Why do asian women love BWC so much?

Why do asian women love BWC so much?
How do we stop this?
Also whitey hating thread because they keep stealing our women

>Why do asian women love BWC so much?
Is that even true?
>because they keep stealing our women
No I'm not.









>tfw no qt azn gf

Asian girls always look really soft

>Why do asian women love BWC so much?
they don't. they crave our BBC's just like your white women do
>How do we stop this?
you cannot

Stop making such hot women then faggot.

confirmed triggered

are you the gay autistic guy that always posts like 100 times on these threads??

Ignore this fake leaf poster your females love to move here for the superior bwc and aryan seed.

I'm not sure this is necessarily true. I think what it is is that Asians are the most sought after women and whites are the most sought after men, so you see the two together more often than other mixed couples, at least according to dating sites.

Probably an Elliot Rodger.

But op, how can they love something that's not real?

no way to stop it, just give them what they want and watch that belly bulge. oh god they are so tight, oh god they just want more. and they are so totally woke and hate niggers and fags.

They recognise superior genetics when they see it

Please refrain from creating any threads about BWC/BBC/BAC or any crap like that.


>Why do asian women love BLC (Big Latino Cock) so much?

he literally sits all day refreshing looking for these threads and then gets triggered. also the same sad little faggot who put up literally every one of those retarded websites. actually thinks "hapa" is a word that applies outside of hawaii. sad pathetic autist who wants to be a special snowflake.


>I'm not sure this is necessarily true.
It is.
Asian girls fetishize white skin.

It's a cultural holdover from Ancient China, where the aristocracy forced the meme that dark skin (outdoor labourers, peasants) was bad and light skin (rich lazy indoors aristocrats, the Jews of the Orient) was beautiful, in an effort to get more pussy for themselves.

Unfortunately for them, when Euros showed up on the shores of the Orient this meant East Asian women had been accidentally pre-programmed by tradition to lust for the dicks of their pale conquerors.

But regardless of WHY they love BWC, I can guarantee from firsthand experience that they do so.

I guess its so they can have better life than what your men are willign to offer them. Also, asian women are fucking disgusting compared to every other race out there.

Asian women are fucking dumb

Asian girls all look the same to me. They're cute, but nothing compared to the beauty of the Aryan woman. You can keep them, Zip.

go get your pasty chink ass of the computer and go find a girlfriend then

Hispanic > Jew > Asian > White > Arab > Indian > Black

>they crave our BBC's
All the Asians I know hate blacks. Never aspired to even talk to them.

So in all, muh dick.

I dated a korean and she was disgusted by blacks. More than anyone I've ever met IRL


Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!

When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.

No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!

You could have left off the "Asian" part.
Also I suspect that Asian women are the smartest ones (in the sense that their brightest are smarter than other races' brightest), so while you are correct in an absolute sense you are wrong in relative terms.

What Asian men should start doing is stealing Muslim or Hispanic women.

Actually, I have a stable relationship with my white girlfriend who loves me, and I love her. Slowly trying to redpill her to the point like I am, but in all, very stable.

Another muh dick.

No women like the TAC except for weaboo whites.

kek nice list paco. You a good goy.
Everyone knows it goes:

tfw no tzuyu gf


It's really just a myth. Asian chicks rarely talk to non-Asians and they cling to their Asian males. I see these every day on the train. It's an autistic weeb fantasy.

it's bait m8

Whites > Arabs > Asian > Jew > Indian > Hispanic > Black

Black men want white women
Asian girls want white men
Asian males and black women get nothing

That's the plan.
That will be how they mix us.



>he hasn't seen the dating website tables that get posted like every fucking day here
The frequency of WMAF is as frequent as same race couples. WMLF and LMWF are also relatively positive.

Cool, took the bait. I reacted calmly, I wasn't pissed, just annoyed.

>When white people are so bored they pretend to be others on the internets

It took a while for my Chinese gf to admit it openly (after we were really in love) but literally having the head of Charlemagne really did something to her. She was basically having dreams straight out of tumblr white fascination fanfiction. I guess it fits all the right boxes since a Asian girl can feel both like she's abducted by le mysterious stranger and like she's marrying into le master race of ethnic aristocrats.
She laughs about it now, as if she doesn't think the same still but I let her say what she wants. That was useful to me since it compensated for my turbo autism when starting a relation (it's different when you are already together).

Sad but true.
Though if you're alpha enough any race can get SJWs and college girls. They will fuck anything that moves for the experience of it.

10/10 would impregnate

Asian men are ugly, short, and have tiny dicks.

>It took a while for my Chinese gf to admit it openly
Eh, mine was mewling sexily about how much she loved and was jealous of my lily-white skin the first time we went to bed.
Literally a fetish.

Not even remotely true.


lol "big" latin cock...haven't found one yet

Does anyone know some good Asian porn actresses who do Western porn and don't look like Chinese subhuman trash? It's extremely hard to find some.

doesn't matter, people take the bait and go with the dominant line


It's a dating site for tumblr users.


he was a half Jew

Asian bitches love my MWC

Well, mine must be more shy.
I'd say she has something for my whiteness, but it's always implied and never direct or vulgar. She doesn't throw herself at my feet saying "oh take care of your chink slave with your BWC" like some larping slut.

White dude here. I don't think they do overall and The ONLY reason whose that do pretend to like white guys is because, they see it on TV. That's really it. I WOULDN'T date them and would even go so far to look down on other white men who do so. Remember, if Reality TV and Walt Disney can sell a shit smelling nigger with the clap to a female what kind of poison CAN'T they sell. Women don't think outside what they see in popular culture on their televisons as a general rule. Women are herd animals coming off a factory an assembly line.

Most Asians I know hate blacks, but one and she is that feminist that feels guilty and gets passed around by black guys at conventions

As a black man, what the fuck would I have to do to land a Japanese woman in the mainland itself?

Rock paper scissors, user.

It's your duty as a chinaman to fuck nigresses and to colonize africa.

Kimochi warui.


more like "normies"

before tinder and co further sled us down the degeneracy slide

Nope. There are many, many of them, and it's not even that much hyped in the classical media. I doubt it's very different in the US (California perhaps?)
It would be very long and very autistic to explain, but there are several details that make these pairing "feel right" to many Asian women and give a positive prejudice to the whole thing.

Stop being black.


asia is hierarchical, whites are seen as alpha in the world, there logical being uncucked by (((them)))