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Italian's aren't white. They are subhuman Arab scum.
We need to be glad black women are all fucking nasty. It would be worse than WMAF Asian couples of which there are 14 for each other interracial couple. If blacks were even remotely good looking we'd be fucked. 99.9% of men won't touch a black a women, 95% of women. Jewish women intermarry 73% of the time for instance. We are very lucky people.
Excuse me cuckold? How many italians invented shit? Who fought on the right side of ww2? Fuck off divide and conquer kike
Fuck You Nigger.
i'm not no fuckin arab
Lol most black kids Aborted anyway
Yes but nigs are even worse
what is it with niggers and muslims? they are always throwing acid in someones face
do brown people just carry acid wherever they go?
t. shlomo shekelsberg
Is it really coal burning when a southerner does it though? They are niggers after all
do you know that second KKKlan strongly opposed southern european immigration into america and consider italians as the same level as negroes?
STFU man. You're either a nig or a Jew.
Pretty sure Muslims do
Where are the after pictures?
I came for the freakshow
there's always a price
>consider italians as the same level as negroes?
Not the same.
Above the negros but below them.
Where do niggers get acid? I don't think I've ever heard, "White man throws acid in some dude's face," before. But I can't tell you how many times I've heard of black girls slamming acid in people's eyes. Aren't black people supposed to be athletic? Just body slam people like white people do.
You're part eggplant
She deserves it for dating a nigger
They are evil hanz, evil subhumans.
as if we need a bunch of failed white nationalists movement approval.
KKK are a bunch of rednecks.
Eh they're white but the line is pretty close
You can buy Lye in almost any grocery store and it'll do the job.
why is it almost always pooskins resorting to acid disfigurement when a woman wants to break up? that's some pussy shit.
came here to ask this
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
There was a kid I knew from east london that said they had to stop using ammonia in his school because kids were stealing it from the labs.
He said his mate used to ride around on his bike with a lucozade bottle full of conc ammonia just in case he got jumped or something.
>both him, his mate and his school were about 80% black/muslim. They are soulless for the most part.
Need a meme
muh dick
Lol natural selection doesn't work on an exponentially growing species
Here happened almost the same case the 1st of January
>Colombian 20 yo niggerindian kills is 40 yo ex gf, a university chemistry professor
Things that happen when you play with fire, you end up burnt.
>Projecting this hard.
>Wishing this hard that all of this were true and that the average nigger can even fight unless in groups.
>wishing won't make it happen
Here's your (you) faggot
>BBC certainly doesn't apply to you does it m8, you seem a bit upset
What's this all about my dude?
It's ammonia over here and kids get it from school chemistry labs or you can buy it I think
Nice proxy kike.
I was thinking about it right now.
Ooga booga bix hood muh dig mofuggah
I'm more surprised that this jew-nosed bitch once Miss Italy. Prove that Italians are not white. Fucking white wannabe niggers.
I've always wondered this. Why acid?
Well... her sight got
they really need to stop letting nigger refugees into egypt
t. Copt
Niggers, not even once.
>1 post by this ID
>egypt proxy
found the cuck thread spammer
>I'm more surprised that this jew-nosed bitch once Miss Italy. Prove that Italians are not white.
Yeah because miss anything is a fair and objective competition
What is this? Racism for Ants?!?!
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
Lol spam
jesus christ. get better sources. it makes your accurate fact look like "fake news"
stale copypasta
Why do niggers and mudslimes have high strength acid just lying around?
It's the actions of an extreme narcissist, they must feel some kind of misguided entitlement.
God damn I wish I didnt come here. You guys fucked me over. Now I can never look at a white girl without them burning coal.
You can turn it into a copypasta; Muh Dik still isn't an argument.
Once you go black, you get an acid attack.
>God damn I wish I didnt come here. You guys fucked me over. Now I can never look at a white girl without them burning coal.
Not all women are whores. In fact, niggerlovers are pretty rare. Most women find them disgusting. It's the (((jews))) ramming it into our eyeballs with every commercial and TV show on the shit box.
Here she is being sexy with her nigger buck in a shitty music video. I hope when she hears this song, because she watch the video anymore because of the blindness, that she remembers she was once young and beautiful and could've had almost any man in the world, but through it all away for a nigger.
Good. The toll must be paid.
You know what I don't understand
Where are these fuckers getting pure acid from
Who the fuck just has acid laying around
A pharmacy, you fucking autist.
Basic chemistry.
>Pharmacy's sell pure acid
What the fuck?
I've never gone into Walgreen to buy a whole bottle of pure fucking sulfuric acid
What the fuck are you talking about
ya fucking white bois are so scared.
Send it to her twatter.
With a nice message that all toll has been payed for.
eyyy lmao, did another nigger chimp out after an obvious whore moved on from him
for all you turbovirgins out there, chicks don't get with niggers because it's not worth the stress being with one, that shitskin is gonna stalk you for the rest of your life
> a nigger
>Basic chemistry.
>Where do niggers get acid?
You can buy it literally everywhere.
>Send it to her twatter.
>With a nice message that all toll has been payed for.
Well, shes blind now so someone would have to read it to her.
Becoming blind later in life is worse than death. I love happy endings. I hope she still feels the pain.
Lye is not an acid, literally the opposite on the ph scale, it's a basic. remember fight club when he puts lye on his hand, then suggests vinegar over water to neutralize the burn? yeah, that's because vinegar is acidic, and would return the lye to a more even ph balance. also, if he had run water over it, the water would mix with the remaining lye still dry, and would become caustic and burn the rest of the flesh on his hand away.
Kys nigger.
>white "women"
Bumping for more nigger hate.
And nothing of value was lost.
Need a meme
Italians wtf, we are supposed to be some of the least cucked european men. Cucking is a nordic thing, what the fuck are you shitheads doing?????
Here's another slut that got her come uppance by her nigger lover too. Brings joy to my heart knowing that their outside appearance now mirrors who they are on the inside. Perfect.
Whats with niggers and throwing acid on people?
Yeah but she had such a coool boyfriend though. Just look at them dreads and his sick tan. WOW
Jesus, this stupid slut gets acid thrown on her face and almost dies. What does she do? Hooks up with another fucking nigger, goddamned.
>Brings joy to my heart knowing that their outside appearance now mirrors who they are on the inside. Perfect.
You have a point here. Women such as these don't deserve any beauty. They should be branded for what they are.
More proof they have obvious mental health problems
I think a lot of the time it's actually stuff like drain cleaner, which is usually a base. It's just easier for people to understand if it's called acid
Y'know, there's a thing in machine learning called "overtraining".
It's when your AI gets obsessed with a specific metric of success and takes it way past the point where it's still at all relevant.
Africans are basically the same thing in humans applied to prehistoric standards of fitness.
Meanwhile those who struck out to eventually become whites, asians, and jews, were the ones who realized there was something better to achieve in life than "muh dick 'n phat booty breeding bitches", went through the trial by fire of harsher climates than "easy mode Africa", developed higher intelligence and civilization to compensate, and ever since the frontier of humanity has been ruled by those too smart to fall for the dumb brute gene trap.
And now we've got a bunch of big black bait to lure away degenerate sluts who fail to represent the best of humankind, inevitably resulting in their continued geneline bearing the taint of their failure as contributors to society.
How come she's still attractive, did she put makeup on the burns? She looks different than other mangled survivors.
>How come she's still attractive, did she put makeup on the burns? She looks different than other mangled survivors.
Yes, its some prosthetics and makeup. Shes had multiple surgeries too, but ain't no way they can fix the inside of that vapid whore.
nice b8 m8
also a great summary of the meme coalburners actually fall for. they truly believe this shit. its like they cant even envision sex with a white guy anymore they somehow trick themselves in this black = manly memery
its sad really since most blacks are utter weaklings and average size but dont tell em that
Where do they even get acid?
Problem is there are just not enough "alpha" white guys to go around these days. Just take a look at the 18 - 25 year old demographic. They are weaklings that play video games all day to be honest. They have no swag or masculinity.