I din't understand what makes """Whites""" different from other Caucasians? Caucasians are one and the same race. "White" is just a construct. Northern Europeans, Slavs, Mediterraneans, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Middle-Easterners, Hispanics are one in the same race. Quit being bitches about your imaginary concept of a separate singular "white race"
I din't understand what makes """Whites""" different from other Caucasians? Caucasians are one and the same race...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off nigger.
>sneaking hispanics in there
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off Pablo.
Religion and culture including trying to avoid inbreeding
Arabs looks more like niggers to me. in the end, most of these are not pure caucasoids and there is still enough difference.
"Whites" being a construct was devised as a tool too demonize and attack them
Redpills please:
were greeks and italians and spanish basically blonde/whites until muslim hordes invaded and raped for hundreds of years? or is it just mediterranean climate?
ftfy 56% guy
only in the fantasies of illiterate stormniggers
this guy has significant amount of east african admixture but there are millions of pure white looking arabs especially in the area of lebanon syria and iraq.
>lebanon syria
Not ethnic Arabs, they are levantines
Again, not ethnic Arabs, they are mesopotamian
what am i looking at
The pic of South Indian is actually from the north.
DNA samples from neolithic and post neolithic hungary up to the iron age
notice how you don't have many blonde blue eyed folks there
south Euros is still mostly neolithic in heritage with people like Sardinians having most of their ancestry date back to the copper age
the idea of a Scandinavian looking Europe at any time in history is pure bollocks from any angle
This thread was made to trigger italians btw
>what is resolution of scale
to be fair a lot of famous romans had fairly light features.
then again that isn't exactly out of the ordinary in modern rome now. could merely be chance, could be something as innocent as southern italians moving north after unification and urbanization.
>to be fair a lot of famous romans had fairly light features.
bah, many of the supposed quotes are hardly reliable and are very late in history
most of them are from this Malalas guy who wrote in very late Rome about people who lived many centuries before him
I still have to see anyone here actually post those quotes, I haven't been able to find them myself.
>to be fair a lot of famous romans had fairly light features
What is the source for this? This meme pic that stormfag Nordicists like to post non-stop? Reminder that isn't a single source here besides Suetonius that is reliable and translating "subflavum" as blonde is dubious because it can also mean chestnut brown, auburn, light brown, etc. In the case of Augustus we have the polychrome reconstruction of his statue that shows his hair color as being light brown.
Complete color reconstruction of Augustus.
What is wine colored eye? yellow?
>Northern Europeans
>are one in the same race
That's only in your mind Ahmed
Dude, Malals was tripping when he wrote that. It doesn't mean anything most likely. He's not considered a historically accurate source by most historians. Augustus has amber colored eyes in his reconstruction. He also looks a lot like Stallone.
According to the US census they are
He looks autistic, just like OP
actually I found this translation here: en.calameo.com
I've checked Domitian and Commodus and the only translation is "fair hair".
For the supposed red-headed Vitellius what the translator uses is "ruddy complexion" with no reference to the hair.
Also it seems to me this guy loves to use the term "grey" since he uses it all the time for both hair and eyes.
Mind you Malalas lived when the WRE had already collapsed.
"Ruddy complexion" means red cheeks, doesn't it?
not sure, maybe a generally rosy skin
also lol at pic related
Absolutely impossible in the case of Iberia since the Romans described us as swarthy people with curly black hair.
Not just that, Southern Euros and Northern Euros come from different stock/substrates.
>dark skin
We wuz Romans n shit
it was does by jews in the USA, so displace germna, irish and other communities, merge them all to get rid of their heritage and identity and make them generic "whites" and put them up against blacks.
listen to E Michael Jones
>it was does
it was done*
>pure white looking arabs
> lebanon syria and iraq
They are not arabs, in fact they are Kurd and Yazidi people
And talking about Lebanon :
" plastic surgery an 'epidemic' in Lebanon"
kek, it says the same about Tiberius as well, with included "curly hair"
lots of material for afrocentrists as well
>The no go area of popular fictionalized white bwoy history is that “the Aryans built Rome”. How true is this? No it is a damned lie!
>Was Rome a white Empire? Were the Romans white?
>The truth was that Rome was a multi-ethnic Empire. Any true scholar with the slightest mastery of classics will attest to this. Any one who has had to write a thesis on Rome in at the Doctoral level would not contest this truth.
>Rome as well as the entire southern and central and western Europe was built by aboriginal black Europeans sometimes called the mysterious Celts, NIGRI-LATINIS, the IBERIANS or the Maurs.
Wew lad, how does it feel to know our mere existence causes infinite butthurt to nordicists and afrocentrists alike?
>According to the US census
" The White House wants a new racial category for people from the Middle East and North Africa."
" The new category would be called MENA and would cover people from countries in those two regions."
" Middle East and North Africa category expected on 2020 Census forms"
" Check it right — you ain't white."
it's weird, even to this day they are still constantly trying to get a piece of it
How can white bois even compete?
Are you a fuckin retard
Beaners are brown not due to their hispania genes you dipshit.
Hispanic is a geographic term for anyone that speaks spanish
Explain why "Ted Cruz" is a white hispanic
How can you forget burgers? they're white too.
With Hollywood everything is possible
Even resurrecting the dead :