So update from earlier today; the girl (18 year old rich white girl who goes to hutchinson, the most expensive private all girls school in Memphis Tennessee) got 10k after making up a sob story about her parents being racist.

claims they dont support her, took away her car, phone, """""personal savings"""""

meanwhile, liberals gave her money as quickly (and as blindly) as they did with Berndawg.

its a GoF un dme page.

some highlights include
> I'll never forget the yelling my parents did, when they expressed how disappointed they were in me, that I could do so much better. I did not know what to do. I couldn't comprehend how someone could be seen as less because of pigment. I still can't comprehend it, and I never will be able to.

>I've applied and received some scholarship money through financial aid, including grants, loans, and work-study, but I still need at least $10,000 to cover the first year of my remaining out of pocket tuition for college by May 1st.

>All of this because I love another human being, as I was taught to do. How could my love for another person be wrong because of his skin color? And why would that make me unworthy of a future I've worked so hard for?

THIS is white privalge.. i think we can all agree.. because this stupid bitch got kicked out and doesnt expect to work, but get gimmie dats for dating a black dude.

Other urls found in this thread:


holy fuck this is triggering

is this even legal? lol shameless

OMG What a money Maker!!!

I need to get on CL and find me some models!!

THANK (((YOU))) !!!!


>your grandson, great grandson, great great grandson, and great great great grandson will be niggers

It's the fucking dad who should have started a go fund me.

South Memphis[X5]
Nigga thats where i'm from where everybody drug dealin'
South Memphis(X5)
All my niggas countin dirty money and mud sippin'
South Memphis(X6)
Nigga thats where i'm from where everybody drug dealin'
South Memphis(X5)
All my niggas countin dirty money and mud sippin'

[Verse 1]
She asked me where i'm from, bitch i'm South Memphis
Where we known for gettin it, kingpin
Bumped into lil mama said she ain't seen me since way back then
When i was just selling pounds of strizzong, i wasn't rappin'
Young nigga just trappin', met her out in cali
She stayed out in the valley, but she said that she from dallas
Bitch i'm from castalia but I got plugs out in vegas
Smokin' chicken, eatin chicken, bitch i'm bumpin G-Train
Yeah nigga i'm from the same streets that made Craig
Thats why i'm in my trap house runnin' up this bread
A scared man's a dead man, might as well be dead
Shout out to them Glenview hoes, i swear they got some fye head(straight up)

lmao I'm gonna do this too. Free money niggers.

It's not that easy cunts you have to learn to market too

>liberals wasting their money on dumb shit

Alert the presses.

how do these things get verified it seems so fake, or is it legit just ppl blinding giving other people money

>how are these things verified
They aren't. Last year there was a similar story, then later she apologized for making it all up, no refunds

Damn, i can make 10k by just scamming dumb libshits? This is great idea.

This is better then the good old nigeran scams.

I would rather see the $10,000 (in the form of stacks of $1 bills) be burned in front of a homeless shelter than have it wasted on this cunt.

in a fairly short period of time she ill be single knocked p, and cursing nogs

I was thinking the same thing. All we need to do is stage a picture with a random nigger and random white female and make up some story about raycism.

>OP is a single black woman

Liberals think Putin is sitting on a throne ordering his magical hacker army to rig the elections and take trump piss tapes. Of course they believe this.

I want her life to be ruined

Does that make me immoral?

Even the old lady in the background is disgusted.

I need to start posing with she-boons and make up bullshit stories about muh racism, and bleed these lefist faggots dry

More like hot woman privilege

another fake cunt with another fake story trying to milk it for money

>is this even legal?
Why would it not be?

Can we make a false flag Kickstarter that we then donate to the God Emperor?

BLACKED privilege

(((red parts)))

I need to do this for a couple of my car restoration projects.

>my black friend can't afford to have me fix his grandads old car
>his grandad was harassed in Alabama
>would mean a lot to him etc

Fraud. It's a cut-and-dry case of fraud.

100% Sure OP is a Black women

How convenient, she censors the part where her family tells her what an insufferable cunt she is.

Thank you Messi I couldn't find the this image anywhere on my computer

if the parents are racist and having a nigger bf was so off limits, why didn't they raise her to understand that better?

No it makes us Godly

somebody should sentence the death penalty to everyone in the kardashian/jenner klan. except kanye and scott disick



This is the new snake oil hahahaha
Let's all cash in on liberal white guilt

the dad is right, fuck this disloyal whore


confirmed nigger tier too

Memphis is what the rest of the country will look like if the liberals get their way.



This just might stop the bullshit. If we can plant the seed of doubt nobody will trust these (((real))) sob stories anymore

Wow. OP is a bitter, black, strung female who dont need no go fund me.

Why are black females so angry? Serious question

impossible, man. parents spend few hours, if any, with their sons and daughters. the most of the time they're in school, which is the most brain-killing place in america, or using social media

literal cucks

They don't call it Mem-frica for nothing.

That place is a fucking cesspool.

>Fraud. It's a cut-and-dry case of fraud.
How do you know it's false?


Now for the storyline... BLACKED or Muzzie?

Based. Never give a sucker an even break.

She's just paying for a very expensive black eye

fun fact, she changed her username and gave birth to a "beautiful" mulatto child.


My God, liberals are such suckers. It's so easy to get money out of them. I think there was another story like this last year where a coal burner pretended to be kicked out of her parents house and got thousands of dollars from gofundme.

Maybe we can start scamming liberals out of their money with fake sob stories, pretend to be a tranny or a race mixer or something.

because when choosing between money and a nigger women will choose the money 100% of the time

notice she said "all because I love another human being, as I was taught to do"
thats what you learn in school

>as i was taught to do

It makes me wonder just how hard it would be to create a similar story and rake in massive amounts of dosh from gullible libtards.

what an abomination, also checked

We should take bets to see for how long the daddy remains in the picture.

nigger nike's new twitter: twitter.com/bigpoppanikeee

this is a great idea.....Sup Forums lets do it...and use the funds for general right wing causes

inb4 the dad is the puppet master behind it

>because when choosing between money and a nigger women will choose the money 100% of the time
So...you have no evidence that it's fraud.

Blackd Privilege
White Genocide Privilege.

Ohh the white girl going to be going after Tyrone now.

Big Dick, Swag, and Give me dats money.

The answer to getting women back in line is by using their own depravity and psychological warfare, reverse cuck them, cuckquean, spread the word my white friends.

I think the oppressed migrant family would work. Say they lost their government funded apartment and the father doesn't make enough to cover the rent. then say we need to send the kids off to find labor jobs or... wink wink nudge nudge.

nixon was right about abortion

>Those quotes
Can people who write this poorly actually get into college?

>white girl literately generated 10k income by fucking nigger dick


Why do you think her niglets will go on to fuck white people?

I think nigger sob stories are the way to go, muslims are getting BTFO lately.

Because it's a GFM page.

absolutely disgusting, lmao

and you can bet that single mom status is incoming too if it hasn't already, top kek

>stripping me of all my resources including my personal savings, my car, my phone

my=my dad's

Fucking hell I'd disown her too, what a dumb whore

Execute all MUDSHARKS on the spot.

maybe I could make some money like this
what's the legality behind this kind of deal
what if you're not actually an 18 year old coalburner but in stead a 23 year old sweaty neet?

but with 10k+$ more and coming home to daddy paying for her again.

ez money


but I don't see him in the picture already :^)

This is another coal burner. Last year she published a letter pretty much like this one and also tried to get a gofundme going.

In the end it was all fake, she was just mad at her dad.

If they can prove you lied then you may get sued. Otherwise if you create a story full of half truths such as OP's article you may only get people bitching on social media websites

It's the internet, you are what ever you say you are
>t 6'8 300lb aryan

I like the migrant angle except let's connect it to white liberals to really hit the nail.

"I started dating a Syrian refugee and my oppressive Israeli parents have kicked me out for dating the enemy! please help our love Trump hate!"

Shekels will fly and at the end donate every penny to a Trump foundation

looking at how this woman talks (i.e. like a 70 IQ nignog), it seems that she is fully brainwashed to act this way. Thanks, MTV!

I am traveling for work to Mississippi and was at McDonald's for lunch today. There was a fairly attractive white woman in there with two mixed black boys (I think they were twins). She was good looking, in shape (a rarity in this state) pretty face, sounded like she was educated. Which in my experience especially the last part does not correlate with white women who coalburn.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention to her but the two boys were running all over the place out of control so it was hard to ignore them. At any rate right before I left I heard one of them call her "Aunt T" so she was not their parent after all. Thanks to Sup Forums I felt strangely relieved by that fact whereas it used to be I wouldn't have cared at all.

look at her twitter looks like she found a different nigger after the baby got pooped out

What? They probably wont. They'll probably fuck other niggers and forever niggerfy this dude's lineage.

At least it's their money and not everyone else's.

Two Type of People Triggered by This.

Black Women & White Men..

The secret group: The worthless.

White Men and Black women are the worthless group.

Alpha Black Male and Alpha White Female should have genetically bread you both out a century ago.

There should be no Dark ugly black women, and No Pale White Males. Only superior Brown/Blacks in America.

The secret connection between ugly black women and white men is being exposed!

Most black realize the White male's part, but ignore the ugly black females part in the whole situation.

Nature and evolution will be done. Like it or not.

Undesirable Black Females and White Males days are numbered.

>except kanye
GTFO, degenerate filth

I love how you can't scrub the nigger out of the gene pool.

She's just using retards to get free shit. Good for her!

Women are lying manipulative cunts who will do anything for money and attention. More shocking news at 11.

The one I posted was fake. The nigger was indeed named "Nike" but everything else was made up.

how can they take away her savings if she is 18? thats illegal you cant take away someones savings

it never belonged to her to begin with


Two Type of People Triggered by This.

Black Women & White Men..

pic related..

Why? Just ignore them if you hate them so much.

This girl pet nigger "nike" accidentally posted her number on twitter. So like other anons did, I texted it.

>my cell phone number got posted on twitter
>350 texts
>200 calls from angry teenage nigs later

nah dude im all for killing niggers but i cant lie id spank dat jungle bootie hoe

her mistake was only asking for 10k

stupid liberals would have given 250k

I bet he rails her so hard with his thick 8" cock.

But in all seriousness, this is fucking lame.