you have no business here, you are not welcome here and you are my enemy.
Daily reminder if you smoke weed you are lower than an animal
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lol if mods dont prune this shit
>if you smoke you are lower than an animal
Yeah, smokers, of anything not just dope, are scum, they should all die.
>implying the mods prune thread that aren't politics related
I recently started watching BBCs Planet Earth while high. My god it's magnificent.
I feel sorry for you OP. Sincerely.
yeah but one can hope
Hello. From Colorado.
No. When you wake up you pray thanking God that I don't live near you and that you have laws protecting degenerates like you. As soon as War break I will be the first one to first deal with the enemies like you, like every stoner and every pothead in our world.
I don't like chronic smokers with pets. I hang around tokers a lot and their animals always seem quite unhappy to me.
not all of us feel comfortable smoking big pole all day OP
If you're in Colorado why are you growing on a building like that?
get your boat ready
Smoking around pets is like a milder version of smoking around kids, passive abuse of innocents.
mad cuz you were born in a 3rd world country?
I can live with that
You potheads are rats, you live like rats and it's about time you start to be treated like rats.
Modern people are too effeminate and weak to deal with degenerates like you. You won't be that lucky with me though.
Fuck you, too. Have a nice day.
> implying you own pol
What's even the point of posting this thread when you know objectively you can do nothing to stop the fact that hundreds of thousands of pot smokers are high and posting on this board right now? In fact, I don't even use pol unless I'm sitting down and smoking pot.
You sound like an 8 year old in a batman costume, go home faggot
There is litteraly nothing wrong with occationaly smoking a joint, if you think otherwise you're closeminded as fuck
apply for asylum in germany, you will be here in no time
I cough up black shit every single day because of smoking weed, you can say it doesnt cause cancer or is physically addictive, i agree but if anyone tells you its harmless you should slap them
Would bang the fuck out of the tattooed whore on the right.
Weed is better than alcohol.
t. Alcoholic
Sucking smoke into your lungs will always be bad.
if you eat brownies however, there's nothing wrong with it
Something else is wrong with you then, I smoke every single day every few hours and have never had that symptom.
Internet tough guy
op needs to smoke lol
Nigger faggot op u best pipe the fuck down before I shove this pipe up your ass
I was talking about weed. It put's the pets in a different mode as well, because they can sense a change in behaviour in their owners. They act like kids, if you allow them, because the adults just aren't aware anymore. At least it's been like that in my personal experience.
If you drink alcohol or smoke anything you might as well be a nigger
You sound like an autistic kid trying to play his favorite superhero.
Go read some batman comics and settle down in your slum.
Besides chances are you'll probs be killed in Brazil anyways lol.
MDPV is the white man's drug.
Enjoy your boring life.
Yeah that's what I was doing last year, deep sea related is also a favorite.
Did all of planet earth II recently with the gf.
Enjoy your time user.
>Literal monkey calling anybody else an animal
Interesting theory
im a pagan tho senpai its my religion to smoke weed
>calls others "lower than an animal"
but Brazilians are allowed?
Maybe it's time to stop smoking cigs then m8.
I smoked weed everyday for 5 years but recently quit. I never once coughed up black shit, idk wtf else you're sucking on or smoking but stop fag.
Come at me bro.
>a monkey calling me an animal
that'll do brazil, that'll do
he should die too
Smoking the car regardless of if its moving is an automatic DUI/DWI in any state of America. They don't even need to test your urine or blood if they see it or if they find it. Keep this going till they all have felonies.
weed culture is degenerate
using a small amount weed
as a drug for productive means,
as you would with say coffee, is non degenerate
>lower than an animal
Pretty ironic coming from a huehue
Found the retard
If a turk smokes weed he can level up then.
>fearing a plant
Keep faith in your God OP, he will save you.
Yes goy you must drink alcohol to have an exciting life
You want to be popular don't you? Then drink up!
>There is litteraly nothing wrong with smoking
There's everything wrong with it. It doesn't matter how often or what you're smoking.
Yeah, and it's right.
Weed isn't bad but smoking it is?
I smoke,GF dont.
Self employed.
Die hard 2A.
We both voted for Trump.
I am not your enemy.
Go back to plebbit.
Daily reminder, you're a faggot.
qt on the right
Yeah, it's not the drug that's the problem but the mode of ingestion.
I don't know why you gotta be mean. I just don't understand why wouldn't grow plants outside or at least in a greenhouse.
lol why don't you worry about cleaning up the favelas you monkey twat
Neither alcohol or weed are all that exciting or pleasant. MDMA actually makes you feel awesome, yet to try coke or lsd.
If people let this stuff be a problem for them it's their problem.
reminder that priests have been smoking weed for thousands of years; see hindu monks for example
OP is a faggot
lol pot only negatively affects weak people, pot is arguably pretty redpilled because it weeds out the weak lazy faggots by turning them too retarded to function. smoking is fine, but being a stoner is degenerate. i smoke in the evening for insomnia, and i am still functional.
if I wanted to be near liberals, degenerates and potheads I'd go to Rio de Janeiro.
Also not going to a place where rats, jihadists and degenerates are protected by the Police.
op is a nerd
>mfw when I never fell for the dude weed lmao meme and remained pure to this day
These threads just make me wanna toke lol
If you learn to handle your drink it won't seem so frightening to you, I suspect you just had a bad experience once & it scared you away.
>herr you'll be killed in brazil lol lolz xDDDD hahahaha you suck dudeeee
Pathetic middle class white trash
Just hit the bong, nice YLYL thread!
Your not white, the herb is Odin's gift to the north.
Nah weed is tight. Go fuck your vacuum nerd.
I have family members with schizophrenia. Smoking weed has made that even worse for those suffering from it mildly already.
(((Drudge))) Report
Veganfags/PETAfags like you are among the first to go on the day of the rope.
I drink tincture. Am I cool?
>if I put ((())) it will sound like I'm oldfag xDDD
>do I fit in guys?
28 and never had a taste of alcohol
Father was an alcoholic, grandfather was a priest who became an alcoholic and died in the street. I decided very young that I would never touch it
Kek you nigger faggot. You probably shill for the cunt, too, eh?
Oh yeah just in case you forgot!
My cat jumps up and sits right next to me every time he smells the weed. He fucking loves. He's also the most loving and awesome car ever. Fuck off Ahmad.
>trusting jew media
>against Odin's herb
>Good goyim keep smoking the herb jew while it's easier for my people to implement the Globalist U.N Agenda
What's your defense against someone who smokes weed everyday but is full on white nationalist?
You saved the thumbnail idiot
"By this time the soma had begun to work. Eyes shone, cheeks were flushed,
the inner light of universal benevolence broke out on every face Image
Daily or almost daily marijuana use in the past year and past month among persons aged 12 or older: 2002-2012
in happy, friendly smiles." - Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, 1932
The truth is that Marijuana is the drug for the citizen of the new world order. The perfect sheep with low IQ who will call himself "illuminated".
Just as aboriginal tier as the nigger in Rio de Janeiro.
>b-but like dude I really have swastikas and sheit!
>they should all die.
nice, that's exactly what they do. Good to have it covered.
Everything in moderation obviously.
>You won't be that lucky with me though.
>you have no business here, you are not welcome here and you are my enemy.
Says the monkey.
Just fuck off monkey, we are degeneracy incarnated, accept that and stop trying so hard to fit in with the nazi kids.