
Actually Trump is the american version of him.

Bolsonaro has been fighting communism and cultural marxism since 2003.

Other urls found in this thread:



Interview with Stephen Fry in the Documentary 'Out there'


About gay indocrination.


>Is this the world’s most repulsive politician?



He Sound Like Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s

How popular is he?

Growing high with our economic crisis.


Brazilians are getting heavly redpilled.

There is not so much content about him in english, but he is growing strong and fast.

Bolsonaro supports Trump and Trump is aware that Bolsonaro is a great allieance. If Bolsonaro win in 18' the whole american continent would have a fantastic (never seen before) and powerful alliance.

>> 106838593
The regular brazilian loves him, but the media and all the lefties propaganda hates him, just like Trump he is marked as ((racist, homophobic, nazi, xenophobic)) so that slows his progresses to little bit, thats his only problem.

The brazilians IBs are already creating campaign content for 18 '.

We are making our version of pepe, based on the Walt's Disney cartoon 'Zé Carioca' and the Indigenous myth of Mboi Tu'i, a half parrot / serpent.

Dumping some content.

Bolsomito is the most zionist politician in Brazil

I love him

Bolsonaro/Silvio Santos 2018


Bolsonaro is the savior of this shithole we still call a country.

Digits confirm Bolsonaro will be president 2018

"Let's make Brazil right"

Bolsonaro is a fucking beast. You guys can be best western hemisphere ally if you elect him. He and Trump would get along very well.



Should be a fish or a calango

Temer is 10x better than Bolsomeme.

Temer 2018


He supports Trump and was one of the few politicians who didnt go full commie cuck when fidel died praising or half criticizing him

Said he was a destroyer of liberty and is burning in hell

Cuckservatives are too soft
We need more men like Dutarte

I'm done thats all i have.

Yeah, i hope he wins too.

An Allience bewteen Trump and Bolsonaro would be like a dream. Brazil and USA were supposed to be BFF for a long time but we suffered, we were supposed to be the NEW WORLD.
But Brazil failed when the jews attacked us in 1889 (the demolition of the Brazilian Empire).

But now we have another change, crossing my fingers, THE AMERICAS MUST LEAD OF THE WORLD.

Care to explain? He looks like a corrupted republicuck from what I read about
Oh and ((( Sincretismo político
Partido pega-tudo

Im Br is more like social democucks

>elected with dilma
>the most establishment guy ever


Samefag baiting


The only two good presidents we've ever had were both Vice-Presidents. Brazilians are fucking retarded and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Temer is from PMDB a.k.a Leech party, they are always in the situation, no matters it is a nazi or a filthy commie. Always in the winning side.

He was Dilma's (Workers Party/our system is based on coalitions) best friend and connection with PMDB which is the biggest party in the senate and house.

Plus he is probably 100% corrupt too.

That's what I thought. I guess a mix between trump and duterte would be a good lever for your country, so much work is needed there...
Brazilian Integralist Action when?

When Dilma lose all her support he just "change" side.


They don't even have a party anymore.

Bolsomeme will be dead by the end of the year.
Either politically or physically.


haha, I so fucking want to see this in Portugal

Such a nice country

Actually, during our greatest corruption investigation called ''Car Wash'', one of the criminals were confessing on a huge list who were corrupt, one of the prossecutors asked who didn't recieved dirty money and he said the only one was Bolsonaro.

He is truly our only option against the leftist scum.

The only candidate man enough to order the army to fight against the leftist militia in here like MST, MTST or even regular criminal militia like PCC and Red Comando.

Besides all the leftists hate him, wich makes him the perfect choice since one of the golden rules of the universe is that when you do the opposite of what a leftist want you're tending to do the right thing.

So please explain to us what are its chances? Is his party progressing? The general feeling? What could be his strategy? MBGA?

Lavajato não é "car wash"

Also, reminds me of pic related by the description.
Just needs to be a bit calmer.

"Set" sounds better.

Let's set Brazil right.

5D chess my man.

Yes, but his policies are getting Brazil out of the socialist quagmire.


Trump president was the turning point.
Now our job is make people like Bolsonaro, Le pen and others get their seats.
Best time to be alive and change our lives, if you're not working or studying focus hard and wait. Grab the oportunities by the pussy.
It's the uncuckining.
Shadilay brothers and sisters!