Why do millennials expect to find work right after college?

Why do millennials expect to find work right after college?

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Because their parents did so with way much worthless ""degrees"".

>hur dur all millennials are complete retards


t. pillhead autistic feminine millenial retard

Because it was drilled into our heads in public school that if you didnt go to college you wouldn't get a good job. In 12th grade we had an assignment in English class to write our college essay. I was the only person in a class of 25 that didnt have plans to go to college immediately after highschool. I'm not saying they are blameless for not doing the right amount of work to ensure you have a job lined up before you get your degree, but it was basically implied that a degree was a job certificate.

Why do you keep making these threads?

Because they put themselves in debt so much that they need to.

Because you at least have a slightly better chance of not having a complete shit job. Unless you're really passionate about being a plumber or some shit or think you can be the next smelly feet steve jobs then it's better than nothing.

They can get a night shift job stacking shelves after they've finished the school day.
I don't see the problem here OP.

They aren't working DURING college to build up experience and pay for some expenses?

No wonder they can't find a job.

why do millennials make stupid threads?

Because we have discussions?

I do, but its a medical doctorate so.....

Because that's what we were fed on an almost daily basis throughout childhood.

Because roughly 90% do find work right out of college, and we don't expect to be the minority 10% who don't.

Because every other generation found work almost by mistake right out of high school.

We and our parents fell completely for the college Jew.

Hey, born in 83 here, not sure if millennial or not. Yes, I agree, there's a lot of entitled kids who think they're just going to be handed a job but no clue how they're going to get it or what skills are required.

I was hired right away after uni but only after busting my ass working during Uni, keeping my grades up and getting additional certifications while getting my undergrad.

All during that time I would ask my classmates... "Hey, have you started looking for a job yet?" "Have you had any luck?" Which employers have you applied to"

They didn't look for jobs, they didn't even know where to apply. They were some of the most useless people I'd ever met and I couldn't under stand their total lack of drive/motivation. A lot of them landed random jobs in places like Starbucks, sales jobs that required no education, went into real-estate, car sales (jobs reserved for retards or sports players who suffered severe brain injuries)

A handful of us landed good jobs and progressed but I would say a good portion 50 - 60% went as far as a high-school grad

Flash forward 10 years, I'm finally pulling 6 figures. Some of the people I still know from school are in scams like Primerica and Amway. Shit SEO jobs and sales of course. A few retards got lucky because (my dad totally owns a dealership) nepotism.

99% of the people I went to school with I refuse to associate with.

Maybe they should have failed university but were given a pass, I'm not sure. Somebody somewhere failed these people. Maybe it ws their own fault.

Curious to know your opinion though user.

Oh yeah I remember this. There was an air of guilting in my high school that you needed to go to college. When you're at that age and you're really precocious you're so easily manipulated to go with the crowd, hopefully teachers are realizing how bullshit getting a degree is unless it's STEM and even that has no guarantee either. It's like how irresponsible do these people have to be knowingly flooding the market with "educated" people and having no seats to fill. It's one thing if someone majors in philosophy or the arts, they're reaping what they sow, but to not stop them before it's too late? You're not sending them into adulthood you're sending them into slavery through debts. And then the generation is totally destroyed as a result.

Because I made 35 grand a year right out of high school 24 years ago.

stop using this girl for every millennial thread faggot

Kill yourself.

35 grand

Isn't that just slightly higher than minimum wage? After tax, what 20 grand?

Were you flipping burgers? What were the benefits like?

Dude, you have to account for inflation.

35k were a lot more 24 years ago tho

because i went into software development rather than liberal arts, and i did.

He said 35 grand, wait for it

24 years ago

Because that's generally how it works unless you're getting a useless hobby degree

i didn't know i had autism it took them almost 25 years to tell me
that realization probably would have changed how i would have gone about education

OK $58,488.97

According to:

I'm curious to know how much more you're earning today.

Because that's what they were told. Graduated HS in 2007, totally remember teachers and admin memeing "if you don't go to college you will flip burgers and never make any money forever!"

Problem is they fuckin confused a degree for actual marketable skill/experience.

That degree doesn't really mean shit, you're better off learning how to do something that people are willing to pay you to do, and going and getting a few certain or whatever. Out of like 8 people I know that went to a 4 year after HS, only ONE is working in the field his degree is in and making good money. (Got a degree in forestry mgmt, is working for a private forester now, gets a company car and decent salary.

I know a lot of people that have degrees that are fuckin useless too, I've worked with some of them. They don't know how to write a letter, and most importantly, they don't know how to fucking WORK. They don't understand you need to bust your ass and sell yourself and increase your value to your boss, then ask for more money and if you don't get it, go somewhere else that will pay you more. All these retards just take whatever pennies a company is willing to pay them and then bitch about how it's all someone else's fault.

>Out of like 8 people I know that went to a 4 year after HS

Where the fuck do you live? Bumfuck nowhere hick town?

Well that's the problem, people are lucky if they make the same fucking money that user did 24 years ago.

College degrees are worthless now.

as a millennial that just got outta college and is currently NEET, i expect to find work by looking for work. i mean are you supposed to spend another year or two doing nothing?

Start a youtube channel on lets play videso featuring the games eeryone already played and don't care about.

Spend your parents money putting together a really expensive PC setup and wait for that sweet sweet youtube add revenue to pile in like gold.

Then when that doesn't wok buy this guy's book

Accountant here. Got my job right after college and they worked with my while I finished my 150 hours to sit for the CPA exam.

Get better degrees, you fucking morons.

>Citizens should lower their expectations & be
grateful for nothing

Because they've failed to realise that the world isn't school. There's no teacher to reward them for doing what they're told. That's why they loved Bernie so much. The idea that one man could single-handedly reshape American society into "democratic socialism" in four years from the White House was utterly preposterous but in the imagination he was the grown-up who was going to stand at the top of the classroom and make everyone play nice and take care of each other

I mean, all college degrees? or just the faggy liberal arts ones?

I just have a BCOM and Computer programming background. Got hired as a programmer right out of Uni. Those aren't the most impressive degrees but still got a job and decent pay.

I think the problem is people who don't know how to apply for jobs or even bother to find out what employers are looking for.

For example if a post says, we want Java and SQL they won't apply or bother to look into getting education or relevant experience.

Do you think it's possible people are going to school for social justice shit and then trying to get a job in the real world realizing nobody wants what they have?

We were told that we were needed and that we had to contribute to society

This implies that there are roles that need to be filled

If society needs us then why are there no apparent roles to be filled?

If society doesn't need us then just fucking tell us so we can drop all this bullshit once and for all

because the jews hid their selling of h1b visa to third worlders

why do you shitpost this stupid fucking thread every two hours?

do you have a job? do you ever leave the basement?

I had my job lined up before I graduated.
But I didn't major in gender studies.

Because working is what keeps civilized people from turning into nigger-like beings out to burn the whole world down.

>fell for the geophysics meme
>graduate into the 2014 oil crash
>no jobs
>drive a forklift now

It's not just humanities degrees, they're just an easy target. Degrees are worthless because the standards for passing people are so fucking low these days.

I was friends with an Engineering program guy in undergraduate, and he used to brag that he got a 40% on the exam and how he had the best grade and their scores were all being curved.

What does that say about the state of college education if 40% is a bragging right score on a high level math class for a fucking engineer?

t. burger king employees.
There's nothing wrong with going to college if you don't go for a meme degree and having good grades in high school + good sat scores makes it really easy to get a scholarship.
Telling everyone to go to college is still a good idea because on average they will be better off, maybe some people would be better off not going to college but it's not the case for everyone.

What this user said is largely a lie these days.

Fucking how?

Both of my parents worked for the NHS without degrees, with my Mom not even finishing school, but they'd both require degrees now.

>graduate into the 2014 oil crash
>no jobs

Yes, yes, you're the only hard worker in the universe and everyone else got where they are thanks to their parents' connections. Good lord, you public masturbators are the worst.

>Telling everyone to go to college is still a good idea because on average they will be better off
No, tell the people that are intelligent and do the work that they should go to college for a real degree.
Encourage the rest to be more realistic and get practical skills.
Otherwise they just end up in sociology or Engineering for 1 year until they drop out and work at Wal-Mart.

>40% on the exam and how he had the best grade and their scores were all being curved
The fuck? They just failed 80% of the class if they couldn't cut it.
Averages sometimes hit the 50s and if they got below 70 they had to retake it.
What shitty college are you talking about?

>tfw most of the people in my major's graduating class had jobs lined up before graduation
>tfw those that didn't did LITERALLY NOTHING but pass classes

Low or high averages are meaningless to discuss. You can have a great class with 90% test averages, a shitty class with 90% averages, a great class with 40% averages, and a shitty class with 40% averages. I agree that the standards for passing have been pushed way too low, but pointing to one low average isn't meaningful.

No jobs in the last 2+ years?

I'm curious as I'm a wildlife biologist who is stuck working as a seasonal and feel like an utter moron for choosing to be a wildlife biologist, where I now compete with thousands of people for a single job and every job I get is stacked with women because "Muh women in sciences"
But fucking geophysics?

I did. Of course, I dont have a bullshit arts degree. I have an accounting degree.

Accounting is highly damanded. Granted, I have to work with a bunch of cunts but i make good money and do a better job.

If you guys seriously can't get a job with a degree and you were born in a 1st world country you have to be retarded or something or just mediocre as fuck.

Sweet trips, and thanks for convincing me that it was a good idea to not study biology.

Because I need to feed and clothe myself and the only way I can do that, after receiving my overpriced education, is to work at least one fucking job.

>hurr, why do recent college grads expect not to starve and be homeless

Not all of us have well-off parents that pay for everything and enable us to be NEET leaches.

If I don't work I won't survive, dipshit.

Pablo, I don't know what to tell you. Things aren't nearly as good in America as you seem to think they are. So if Plan B was to hop the border and find yourself without a care in the world, forget about it.

You're welcome!

Life advice: do something that no one else wants to/can do.

cam girl is a job

Why shouldn't they?

Funny thing is when I was in high school literally no one including my career/college consoler informed us the existence of training/trade schools, as if the only path was going to college and getting a degree.

I'm happy where I am and I just know it's really fucking easy to get a job if you actually research and have goals instead of living it day by day and then going "hur durr no jobs"

The job market, both internally in our various countries, but also now globally, is an arms race. Our parents found jobs with a couple of years of education after finishing high school, if not right after. Our grandparents maybe did not even need to attend education at a high school level to get by. By now, in many industries, a bachelor is becoming quite worthless. You now need a Master. As everyone and their brother is now attending college, the value of a college degree has fallen off a cliff. It's supply and demand. The job that your parents and grandparents worked don't exist anymore. They've either been shipped overseas to some shithole, where the employer can get away with playing slave wages, or the job now requires so much schooling - because of competition, the employers will of course always pick the best candidates - that the jobs are now very different from what your parents did.

Nigga, even not accounting for inflation, $35k today is not fucking $20 grand after taxes.

Have you ever filed taxes before? I live in one of the Bluest states with a state income tax and am not paying anywhere near that.

You've either never made enough money to be significantly taxed or you've never filed a return more complex than your I-9

There's jobs, but each one is probably getting hundreds of resumes, now I have to compete with the class of 2015, 2016, and soon 2017. Basically i'm fucked, forgot tons of shit, why would a company hire me over some fresh grad or laid off people with tons of experience, Should've studied CS or civil engineering.

Ask anybody who graduated in 2008/2009 how their career is doing, chances are they're behind everyone who graduated before & after the recession, if they could even get it started at all. Timing is EVERYTHING when it comes to education and jobs. If I graduated a few years ago I would probably be making 120k/year right now.

>had 13 months of professional experience when i graduated
>had a job lined up before final semester
>started working a week after I graduated
>make 70k/yr to shitpost and occasionaly work
>boss, boss's boss, and ceo suck my peepee

I fell for the STEM meme.

Why do you always post short haired ruined tattoo'd soe?

But that's pretty wrong in many places now. The market is absolutely flooded with college grads, and its now the trades who are desperate and willing to pay big bux for the people with the right skills.

What you "know" just simply isn't so.

I got a job quite easily after college, starting at $60,000. Millennials who complain about it are simply failures who didn't pursue internships while in college.

Cyber security bro - actually pretty boring, pays well

Graduated high school in 2010, got bachelors in math in 2014, right now i'm working as a long term substitute teacher (basically a teacher with a little less responsibility and no certification). I could very easily become a full blown teacher but it seems like an ass career path, I'm trying to get some govt shill type math job like statistician. Here's hoping

>Le university does not prepare you for a job meme

Then what the fuck is the point of a degree?

are you allowed to post this?

Yes; there are objective factors at play. I get kinda tired of everyone just saying all millenials are retarded. My grandpa dropped out of eighth grade, and after working at GM got training to take care of the equipment. Supported his family on his wage, retired by age 50.
This opportunity does not exist at all.

because i need a job to survive.
hell im not going to college and i expect to have a job

Okay, keep making excuses then, the "no jobs" meme is said by literally every loser on every country, doesn't matter if it's the US, Mexico or Haiti.

I had a job when out of high school. I had the same job till I graduated. Then I did an easy job for an international event, made a bit of money and went
Lol fuck retail.
Now I work in security. It's pretty chill desu
>inb4 paul blart
I wish this meme would die

Must be horrible.

Because they're expect everything to be done for them, everyone's gets indictrinated by the left and the left think that things just happen and that "the system" must be oppressing everyone

It does and it doesn't
There's a bit of luck and timing involved now.

You're young. Idealistic. You have all these wonderful life plans and you think they are all going to work out. We all used to be like you. The world will deal with you.

Congrats, really even these "cool" jobs I do are boring after awhile.

At least he got digits. Lucky triple 7

Literally same. Do you think sentient artificial intelligence will make us unemployed? I worry about it every day. But I think we'd be among the last to lose our jobs. I'm in corporate tax btw.

Very well put my pasta nigger


GED here... $144K gross last year, did I mention no degree? Oh and I started that job @ 23yo

What's so hard guys?

You're all just fucking lazy plebs with pleb problems. QQ autists

I'm 25 and I have a high paying job and I used to live on $150 usd a month fuck off.

What a lot of people are taking about is that the college meme has been absolutely blasted at yound adults today. You're going to college, right? Of course you're going to college! Don't you want a good job? Just go study something you're interested in at college, you're sure to get a job when you come out. Quite a number of college degrees are still very worthwhile, but the massive influx of people into this level of education means that other sectors are absolutely flooded with people.

Because if you chose a good profession and do well in school you are marketable enough to get a job immediately. Such as MechE's

Not really, I mean that job literally doesn't exist. There are no jobs anywhere near that pay level available with a four year degree currently, except maybe computer science and they sure as fuck aren't hiring someone who didn't graduate middle school.

>Telling everyone to go to college is still a good idea because on average they will be better off

Trust me, it isn't. This is literally what happened in my country. First, the government made high school mandatory and what this basically did was force teachers to give all students including retards passing grades just so they don't have to bother with them in the summer trying to draw out anything from their dead brains that would justify even a B. They made high school infallible.
Meanwhile, they started a propaganda about knowledge being power which basically lured everyone into college. While all this was happening, universities are opening left and right, and today we have about 25-30 universities in a country that has about 2 million people.
These new private universities are severely lacking in quality compared to the state university which is also pretty much garbage and each year worse and worse students come out of high school and into college.
I have a friend that teaches several subjects at the math college at state university and honestly you won't believe the hilarious stories about the students there.
There are people who've enrolled there and couldn't divide fractions, had no idea how to solve quadratic equations and on one occasion a freshman didn't know which natural numbers had 4 digits.

The pitiful state of affairs we are in is caused by our government telling everyone should go to college. It made college meaningless. Now you need a college diploma to be a waiter. It literally says in the job requirement. A college diploma, not specifying which.

Basically our retarded government did this to hide the real unemployment rate since students don't count as unemployed.

>on average they will be better off
Not necessarily. Some people simply aren't cut out for it and those people tend to degrade the system as a whole.
I go to a mid tier uni (uci) and everything except stem is a fucking waste.

Meant justify a D, a 2/5.

My grandad went through the minimum amount of schooling you had to take back in the fifties and then went into construction. Worked his way up from literally being on his knees pouring concrete, to being a foreman for several work crews, and then eventually when he got older, an administrative position in the company. This could just not happen today, you're right.

>Do you think sentient artificial intelligence will make us unemployed?
It will, but people are guessing that something like 40-50% of current jobs will fall victim to that in the next 20-30 years. It's going to be a very large problem - there just plain won't be enough jobs.