ITT: Redpilled food.
ITT: Redpilled food
The packaging of the actual cup is so aesthetic, I love it
>empty calories
>full of sodium
Free yourself from the nutritional jew
In b4:
>muh ethics
>muh manmade climate change
>muh saturated fat
>great source of nutrition (protein, iron, vitamins, fiber etc)
>with seasoning tastes great
>is a crop so in the event of the apocalypse you can stay in your nuclear bunker and produce these in bulk using artificial lights (see fallout new vegas vault 22)
>so important that almost 1 million Irish starved to death without it
>shits in street
>wipes ass with hands
>rubs hands in dirt
>serves ice cream
Peanut butter is most red pilled. Calorie for calorie, its cost efficiency is up there with rice and ramen, but it has much better macronutrients. It has good fat and a solid amount of protein. I'm pretty sure it has better vitamins too. Idk how it's so cheap, considering good fats and foods with protein are typically on the more expensive side.
Peanut butter is the best survival food and the best food to hoard
>be murifat
>see KinderĂ¼berraschung
>choke and die
honey is the best food to hoard no expiration
Ramen is a normie meme. It has shit and hot air for calories. Shit for nutritional value. The only good thing about it is that it's cheap, but it has so few calories that it's still barely worth it
>pure sugar
Milk fire babies, meat for strong men
normies, I just stand in the sun and photosynthesis.
sushi best food
tfw you see a platter that's probably supposed to feed 4 people but you know you could down it alone
Spicy food is redpilled
>You'll live longer
>Speeds up motabilism
If the white race wants to become the masterrace we must learn the art of spicyness. Start with lower spicy foods and move on to spicier when ready. Put hot sauce on everything except mashed potatoes and desserts, works good with pretty much everything else. I prefer habernero hotsauce
Japan has best food.
enjoy ur man boobs drinking that estrogen shake.
>pure calories
It's the #1 reason to eat anything. And if you're hoarding, calorie dense foods are the best things to have, for price and space reasons.
If you need vitamins, buy a few bottles. They don't go bad, either.
when did ramen become food? don't forget that little packet of msg and wash it down with some diet coke
Capsicum is a normie meme. They just push it so people pay exorbitant amounts of cash in an attempt to one-up eachother on self harm. Might as well smash eachother over the head with pain sticks.
We have mastered it, and pushed it to limits unimaginable. Pic related: cultivator of the hottest pepper in the world.
A challenger appears!
I'd try it.
>nigger milk
get out
lets add this chocolate but lets add an additional 30g of sugar
fuck choco milk i used to love you
Great source of protein and calories.
Did you know that Indians are white? Their skin is just stained from all the poo they deal with. That's why higher castes have lighter skin. They spend slightly less time wallowing in poo.
fake news
Marinated Salmon thinly sliced. Do people eat this outside of scandinavia?