The original shitposter

the original shitposter

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

bitch please

What did he post? Feces?

Was it autism?

yes. the famous 95 feces


Satan was the original troll who got banished to hell

>stealing Earl of Grey's meme

This is below you Chile


Fuck Martin Luther and fuck Germans, because of this faggot we had hundreds of years of religious wars and millions of people were turned away from the only true Roman Catholic Church

Martin Luther posted the truth.
Something a Roman Catholic knows nothing about.
The Catholic cult is literally the pagan Roman empire and the pope is Caesar. They have replaced a plethora of gods with a multitude of saints.



Enjoy following the Whore of Babylon, then. John Paul II kissed the Koran, and Francis kissed the feet of Muslims - next pope will probably give them a blow job.

get a room you 2

Yeah all the wars were all his fault. It had nothing to do with a family of inbreds ruling half of europe and papal abuse of power.

>claims Catholics don't know the truth
>Protestants refuse to listen to the only church that was founded by Jesus's disciples

you identified the argentinian

>Catholic church: calls crusades to remove kebab from the holy land
>Church of England: founded because the king couldn't have the baby he wanted and killed all his former wives

Who cares? I can sin as much as I want and just pay for an indulgence later.

>Current Catholic Church
>Anything but a complete joke

I grew up Catholic but seeing how gay the pope is and some of the gay ass pageantry makes me question if I should change for my kids.

Protestants have no morality. You can murder, steal and rape but it's all forgiven if you "love Jesus enough". Meanwhile Catholics have good values instilled into them like having to confess your wrong doings and asking for forgiveness

Fuck been a while since I was in school, what's this fuckers name again?

>next pope will probably give them a blow job.

This made me laugh harder than it should have

why is he holding the middle down with his left hand while his right hand is nailing the upper right corner. Cross-shitposting for sure. A visionary.

Protestantism is the precursor to today's moral relativity.

The one true church can survive a bad Pope or two.



Imagine shitposting so hard it destroys Western Civilisation forever.

And yet it was the British that finally crushed the Muslim caliphate in World War 1.
C of E succeeded where Cuckolics failed.

>Founded by degenerates and allows degeneracy to occur in the family

Like I said before, they can literally do anything they want but it's all ok because" I really believe in Jesus really hard"

Martin Luther, a professor of "morality" theology.

wait, isnt that what we are doing here?

>And yet it was the British that finally crushed the Muslim caliphate in World War 1

Kiwis actually believe this
What was Gallipoli?

and catholics can do whatever they want and then just pay for an indulgence



We are fixing it m8

Namesake of Martin Luther KANGZ Jr
>I'm not a black man tonight!
>I'm fucking you for god!

Well nothing since this scene never happened.

Luther X



Not true, you're not getting into heaven unless you confess all of your sins, ask god for forgiveness and attend church. Meanwhile Protestants become transgenders but it's magically ok for no reason

you could say he was the ultimate shit poster

>it's magically ok
thats how religion works

Nice bantz

¨That's where you're wrong white boy!

Lutherans and Catholics are literal retards.
The only acceptable denominations are Orthodox and Calivnist.

tfw the animal depicted there is already extinct

>my imaginary friend is better than yours

It couldn't handle the bants

*tips fedora*

>he is a fedora tipper
do you feel euphoric?

If you play on speed 2 it only takes 12 and a half minutes, I'd recommend it.

>Luther describes Jews as a "base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth."[6] Luther wrote that they are "full of the devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine,"[7] and the synagogue is an "incorrigible whore and an evil slut".[8]

I feel bad for that fat man. He dressed himself up, showered, and got a picture professionally taken to try and look good.

Little does he know that his picture is plastered on the Internet as an insult. "You disagree with me? Well, see this fat guy? He's you."

I wonder how he would react if he found out his picture was being used this way. His jaw would probably drop lol.

>expecting me to listen to a neckbeard speaking for 25 mins

give me a TL DW before I commit to it

>the joke

>you're head

Basically he goes into the nature of esoteric religion and accessing God.

The catholic church at the time was theologically corrupt, and now they still are to a lesser extent but they are now also morally corrupt.


>muuuh childrens cartoons and reddit memes
you just cant stop embarrassing yourself, can you?

>atheistic interpretation of religion
>exoteric or esoteric
already the beginning sounds retarded. what is good about it that I should watch it?

I love you.

It's a very nice explanation of religion beyond muh skydaddy.

>implying from Pompeii.htm

Oh fuck, that's good.

>Atheist with a stick up his ass

Really subverting those expectations...

well he did actually consume a small amount of his urine and feces every day

it's called not being wasteful