Gay Parents?

Are their any gay people here who have kids? How does it make you feel when Sup Forums or others say you shouldn't be allowed to have kids or even be around them?

Why is Sup Forums so against gays adopting unwanted children? They are no more likely than heterosexual parents to abuse the kids!

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My parents are polygamists and my mom and her sister-wives mess around with each other. But that doesn't really count, does it? They're not really gay.
>Are their any gay people here who have kids?
Oh, wait, I thought this question was "are there any kids of gay people here?" Fuck

>Why is Sup Forums so against gays adopting unwanted children?

Sexual molestation aside, in which homosexuality is a big risk factor. I can't see how two mentally disturbed persons can raise a sane child.

Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness here in Caucasian Country.

Gay people have a really high rate of pedophilia and should not be given children

No we don't. Pedophilia is still a crime and will be punished if it happens. Allowing gays to adopt in no way normalizes pedophila.
Inb4 infographics and outdated studies

So what?, homosexuality is correlated with many other mental diseases and most gays are emotionally damaged. What about those?

"most gays are emotionally damaged"

>Pedophilia is still a crime and will be punished if it happens.

So let's put a lamb in the cage of a hungry lion and blame the him if he eats the sheep?

The data says otherwise

>Allowing gays to adopt in no way normalizes pedophila.
i never said it was. most people don't associate gays with pedophiles
Its dangerous for the children

>outdated studies
how can a study on this sort of thing be outdated? gays evolved into non-pedophiles in the past few years?

Well lets see some data then.

I dont save them but i know you have seen them, which is why you said "Inb4 infographics and outdated studies"

what about the ones that you have seen did you disagree with? what made them seem like bullshit

>Gay people have a really high rate of pedophilia
That's men in general, dumbass. And it's not "a high rate", it just how all men are.

gay man are much more likely than straight men

Well most do deal with 20th century populations and I would argue that mental illness has gone down and prosocial behavior has gone up as a result of being openly gay becoming more socially acceptable and gay marrying becoming legal.

>"most gays are emotionally damaged"

> didn't question the part of mental illness.

>Inb4 infographics and outdated studies"

The lack of newer studies, is not because those issues have been solved, but it is because criticizing gays is equivalent to career suicide.

You should ask for never studies that disprove the older ones.

>protip: there aren't.

Ok well lets see some recent peer-reviewed data. Not my fault you can't provide it :)

That's a really weak nonsense argument

It is you who has to proof that those "old studies" are outdated.

Not really. You'd be anxious/depressed too if you were legally and socially excluded from society.

Because a child needs a mother and a child needs a father to have a functioning family.

Proof burden rests on the person making the counter-claim, not the person purporting the ideology of the status quo, which in the case of the the U.S. is that gays can adopt, and forbidding them would be infringing our rights.

>treats conditions where a person's perception of self is wrong, such as depression or bipolar disorder, as illnesses
>treats mild shit like stress as being terribly bad
>treats someone who is confused about HIS FUCKING BIOLOGICAL ROLE as 100% OK and normal

the burden of proof is on you to prove you're not mentally handicapped

they are attracted to children and rape children because they are anxious and depressed?
wtf are you talking about

Being atracted to and being psycoapthics enough to rape children is mostly genetic, those people dont stop existing because people are nicer to gays


You played yourself.

>citing the huffington post on Sup Forums.

Get the fuck outta here plebbit

Adopted child here.

Is it bad that I don't think Gay couples should be allowed to adopt? I have nothing against them, honestly, I just believe that with as much trauma as babies/kids go through to end up in an adoption, they should be placed with a Mother and a Father so the change in parents doesn't come as such a shock.

When I was first adopted at around 3-4 years old, I remember calling my parents "new Mommy" and "new Daddy".

>Proof burden rests on the person making the counter-claim,

You are saying those studies are outdated, need proof on that one.

>not the person purporting the ideology of the status quo.

facts have nothing to do with ideology, sorry kiddo.

>and forbidding them would be infringing our rights.

Adoption a right? more like a responsibility. Either you are suited for the job or you don't.

I'm not attracted to kids.

Its a court ruling. The source doesn't negate that. You can read up on the court decision in the article at the site of your choice.

As with most things in life, the person who has actually experienced adoption voices for traditional values.

Liberals overidealize things because they never actually experience them
>city people wanting to ban guns and hunting
>rich people wanting unlimited immigration

Sauce [ ] No Sauce [x]

meant to reply to
would still like to see some recent peer-reviewed data on the matter for all the unfounded allegations you have put forth.

You two fags gonna fuck?
Get #

>I'm not attracted to kids.
im not saying you specifically are you sub 100 iq faggot
why cant you follow a conversation

There was no research or statistic to prove otherwise. They literally had a vote with a ~55% majority of the APA saying it was no longer a mental illness due to societal pressure and other dumbfuck reasons. By all means, it's a dangerous illness that can cost children their lives, I.e. Bad upbringing, confusion, denial of gender roles, no moral compass.

I respect you, one of my best friends was also adopted with 3. He has a difficult relationship with his parents.

>tfw no Sup Forums bf

Shut the fuck up. Die.

Is heterosexuality a perversion?




Not looking good gay user

It does not meet the criteria of a mental illness.

U vote trump?

Do it OP


You ok with me user

>would still like to see some recent peer-reviewed data on the matter for all the unfounded allegations you have put forth.

You know that the mere passing of time doesn't make studies invalid.

Thanks user! Trump fights for all American citizens!

Still haven't seen ANY hard data to support your claims user, old or new.

Start shilling you inevitable christcuck

And you are not like the selfish myopic homos that thinks pnly anout themselves

Goos bud good

We all american

Sup Forums does not want it to be normalized but having two of the same gender parents is major disadvantage and leads to societal issues as well.

It did since the dawn of man until millennia later when society began falling apart here in America.

bouchard 643

We also have only had iPhones recently but they sure are nice.

are you a faggot that's dumb and got called out
so now you are pretending to be a troll

Lesbians have a much higher rate of domestic abuse than any kind of couple, so I don't agree that they are just as capable as anyone to raise kids, they'll probably adopt some chink baby and groom it to be a sex slave.

Called out for what? Saying that the integration of homosexuals into post-englightenment Western society is a net benefit? Oh no big bad scary gays gonna poz u up user, better watch out!

That cat has seen some shit.

The reason I have a problem with fags is mostly that humans need a very specific way to turn out "right" I.e. two (different sex) parents, 1-2 siblings, Living in a nice, homogeneous area, etc.

open homosexuality, gay marriage and gay adoption will eventually result in the removal of homo genes from the pool, knowledge bomb

>my sexuality is none of your business, now shut up while i describe it to you in detail

I don't think it's possible to have a baby through yer butt.

this. that's literally all there is to it.

Who knows? You just try and try and keep on trying. Maybe one day...

some of the recent developments in buttbabu technology would surprise you

>never said sexuality is none of your business
Why make up strawmen when the evidence to the contrary is right there? Are you too stupid to think of real counter arguments?

>That Cat

"I've seen some shit mane"

>My parents are polygamists and my mom and her sister-wives mess around with each other.

so your dead has his personal harem of concubines?
thats hot
did you ever get to fuck one of your step-moms?

hahaha ikr

i just opened the thread and saw that pic and shitposted about. if there was some sort of ongoing debate ill leave you to it

I'm in favor of gays adopting, but not having biological children, especially men.

Except if it's their own biological children, then you strip parental rights even to fathers in heterosexual couples. Imagine a widowed male with 3 kids who's mother just passed away, and now their father cannot be allowed to raise his own kids due to fascist government intervention.

Your opinion is retarded.

his opinion is not retarded. if they dont have biological children then 'gay' will die off. although then we will be overpopulated even faster

>But that doesn't really count, does it? They're not really gay.

No, they're just bi, bro.

Until a gay gene is found, no one can prove that it's hereditary.

>I dont save them but i know you have seen them,

Top fucking kek

>I don't have it on hand, uh, I mean, uh, I'm sure you've seen it.

>parents are polygamists

What is he thinking?

HAHAHAHAHA can't make this shit up

Gays clearly are a mutation independent of our success at breeding. For example, when there is a gay sibling, his female heterosexual siblings are more likely to bear more young.

What the fuck are you babbling about, amerifat? I'm not advocating ceasing parental rights.

I'm not against them raising children, thus I'm ok with them adopting. If they had them before getting out of the closet there's nothing to do. Just don't have more, adding more people to this world.

It's selfishness, when you take into account the genes passing as well. Which does, indeed. We all know it, I've witness a family that had many gays in it, with them procreating and creating more gays in an endless circle of life.

You cool with us having surrogate kids?

t. Mormon.

No. Adopt, there are children in need.

Because pol is just another side of the coin of intolerant wahabis muzzie.

But how do I score a white one? If straight couples can have surrogate kids why can't we? I want something with at least partially my genes.

I'm not in favor of them having surrogates either.

I hate seeing a kid walking around and knowing the closest they will ever got to a real mother is a teacher or family friend

how is a child supposed to have a normal upbringing
some gays are normal aside from their homosexuality
but a lot are freaks, polygamists, drug users, emotional wrecks, extremists of one sort of other

a child should have a choice about how they live, it's a terrible state of affairs when giving a child to gays is considered the "lesser evil"
gays can't have kids by themselves, and they shouldn't raise kids by themselves

Or aunt or grandmother.