Divorced white dad reporting in seeking advice

I'm in my mid 30s.

Got married in my early 20s, divorced in my early 30s. Basically, I knocked up a party girl, manned up, put a ring on it, and she continued to be a party girl. I tried my best to make things work, but she had been physically, and verbally violent with me one too many times, so we got a divorce after 8 years of trying to work it out. The police arrested me one night for "abuse" when her hand broke on my face. (over turned)

My life consists of the following... Monday-Friday I work as a wage slave for my Jewish Masters.

Ex wife doesn't work so I have to not only pay for her house, but pay for my house, and 2 kids. She got them 5 days a week, and goes out fucking random guys on the weekend. Also she talks shit about me to the kids, and I haven't had time to get my dick wet in over 2 years.

My alternatives are Prison, Homelessness, and Suicide, and Deadbeat. All sound fan fucking tastic at times...

Saturday, and Sunday I have custody of my 10, and 11 year old girls.

This is the kind of shit my kids listen to...


How do I stop my kids from listening to nigger music?

Hearing my 10, and 11 year old girls cheerfully listen to a nigger chant this is unacceptable

"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun"

How can I force them not to listen to this garbage, and at the same time not have my kids hate me anymore than they already do?

I work A LOT, as I provide for 4 people,and 2 houses... and I literally do not have time to be a father during the week because I am working. So getting full custody wouldn't help my situation.

Am I just fucked? I don't know what to do, and I'm miserable...

Other urls found in this thread:


I think you dropped this

hire a detective and a psychologist and try to get full custody due to parental alienation and irresponsable mother. Also get her drug tested

Not sure where you'll get the money for this

Become a strict parent

The world is out of control.

Niggers and women must be stopped.

Yep you're fucked. How did your divorce go? Was this the result after you fighting tooth and nail the whole way or did you come to some agreement with the whore?

Harsh, dude. But yeah pretty much this

Also, what state are you in?

This is probably your only legitimate chance. No court's going to modify custody without a reason.

Do this, OP

Just go out to central Asia and become a healer. That's my plan at least

Thats what you get for having sex before marriage.

But nicki minaj and lady gaga arent niggers theyre aliens

MOVE!!!! Leave the country and fuck that bitch 10 ways to Sunday! Learn how to make money online / your own business and don't be a slave to those cunts!

Pic related is your daughter in a few months

>Yep you're fucked. How did your divorce go? Was this the result after you fighting tooth and nail the whole way or did you come to some agreement with the whore?

Courts side with women and children over the father consistently

.>Also, what state are you in?


>hire a detective and a psychologist and try to get full custody due to parental alienation and irresponsable mother. Also get her drug tested
>Not sure where you'll get the money for this

Hiring a detective costs thousands of dollars.

And full custody would not work unless I had another woman in my life to watch the kids (Another dependent...)

This was my dinner tonight...

And to the guys with the Brendan Frasier hair meme... I wish I'm going bald

Agreed with this.

Good luck OP, though I don't know you or your face, I wish you nothing short of the best of luck.

I am trying to think of solutions here, but I have none. You are fully enslaved.

All you can do is to continue to pay, and live life as you had wanted before you became a dad. What did you dream of doing before she got pregnant? Do that.

Just man up.
You need to bring something to the table.

You missed your chance. You should have murdered her before the divorce and fucked off to Mexico.

Now, how to salvage this situation you're in? First of all, I think teenagers are just naturally edgy, and they probably don't even find niggers attractive. What you can do is honestly ask them about their taste in music, why they like what they like and so on. Perhaps you can do some digging on your own within that "genre" and find a White musical substitute. Perhaps you can ask them whether they don't find those lyrics a little mindless.

About the financial stuff ... I don't really know how alimony payments work in the USA. Do you have to pay a fixed amount of dollars or a percentage of your income? And based on what? Perhaps we can do something there if I knew how it is.

Give me a phone number m8 ill sort that lot out

>You are fully enslaved.
His only other option is to leave the USA. Maybe he should try Chile or Argentina.

niggiest white guy i have ever seen.

The best you can do is warn other young men of these perils. There's currently a bunch of jackasses on Sup Forums advising young white males to make the same mistakes you did.

Good luck!

Redpill them as in

Home school them
Make them listen to older music
Tell them the truth about the music industry

You have to redpill them young.

No miracles, but you can have a plan... Check this:


cant this be taken to court? Jesus christ


they are kids and as soon as they hit 14-16 they will either grow out of it or think for themselves. thats the music that the "hip hop/pop" radio pust on. dont worry if they dont grow out of it they will eventually.

Hate to say it, but this guy is right. Taking care of the finances and raise those kids will be an up hill battle that will cost you your life. She will take all she can and she will not let up. Your kids will do the same, but in 20 years they might come around and say "dad I guess you weren't so bad after all" then in 40 years they'll be so eager to put you in a home and scavenge on your remains. Sorry to be bleak user, but bail, and don't look back. You tried to man up, but the system will always keep the man down.

Damn. Good luck user. :/

stop paying her, stock up cash, flee the country.

i would recommend japan so u can become weeb, desu.

OP, this is going to be hard for you to except. But you gotta just let it all go. I'm going to assume you have work experience in a decent enough field that you could apply for a position in another country.

Do that. Preferably one which doesn't have any extraditions to the US, but that's optional. Now what you do is you get that job, and then without telling fucking anyone. You fuckin' leave.

You gotta start over my friend. That's the beauty of the modern world, you can fuck it all up, but you can just restart. If you can't find a job, there is always the French Foreign Legion.

It will be rough, but in the end you'll be thankful for having the capacity to free yourself from your own self-inflicted prison. Just trust me on this.

>Got married in my early 20s, divorced in my early 30s.
Pretty much the same as you up till there. Had kids when we were 24 and 27. fucked around on me when she was 32. I have towed no line bowed to no lawyer, and shit on her for the next 8 years, I made her beg to make me come back. I'm more calm these days.

Consider enrolling your kids in music lessons, maybe piano or violin or whatever interests them. i'm guessing you don't have a lot of money but it could be worth the investment.

I did both piano and violin as a child and grew up with a deep appreciation for classical music, even though i sometimes like nigger music i didnt wind up being a nigger lover because i know their music requires 0 talent.

also with two girls it's hard, young girls look up to other women in the media and when all the famous women in the media are negresses like nicki minaj, thats where they are getting all their ideas on how to be a woman about. consider buying them books written by wholesome white women? or TV shows and movies with wholesome white women?

go to prison for a while, stop paying child support see how she likes it

not realy for example romanian rap's best sellers are famous for their political establishment fights

as one rap song said "the state is the whore you are forced to marry with"

He can start a new family in another country, a REAL family. There are a lot of whites in Argentina. If you really have to, just sail to Chile and squat in the forest, at least you will be a free man rather than a slave.

Suicide dude. Maybe murder suicide to guarantee any money you have only goes to the kids.

I never thought Id say this as I always think giving up is no solution but..give up. Bail leave them, if this really is your life right now you need to leave. Leave the country and start life anew, do not look back. Drop everything save any money you can this is a uphill battle if you save and its one that yields no rewards. Look at it from an outside perspective...if we did that more often our lives as men would be much different. Im all for saving the white race and all this shit but a lot of white women are beyond saving. Degenerates are degenerates man. I hope Trump is only the beginning to saving the moral less country we have but we have a lot of work to do. As for you, its best you pack up and leave and fight the oncoming race wars that will inevitably arise in the future.

you're more than halfway through it man. hang in there. Im in the same boat as you.

Dont push your kids to much. Just expose them to other things. My daughter is 14 and she used to listen to that pop shit all the time because her mom has no culture or class. Now she listens more to what I listen to but still at times put that garbage on.

They are still young. You have plenty of time to pass on your morals.

tell your daughters to stop listening to nigger-music. women are too ignorant to redpill themselves, they need assistance

Why is Sup Forums helping this degenerate divorcee?

OP you fucked up your own life and this is the price you pay for being such a loser.


Hey OP. Your life sounds like my literal nightmare life. I am very sorry to hear that things turned out this way, and I genuinely want you to remove yourself from the situation.

I know you probably have other family and friends in the US but leaving the country, your ex wife, and your kids behind may legitimately be your only option.

Depending on your job, just leave.

You can start anew. Best of luck. I really hope things get better.

>oy vey stop trying to properly raise two children goyim just let them be themselves

This... you'd be supporting them either way op.

You got a raw deal but that's just how it is...

Just pray that she dies or something..

Simple. Get yourself about $3,000 and pay a pair of gang-banging thugs to break into the house and kidnap her. If necessary, move to a state where they are crappy dealing with child support/alimony. I think Florida is one of those states, although I could be wrong. This way you can skip the payments and save quicker. Pay a little now, the vast majority later.

Let them have their way with her for a few days while you find an appropriate burial site. Dig a ditch about 8 feet and have some cinderblocks and a wooden coffin ready. Once the nigs have had their fill, have them drag her out to your location (make sure you have a burner phone for this). Pay them, (make sure you're armed) and then bury the bitch alive with cinderblocks on top of her coffin.

She will never bother you again. If they get caught half-way through, it gets blamed on them. If you're kids are harmed, they get no cash period.

Just walk away. Stash 30k back and open a bar in the Bahamas

remain positive with your kids, show them stern stable love. they will resist but always forgive.

Introduce them to good music and culture. Spread a positive message because that's usually attractive to youth.

t. 30y/o father of one.

fucking idiots. come back to me after you've built a decade old marriage.

This music is fun to listen to but degenerate for children who don't understand it's satire. Inspire a sense of fun when your kids are with you. Classic rock, the Beatles, Elvis. Throw in some classical.

OP should have thought of that before marrying and divorcing a slut.
Letting your children grow up in a single-parent household is the most degenerate thing a person can do.

as soon as those CS payments stop, your daughters will be singing a different tune. of course, by that time, you'll probably be just coming out of a lifetime of being broke. you have to take the highroad and let me manage life on their own after that. they may hate you, they may not. either way, at some point they'll have to accept that their situation derives wholly from their mother and her attitude (that she taught to them) about you.

fuck it, man. you only around once in this world. make the best of it and stop caring about people that don't care about you. even the ones that should. even the ones you love.

>always keep
What's with the victimization and identity politics lately? At first it seems pol was doing it ironically, but now sections of pol have bought the same meme hook and all.

The guy married a party chick. Both made mistakes.

Men get fucked in family court, plain and simple.

no shit. stay out of that fucking system. Its not like they're drafting fathers.

All i can say is TOP KEK

bro in here you can get a 2 bedroom apartment beach view for 500 bucks a month where i am just save up cash and come here and enjoy life cheaply and lots of q.t girls

They'll grow out of rap if you raise them right

Just stop. Inform them all that they're all giant disappointments, and renounce all rights to the children.

You passed on your dna. You're good.


Just continue being a man be strict with your time with them. I know its exasting, but keep it up

Also RED-PILL them, and NEVER insult their intelligence.

Listen to classical music and go to museums and act like intelligence is a normal cool thing.

Life isnt fair, but dont let it beat you. Your kids are your legacy, any woman will howevr fuck you over

Either introduce them to better red pilled music or if worst case scenario give them negative verbal feedback for doing that stuff.

As someone in a similar to OP's position - FUCK YOU there's no fucking money left

Just plant some drugs in her car and call the cops and say a drug addict is endangering her children by driving.

wtf, where spanish bro?

You only have to deal with it for 2-4 years. If you raised your kids right then they'll love you and realize what a whore their mom is.

You're going to suffer in that time period but once the child support is paid it's paid. Why the FUCK are you paying for her house if you don't HAVE TO? You're not on the hook for alimony? SO STOP.

In 2 years the child support is cut in half, in 4 she gets 0. Just knuckle under and deal with it, she'll end up a blown out whore with nothing to show and her kids will hate her, time is on YOUR side, just don't let yourself go.

First find a financial planner that works for you. Things like whose name is on the mortgage and can you claim her as a dependent on your taxes should be discussed. Also talk wills and retirement. Find a small place in the best school high school district for you. When the kids hit high school the decision won't be mom or dad, it will be crappy high school with gang bangers or that good school with AP classes. They may even start writing down your address and living at mom's but when they have to get up 30 minutes early to get to school they will end up staying with you.

Know that 5-8th grade are the worst! My kids were singing junk pop at that age too. As a dad start talking future and goal setting. What do yo want to be when you grow up? type stuff. Compliment what they are good at and help them find a passion, be it music, theater, sports or math club. Help them find those activities in their school now and then show up. She may have custody M-F but you can still go to the band concert. Also use your weekends to teach them to cook.

Hang on for about four years, high school is a whole different ball game. They don't need that constant parental supervision. They need involvement but they can understand you are working late so they need to cook themselves. And if she was physically violent with you she will likely start being violent with them. Make sure they know they are welcome at your place.

Dude, you sound like one of those mgtow faggots. Fucking man up and stop abandoning your kids you mgtow nigger

Here's my serious advice to you op (now that im done laughing)

You are hopeless. Its established that your kids hate you right now and their whore mother will probably force some nigger step father down their throats. You cant do shit, thats a fact.
if you are determined, i think its time for their mommy to take a trip to belize, the only real solution. Be smart, but judging by your previous decision making skills, i dont trust you enough to do it.kek

I think we all choose our own personal hell, you both are in a situation where you perceive that there's no way out, there always is. Audit your finances, check job opportunities across the country that pay better, figure out some way to leave or change the situation instead of being upset by the situation.

This is a fair point. She has to figure something out.

find a way to kill the bitch without getting caught, dispose of the body by melting it in chemicals (but buy the chems slowly over time, if you buy all at once its a tell, and don't use credit cards) and get yourself an alibi from a close friend who you know will never flip on you

alimony and child support gone just like that, kids revert to you and you prob get the house back as well

>be a dumb faggot
>pay the consequences
Sorry OP, I don't see the issue.

Think before you knock up some degenerate fuck next time.

Picture definitely unrelated.

>How do I stop my kids from listening to nigger music?

Introduce them to this sort of music:

Ok guys, here's the solutions from first hand experience -

Do a job working for tips (server) the government takes your checks and will leave you alone, keep tips

Work under the table, risk dl suspension and jail - I've had both

Move out of country and wait out your passport and hope you don't get deported - haven't done this yet

My favorite - Go on Reddit and learn seduction or redpill seduction and start a harem, stay at a different girls house nightly and never pay rent, stick to the girls with houses and money

Lower your standards, go on tinder and find some fatties that will take you in because lonely - marry fatty

Best wishes to all my brother in the slave trade

This... make sure it can't get back to you

Deadbeat is the only option. You only live once and years go fast and your children will understand and forgive you. Prison you'll lose all and years and Homelessness is not an option. Flee somewhere and start a new life, she can have the children if she fought so much. You already lost 8 years like me (6 to 13 foster homes/centers)

Freedom, nothing can beat that

hes already JUSTed enough

I would say leave the country, which is what I planned to do, but Trump won, so I'm going to stay here at least 4 more years and keep paying child support because there's a chance that Trump will fix the broken family court system (he has experience with it and saw what a degenerate Tiffany became because of it).

What'd you do?


>when you stick your dick in a whore, marry her and she unsurprisingly acts like a whore so you complain on an online chinese papercrafts forum
DAE all women are whores? i'm not responsible for my life choices.

tell the fucking story already you piece of shit

The thing that I hate most about my life is that I'm intelligent enough to know just how fucked I am at this point.

I did the math in my head.

If I chose never to marry, and never have kids (at least ones that I pay for)

Then I went out after work to the bar every night I work after work. If I had 3 beers, 1 for each of them. I could then pay a random whore at the bar 50 dollars to blow me 5 days a week...

If I lived that single guy life, no kids, no wife, no child support, or alimony, or paying anything for them... If I did all that on top of all the booze, and blowjobs I would have 100 dollars more in my pocket every week... for being a degenerate.

My plan is that when things go south i'm just going to flee to south america with my gold bullion and then live a meagre but happier life doing renovations for people's home.

Maybe i'll marry a south american girl and start a new family

poison them OP, dont let them grow up in that nigger and kike occupied "country" of yours, theyre better off dead anyways.

then, kill that slut whore of a "wife" of yours, if you cannot kill her at least throw acid in her face, and burn the property down

then head to a marina and steal a boat and live the rest of your life a lonely sailor

thats what I'd do in your place

just find a euro expat

There were so many thigs you could do OP...

Falcon punch
Not knocking up so e degenerate whore 2 times
Assertig dominance and not being beta (good luck with that in your matriarchal society)

Consequences will never be the same

Well, 4 years gives you a chance to save money if you decide to take the pirate island option. Women in The Trinidad are pretty hot , speak English and rent is cheap

>Trump doing anything

He'll make a half arsed attempt to build his wall and it'll still be in the planning stage by the time he leaves office or dies. He'll do nothing else apart from twitter and go to the white house to piss the bed.

Fucking kek

Won't most european countries cuck you into paying child support from overseas?

I'm already entitled to immigrate to britain on an ancestry visa but i don't trust their government. They are more cucked than we are.

Go to Germany in blackface with no ID, they'll issue you a new identity with whatever name you tell them.

>the state of american men

This guy knows what he's talking about, looks like he took the ultimate pill, the piss pill.

If doing the math was your strong point you wouldnt e in this mess friendo. You got jewed i hope you still have your 4skin

>i hope you still have your 4skin

Nope... they took that when I was a baby without my consent

Kill her.

I'm 100% serious. That bitch of a wife does not deserve to live. There is NO JUSTICE that does not involve killing her.

Move to Syria, join YPG or Peshmerga and fight ISIS.

>I'm already entitled to immigrate to britain on an ancestry
You need a grandparent born in the UK right?

>tfw only have a great grandparent born in the UK