cut his dick off.

>There's no fucking reason for manning to be in jail.
Xhe was an American soldier who violated government secrecy laws, retarded mongoloid. It deserves to be shot
Tranny lover detected

It is rumored that Trump will pardon Dylann Storm Roof for doing literally nothing wrong.

Manning will never be able to live a normal life in the US, even if "she" does get a pardon.

Much like Casey Anthony.

To be considered a whistleblower you need to expose a crime.

Nothing Manning released showed any crimes. He just an oath breaker.

Killing journalists isn't a crime?

His name is Bradley

If it's not intentional it's the same as civilians dying as part of collateral damage. Besides most journalists are scum of the earth sjw losers

I read awhile ago that Manning received extreme sexual torture by the US government.
To the point he started thinking he was a woman.

Can someone confirm if this happened or is it just rumour.

Honestly, Manning is more of a symbol of how shitty the American military is at treating or even evaluating psychological conditions than anything else. They knew that Manning had gender dysphoria. They knew he was unfit to be in the military for so many reasons, and the longer he stayed the more apparent it became. They had so many chances to discharge him, they could have even done it quietly with an honorable discharge, but instead they chose to keep him. And not only that, they didn't restrict his access to extremely sensitive files. That's a fucking trainwreck and the American military should be embarrassed.

What was Manning doing in the military in the first place? He's 5'2 and weighed like 100 pounds, with a history of abuse and psychological conditions. How could he be accepted into the military in the first place? People can call Swedes cucks all they want, but there is no way in hell that someone like Manning would have been accepted even for basic training in the Swedish military.

Well you know that but do normies know that? Yeah right I feel bad for this fucker he releases a fucking tape and gets his nuts ripped off. Then you have Clinton and her emails nothing happens to her. Snowden, Manning, and Assange (even though he didn't do shit) need to be pardoned.

They tortured him so severely that he became a tranny to create a new identity

Proud of you

> They knew that Manning had gender dysphoria.

yeah i don't believe this at all they fucked him up really good in military prison. During Bush years and during Obama I fucking guarantee you that he was tortured a fuckload for what he did. I would expect anyone under these circumstances to either end up dead, brain dead, or extremely fucked up in the head

he did nothing wrong desu

fake news

It's well-established that he had a troubled childhood, that he was homosexual, and it's quite apparent from just looking at his face that he suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome. Even if the gender dysphoria was entirely the result of military prison torture (which seems implausible) he was obviously unfit both psychologically and physically to serve in the military.

>implying all those things are true

Snowden is a traitor to the US while Assange is not. Snowden will not be pardoned by Trump but Assange might.

Civilians can pardon people?

Why? The government were and still are spying on it's own citizens and allies under the impression "it's for terrorism!"

Bootlicker scum

Snowden is CIA for sure. He didn't tell us anything we didn't know and the media loved him a little too much for him to be credible and genuine. Assange is interesting because I think he's Mossad/CIA but they fucked up with the Podesta emails. We weren't supposed to find out about the spirit cooking and pedo stuff and Hillary was supposed to be elected. That's why his Internet got cut off. He won't be killed or tortured ever, he'll just go away without notice.

Yeah giving classified Intel to random dudes on a dating site should not be punished. Fucking retard

snowden is a traitor just like manning is. difference is that snowden is a civilian so he is to be tried by a civilian US court while manning was tried by a court martial.

assange isnt even an american, nor did he ever reside or operate in america (as far as i know) so he isn't a traitor either. he could be considered a foreign agent, or enemy of the state, or something like that, but that would be a rather dubious claim.