How do we deal with the russian problem?
How do we deal with the russian problem?
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What Russian problem? Be specific, nigger!
wanna clean my toilet ukrop shit?
What is that flag?
Soft power/propaganda doesn't work on the general populace's RT fried brains so it has to be done the hard way. The main objective should be to neutralize their nuclear capability either through a robust missile defense shield system or having a first strike capability that can't be responded to (hypersonic missiles). Either way, Russia needs to be nuked and they *will be nuked*. It's only a matter of time before the world has enough of their shit and glasses them.
Not making shitty bait threads for a start.
If you try to neutralize their offensive capability they will be forced to attack before that happens and they lose that capability.
>hypersonic missile
You are aware RV is hypersonic right?
Not yet operational and not yet deployed, and you just know it's going to be Russian-tier garbage that won't work right. In contrast, America already is already prompt global strike capable.
You know what, we should glass your shit up right now you barcode haircut nigger.
What's RV?
more fake news
fake news - trump will give up on ukraine
For a guy who doesn't know what RV is you sure know a lot about the capability of Russian nuclear forces. RV is reentry vehicle, the vehicle that separates from rocket in orbit and delivers the nuke to it's target. ICBM one reaches Mach 25+.
I guess I would start by deposing/assassinating Putin and the rest of the current oligarchs, then just let chaos take over the country.
I'd also say flood the country with cheap drugs, but them russians seem to be way ahead in that department. And they seem immune to modernist progressive bullshit, so... no.
Just take out the oligarchs, that should fuck the country up all by itself, I'd say.
I'm not pretending to know what I'm talking about. I'm just a random shitposter desu, but I like to believe I see the bigger picture in this cat and mouse game between the US and Russia. It's all about nukes.
This would set off nukes.
Russians can nuke you and you can nuke Russians. There is no way to avoid getting nuked if you start it.
And if you try to limit or destroy their ability to nuke you, they will be forced to attack before that happens.
Furthermore it's all hypothetical. There is still no way to intercept a missile during initial phase, and intercepting a missile in terminal phase is like trying to hit a fired bullet with a bullet from 500m.
Only this bullet is doing evasive manouvers. Theoretically possible, but it would cost too much to make a meaningful impact.
literally a non country
>That one butthurt Ukrainian detected
Partition. It would make Russia less powerful to shit things up and it would also be better for Russians because the country would be easier to control and the smaller Russian states would have healthy competition with each other which would increase the standard of living.
Glad that you came back to your none country.
Next time try to dodge draft some where else.
Nah, they'd be too busy trying to fill in the power gaps and trying to take over shit to nuke anything.
They have a tendency to self-destruct and therefore do not need to be "handled" in any way, shape or form.